オサンポ take a walk - bird 燕 swallow

2014年05月22日 | 日記

In the swallow nestle
There is a family lined one deep
It's raining today

最近の朝の日課で、燕の巣を見てから職場へというのがありますが、その日は朝から雨、という日のことでした。燕はどーしているかな? と傘を傾けて覗いたところ、目があまり良くないので多分ですが、雛に混じって親鳥も一緒に巣にいたよーな。雨降りの時はやっぱエサ探しを休むのねん。燕の巣の構造状(壁などにくっ付けた半球の上半分を切り取ったようなもの)、巣の中の燕タチは壁側を背にして、半円状の淵に顔をだして一例に並んだようになるのですが、下から見上げると顔だけが見えて、その様子が何とも面白い。そうしてる時って、たいてい眼をつぶってるし。黙念、って感じで。他の鳥で、巣の中の雛とかの姿を見る機会ってほとんど無いですよね・・・? 専門家でも無い限り。そーいう意味でもとっても身近な野鳥だにゃ、燕。
One thing in my daily life, in these days, I see the swallow nestle before going to the office. At that day, it was raining, I thought if the parents were in or out of the nestle. Because the parents were not always in it. Well, my eyes are not good very much so I could be sure but the parents would have been in. They were lined in one deep with their baby birds. I love to see them! We only can see their face, they close their eyes, it seems like quiet thought. I think we are difficult to see other bird's nestles and then the inside of the nestles. But we can see swallows'. They are great nature but they are so close to us. Isn't it?
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