The walking cat
Who showed wariness to me
Even it wasn't necessary.
オサンポ~オサンポ~。お! 猫発見!コンニャチハ! む? 警戒しとる。じゃあこの辺で取り敢えず一枚。カシャ。もうちょいソバに寄れるかな? む? 無理? じゃあこの辺でもう一枚。拡大して撮りた---、あ! ダメ? あ、まだ行かんといてー。写真、撮らせて下さい!
I'm enjoying walking --- oh? There is a cat! Hello? Uh? That cat is showing wariness---. Well, I will take you a photo here anyway. Can I be close to you a little more? Oh, no? You don't like? OK, I'm zooming you --- oh no! Don't go away, please stay there, please!
The walking cat
Who showed wariness to me
Even it wasn't necessary.
オサンポ~オサンポ~。お! 猫発見!コンニャチハ! む? 警戒しとる。じゃあこの辺で取り敢えず一枚。カシャ。もうちょいソバに寄れるかな? む? 無理? じゃあこの辺でもう一枚。拡大して撮りた---、あ! ダメ? あ、まだ行かんといてー。写真、撮らせて下さい!
I'm enjoying walking --- oh? There is a cat! Hello? Uh? That cat is showing wariness---. Well, I will take you a photo here anyway. Can I be close to you a little more? Oh, no? You don't like? OK, I'm zooming you --- oh no! Don't go away, please stay there, please!