

BEAUJOLAIS VILLAGES Domaine de la Combe 2005

2008-09-01 06:46:46 | フランス・ブルゴーニュ

BEAUJOLAIS VILLAGES Domain de la Combe au Loup Cuvee de l'oisillon 2005


Domaine de la Combe au Loupのボジョレーヴィラージュということは分かります。


BEAUJOLAIS VILLAGES "Cuvée de l'Oisillon"

This wine has a concentrated nose with notes of peony that extends to include strawberries and raspberries on the tongue. A lively and charming wine whose freshness makes it a wine for celebrations.
Each year in November, we produce a cuvée of Beaujolais Villages Nouveau.
Enjoy the fresh and characteristic aromas that will enchant your palate.
Cité régulièrement dans les magazines et guides spécialisés.

When you visit our cellars, we hope that you will have as much pleasure in tasting our wines as we have had producing them
(Domaine de la Combe au Loupから抜粋)
