Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


Private lessons

2016-02-19 18:37:15 | Canada


Hi, guys.

I'd like to introduce two prospective kids as a soccer player who I've been coaching since I came here personally. The format of a practice with them is a bit unique cuz I coach them in a 1 on 1 situation to attach more importance on skills and techniques of soccer.

I myself am not a believer for the need to work on skills with a ball at the very first stage of your soccer career. That's because I started playing at 9, and they are only 7 and 9 too. And I can clearly see them play better than I was at their ages.

But One of them will have a tryout over next few weeks to get into a selected team of a district around here. That's the reason she wanted to have a private lesson with me to make the cut of the team. So I won't be able to sleep well over next few weeks at least until I hear from her having passed the tryout!! haha

The other kid is still only 7!! But he amazingly has a huge energy and passion towards soccer and bring them to every session with me, so that I respond with enoumous enthusiasm to him every single time.

As a matter of course, working out a training plan is a given, and the initial setup before a session decides everything!!











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