Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


Grand finals for U13 girls.

2014-09-24 23:27:32 | Soccer/football

 Hi, guys.

 I've been training with a girl as a private coach. She's only 13, half Jap and Aus, grew up in Brisbane. Her attiture and motivation towards soccer are impressive. I'm overwhelmed. She's been playing for a very good team in Brisbane, and Her team made through a tough season to the regional finals the other day. I went to watch her play for the first time. 

 She was being so nervous on the way to the park in the morning. But when she came on the field, it seemed like being completely blown away and played in a relaxed state. The result came to 3-1 win in the end. And she seized two shiny gold medals at the presentation right after the game. I was so jealous of her draping them around her neck as I got a silver one after failing a penalty shot.

 Anyway, it was a fantastic moment to see her work really hard on the pitch and it was paid off. And I will be able to refer to her performance when I coach her from next. 

 I really proud of you, Mia!! And I was so pleased that I've got involved in super-fast growth as a footballer.  Congrat!!




 周りの親御さんも熱気に溢れた応援で素晴らしい雰囲気。アンダー13というカテゴリーにも関わらず、フィールドは大人と同じ、そして見事な天然芝での30分ハーフ。日本でこんな環境ありえません。彼女も、スタメンではなかったものの、交代は何度でもありのようで、前半の内に出場し、試合終了までピッチでプレーしてくれました。リーグ制覇とプレーオフ制覇の2冠で2つの立派な金メダルを首にかけて記念撮影。(上の写真の上段向かって左から2番目) 僕は先日PKを外し銀メダルだったのでうらやましかった・・。 

