Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


An epoch-making law in France

2014-05-03 22:36:21 | Diary

The French Senate

It's worth knowing!!
France’s parliament has passed a law allowing workers to give some of their days off to a colleague with a seriously ill child. The idea came from the case of a man whose colleagues donated 170 days while his son was battling cancer.
It was passed in the National Assembly in 2012 and has now made it through a final reading in the Senate.

It allows workers to donate days off anonymously to a colleague who needs to look after a seriously ill child.

The boss agreed that his colleagues could give him their days off when his 11-year-old son, Mathys, was confined to their home with cancer.

Mathys died in December 2011.

Some Socialists abstained on the vote, claiming that the law could run into legal problems, while the Communists and their allies voted against on the grounds that it lets employers off the hook of their responsibilities to employees in such a situation.




