Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


Bright lights up sky

2014-02-13 22:51:34 | Words 言葉の力

I just found an impressive article of Olmpic coverage about a woman, who has become the first Aussie medalist in this winter Olympic.

It's following here.





 Torah Bright has broken Australia's Winter Olympic medal drought by taking silver in the women's halfpipe today and given the 60-strong Aussie team - the nation's largest ever - a major boost. Ben Bright, her brother and coach, said two words to her before she rode into the pipe, ''I believe'', and she replied, ''I believe too''. The snowboarder, who won gold in the same event at Vancouver in 2010, said she didn't care what colour the medal was. ''Life isn't about winning, it's about putting your best foot forward,'' the 27-year-old said.

 Torah Brightさんが、女子ハーフパイプで今大会オーストラリア人初のメダル(銀)を獲得し、過去最高の60人を送り込んだオーストラリアチームにとって大きな後押しになった。

 彼女の兄でありコーチのBen Brightさんは、競技に入る直前の彼女に二言だけ声をかけた。

 「お前を信じてる」(I believe)



