Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


Trial in India - chapter four -

2012-02-29 19:26:03 | Asian Football Life



 I grabed a ticket to where the new team is on the next day after I decided to fly over, I guess. But things here never go as I want as my life. As a matter of course, some problems came up on the way, that initially I was planning to take a flight on arriving at Kolkata to Shillong where is the last destination of the journey this time, but when I got to Kolkata, all of the seats for Shillong had been sold out already. That means I was in dead stuck in spite of I was suppose to start trainning with the team on the next day. Though, the reason this happened was that I didn't look for a ticket for in advance because travel agents told me before took off from Goa that I shouldn't take a ticket for Shillong in advance cuz  I could surely take one of leftover tickets at the ticket counter of Kolkata... However all seats had been taken before... 


 So I tried calling to my agent to ask what to do now, and he advised me an alternative plan to do immediately. that actuallt cost me more extra, but it couldn't help but accept it.

 Anyway, I took off for another destination where was a hundred kilo away from the real goal, that meant I needed to hire a share-cab to go that takes normally five hours...

 Then I finally got to the town and checked in a hotel provided by the team, and I took a short rest. As for training here, I succeeded in proving how much quality I deliver to the team early in the days, and the story of my contract had been growing dramatically. A week later from the first trial, I somehow signed on for the team on edge. I mean, my visa to stay in india was about to be expired very soon as I gave a offer formally from the team. The due was 18th of Jan, and The day I signed up was probably 16th... nearly out!! That's why I went back to  Japan in a hurry once to apply for another visa to extend which is an employment visa to work for the team. Meanwhile, I still clearly remember how happy I was while in Japan!! It was only ten days trip, though...


  To be continued...






 そのあと、1時間ほどでコルカタに着き、チケットカウンターへ。しかし待っていた答えはチケットはすべて「売り切れ」ということでした。翌日までには到着しなければいけなかったのにその日のチケットは売りきれ。さぁどうする??こんとき携帯も持ってなかったんで、近くのタクシードライバーの「携帯貸して!」よ懇願。笑 それで代理人に電話して、「コルカタからゴハティという所までのチケットを探せ」と。もうそれどこやねん!!って感じやったけど、従うしかないよね。再びチケットを取りにカウンターへ戻ったらなんとかあった。しかし、その時点でもう夜中で、自分の便は翌朝。まさかの一晩空港で過ごすことに・・・。



 その後、日本行きのチケットをチームからもらって、就労ビザを取りに日本に帰ることになります。束の間のひと時、幸せな10日間でした。笑 そしてまたインドに帰ることになります。



Trial in India - chapter three -

2012-02-29 19:06:30 | Asian Football Life



 Hi, hows it going guys!!


 I finally reached at Goaafter facing heaps of troubles on the way.  And I was suppose to catch up the manager of the team to be picked up to where I was suppose to stay during the trial, but I met full of runners who was trying to drag customers into their taxis. As a matter of course, I was about to be pulled into one of their cars, but I just pretended not to hear their noises. haha 

  After that, I was waiting for the manager about an hour by airport, and I could drive out of there. First of all, he took me to the old apartment where I'm going to stay and I met three players who has already been living there. To be honest, I didn't predict that I'd have indian house-mates immediately.

  As for inside the house, I actually had to live at an unacceptably low standard that is a prevalent level there. I would never say the rooms were nice and tidy that was actually far far far away from that words!! There were clouds of ants throughout the kitchen, no toilet paper in the toilet that means they use the left hand to wipe it out instead of it and no hot shower all day. The worst problem for me was on the bed where I was sleeping every night because there seemed to be many ticks on it. Actually I didn't feel them in the first ouple nights since I was so tired due to the tight flight schedule, but maybe on the third day since I started living there, I felt them gradually with ticks and mosquitoes bite everywhere on my body.

 Honestly, I couldn't focus on the trial in the next few days ince I couldn't sleep well every night due to them. As for the team, most of players and coaches were very familiar and friendly with me, but I think I wasn't good enough in every training. I must've scored more and taken more communication with other oversea players to make it. I would never say excuses on this, but I was tested as a striker this time that have to look for scoring goals greedily. However, exactly speaking, I was lack of that cuz I had been a midfielder since had this challenge, so it was a bit hard to shift my mind into it.

 then about two weeks without any good news flew by, and I got a call from my agent. And he said 'the other team is looking for a striker who is from asian country.'

 To be continued...











 いやぁ、すごいよね。ここでの生活はほんまにびっくりすることだらけでしたわ。笑 そんなこんなで2週間が過ぎ、なかなか契約がまとまらないまま、代理人から電話が。。。「他のチームがアジア人を探している」と。

