Brissy Enterprises Official Blog



2017-01-02 13:06:48 | Diary

Hi, guys.

time always flies by so fast!! It's been two months since I came back to Japan in early November. Even though I told on this blog that I would frequently update entries on this blog, but as you know, I haven't done that at all. Lol  Yeah, I am all talk and no action guy!! Sorry..

Anyway, I have been looking around soccer academies in Kansai area of Japan and market myself or get my name known in a way as I have no careers as a coach and player in Japan.

And luckily, one of my former teammates from my NZ days has started his own soccer academy in Osaka. And I got hold of him and got asked to come to his academy as a temporary coach. So I do coach kids at his academy once a week in Takaishi area of Osaka where about 50 kids in total between year 1 to 6 come and play every week.

Some kids belong to a soccer club in their neighborhood and come to the academy to supplement a technical phase, but some others just turn up for fun or their parents just send their kids to the academy. So each of them has a different purpose and drive towards soccer that make us more difficult to teach in the same group. But that would happen when I did it in Canada as well so that I could deal with this kind of situation more easily than no experiences. And it is also a fun part of coaching kids.







I'd be glad if you could link me up with a soccer academy or club in Kansai area of Japan. I would love to visit there to learn something new from it. 




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