Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


Second holiday program

2011-10-21 22:48:47 | New zealand
Hi, there!!

Hey, did anyone tell me that the reason I hadn't been catching a cold for ages was I'm just fool... This is a Japanese ridiculous saying. I think some people who read my last blog could visualize the saying to me. But I'm not as fool as you think. hehe

By the way, the school holiday that is like spring vacation for ordinary students in Japan has begun here since last week. And I held the second holiday soccer program during the holidays this time as well as last time. Here, in Auckland, there has been heaps of interesting and conventional bazaars and one-off events relevant to Rugby World cup at the moment leveraging this period.

Anyway, this time was the second time for me to organize a holiday program in my soccer school. Last time, I could have some helps who I do coach as a private lesson as they are too old to join the program, but I decided to carry this out without anyone's help due to various reasons came up.
So I split into two groups by ages that is a junior team and a senior team to make it smoothly. As a result, I had to look after kids longer from every morning to evening and it might have caused me to get cold. To be honest, last two weeks was really hard, but I didn't really mind it cuz I like coaching kids who like playing football. Only watching kids who chasing a ball desperately makes me happy.

I also got a lot of new discovery from the kids on this holiday program. For example, Kid's reaction to a new exercise I made up the last night was so direct to me. If they feel like it's not amused, they try to express it with their attitudes that like ignoring the direction I told them, lying on field and running to a playground in the site. But this direct reaction reminds me that it's not the right way to do the exercise that didn't work well to kids. Only if I add a small thing on how to explain to do it to kids or try changing how to approach, their reaction will be hugely different. It could be more positive reaction.

I had a great experience as I could go the distance to the end. But I'm still keen on learning and incorporating as much knowledge as I can. I want to make something challenge to be the first class human being.











2 コメント

コメント日が  古い順  |   新しい順
Unknown (bac)
2011-10-26 17:41:35


Unknown (ラモスヘアー)
2011-10-24 01:51:33

