Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


In Hiroshima

2015-04-21 00:06:59 | Diary

Hi, guys.

I visited Hiroshima after Kyoto. 



I've been to Kyoto many times before, but it was my first time to be in Hiroshima this time. I loved the great atmosphere of the Hiroshima city as well as Kyoto. The center of the Hiroshima city was not that sizable to look around and very clean. And what made me feel familiar with being Hiroshima was a large number of foreign visitors. 


There were a lot of places to get around the town of Hiroshima such as Hiroshima castle(above), A-dome, Museum of the warfare, peach memorial park and Miyajima(island) where is registered as a world heritage site.


What I was most surprised when I was in the town was that there were more huge number of Aussie tourists rather than Americans. As you know, Hiroshima is the first city to be detonated an atomic bomb by US in WWⅡ.. When I visited the museum and see various debris and remembraces of the day, tears naturally welled up in my eyes.. 

  宮島も行きました。厳島神社に有名な揚げもみじや牡蠣などを食べ歩いて楽しかったです。島では鹿が襲ってきますが・・・。笑 あと、広島焼きは最高にうまかった。お好み焼きより自分は広島焼きの方が断然うまかったなぁ・・。

But all in all, I really enjoyed during the trip including the Miyajima island where is known for oysters and some other tasty foods!! 



