Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


Trial in India - chapter six -

2012-03-29 20:37:31 | Asian Football Life

 I was called up be the coach to come to his room individually, and told me I would be in a starting line-up on the day before my first game. Somehow, I knew it from some training games at training, but I pumped myself up again naturally as he informed me about it. I myself had felt a kind of frustration on my mind from their too much expectation until the day of the game, but I only thought and concerned on what I had to do on the pitch that scoring goals and help the team to win.


 In the beginning of the game, I scored the first goal of the game, and then we added two more goals within the first half without conceding goals, It was actually the best start I've ever predicted, and I assumed it would be and easy game for sure. However, it caused us a terrible result in the end. In the first 10mins of second half, we conceded two goals very easily, and they completely bounced back from the disadvantage and they were beginning to dominate the possession and control the momentum of the game. As for our side, they obviously seemed like losing confidence and were totally upset. Maybe we didn't know what to do including me. It ended up a draw with 3-3, and as you could imagine, all concerned were overtly so dissapointed at the crucial result in the dressing room atter the game.

 As a result, this disastrous result screwed us up. The next game barely secured three points, but the game after we lost a winnable game, and we got a tie in the next match which was a must win game to male through the next round that was the final phase of the tournament.

 I was really sorry about the team because I'm the only one player who recruited by the team in the middle of the season to let then be into at least the final round, but we couldn't get qualify in spite of having a quality as a team, and all concerned of the team deservedly didn't doubt that we could make it...

 No pain, No gain. Life never goes well as you think.


 The coach took me out was dismissed as soon as we knew we failed it. In fact, one of the club secretaries begged us to make it through at the team meeting by raising a sum of the 10 times win bonus on the game on the day before the game that we had to win.

 Anyway, it's now already gone, and we are already moving on for the next competition. So we should keep our eyes on it, and do our best to achieve the goal. Let's keep it going!!

























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Unknown (bac)
2012-04-04 00:31:15

Unknown (ラモスヘアー)
2012-03-31 01:16:34
