Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


As a footballer

2012-10-08 17:55:34 | Words 言葉の力

 As a footballer...


 " A profession has a perticular task that can make people happy and moved who watch their games. no exception about footballers. we have to work 10 times as hard as other people do for that."


 " We should take it for granted that on every training day is much harder than on every match day. your performance in a game reflects what you have done at training. " 

                          by Felix Magath, who has been coaching for Wolfsburg in Germany.


 His words exemplify what all of professional footballers are like. If you neglect yourself, you can't achieve anything. you are just going backwards.  Maybe when you realize it, it's too late to come back. should keep that in my mind.









                by フェリックス・マガト(現 vfl Wolfsburg 監督)


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