Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


Mango season

2009-12-04 23:31:14 | Diary
 COM'ON, mates!!

Today, let me tell you about my job a bit.

I think I've told you several times on this blog before what do I do. I work at a big market, at which deal in fruits and vegetables mainly.

 There is a sponcership connection between the company and me, thats why I can work at here.
And we are in Mango high season at the moment. Everybody looks so busy all day long, of cource I have a lot of tasks to do everyday.
And I have a partner in my job these days. He is chinese, who is important client for my boss as well, so I have to pay attention to him when I work with him. it's really stressful for me...

My boss's got a big contract on Mangoes with him, so all mangoes we have is exported to China with negociating with him how much they need Mangoes, so I think he is my second boss rather than my partner, but he always says to me, 'you're my job partner for Mango season'.

In fact, he really knows how to use people and he pushes me too hard everyday without a break. I guess he's a slave driver...

And I learned how to drive a fork lift couple month ago for this Mango season by force. To tell the truth I don't wanna drive any vehicle because I got a car crash several months ago, but he forced me to do it and I also couldn't refuse it for fear of losing the job, but as a matter of course I'm yet to get the licence. My boss always says, 'I booked the test yesterday, it'll be held on next xxxx, don't worry about it' like that, but....

When do I take the test? couple weeks has already passed since you said it for the first time.

But this is THE AUSTRALIA, so I alway say 'No worries'.




