Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


New part time jobs

2016-02-06 19:17:58 | Canada

Hi, guys.

This week was actually a big one for me as I just started two new part time jobs at roughly the same time this week. I just quitted the previous construction job last week, and switched to the new ones that are a landscaping work and a moving work. Both of them are typically a byword for physical jobs.. However, I have a strong fetish for new experiences!!

Landscaping a yard is of course a new field to me. I've never done pruning trees even stepped into a super rich man's property before..But most of our customers are outrageously rich and having a huge land with a swimming pool, gym and tennis court etc...But actually it is so fun using some pruning machines that I've never even seen!!

And a moving job is very familiar to me as I'd been working for the best moving company in sales in Japan many times. As soon as I told the boss of the moving firm about my experiences in Japan at the interview, I got hired!!Lol I was very curious about differences of the process of movings between the two countries on the first day. We actually deal with commercial movings rather than residential ones which is very lucky for me cuz I know that residential ones are 5 times as hard as the other ones!!

All in all, they are so slack and sluggish here in comparison with Japanese staffs for sure!! But I love committing myself to this kind of job. 




 造園の仕事は主にお金持ち宅の庭の手入れです。専門家を雇わないといけないほどの家の庭で、中にはテニスコートやプールにジム、庭の中にもう一つ一軒家があったりとなんでもありです。笑 色々と機械を使いながらの剪定作業をさせてくれるので、また新しい経験です。





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Joyous soccer of JEC

2016-01-28 20:51:12 | Canada

Hi, guys.

It's been great especially on weekends with coaching jobs recently. The only one real pain in the neck is the unstable weather conditions in Vancouver. It rains constantly... most of the days of a week are covered with full of clouds. So I check the weather news online on a daily basis..

Well, as I mentioned before, I have been coaching on Saturday too. I got a kind of offer from a Japanese language school named JEC where more than 100 kids all around Vancouver city who have the Japanese background go and learn Japanese. I met the principal of the school at a training session of the team he's belonged for a long time. At that time, I’d been looking for a team who I can play for during this winter season. I ended up not playing for the team, but we exchanged contacts each other.

Then he gave me an wonderful opportunity which is my new exciting challenge. I actually knew some of them as they took part in the last soccer camp held at the year end of last year, but I can never take it easy..

Each session is for 2 hours, and I teach two different age groups. I'm in charge of the smallest age group(5 and 6yo) for the first 45mins, and I coach the next group(7 and 8yo) straight after for an hour and half.

I need to keep on my toes for an unpredictable issue during the whole time of the session, and can't waste every minute for the kids. They easily get distracted at training so that they can't pay attention to a training menu that they judge it's not fun!! They are very severe and straightforward, but those kind of difficult situations could help you enrich your brain files as a coach!!









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The first soccer camp in Vancouver.

2016-01-15 19:55:49 | Canada

Hi, guys.

It's been getting quiet recently in comparison with the year end and New year holiday. But I have challenging weeks ahead in Feb and March. Can't wait to work on those projects.

Back to the year end, I was so relieved to finish my soccer camp off with little trouble. It's been few weeks since then, but those unforgettable memories have strongly been burnt into my mind. They'd be my priceless treasure for sure!

I had the youngest group at the camp since I wanted to teach them. As you can easily imagine, they were so energetic, innocent and cheerful. And I coached them for 3 hours in a day. Maybe some of you guys can't even get how hard it was.. I actually have coaching experiences to some extent in other countries, but I've never faced this kinds situations through teaching kids soccer that I had to keep them(almost 20 kids per day) focused on what I tell them to do for 3 hours. As you know, every child in those age groups tend to get distracted the moment he or she perceives that a drill or an exercise that I dictate them at training...I was super high-keyed and payed attention to them not to miss even a tiny shift in their attitude.

It was actually so demanding to keem myself on my toes for such a long hours. But I believe it pushes me up to an another level as not only a coach but also a human being.







Happy New Year 2016!!

2016-01-02 19:41:59 | Canada


Happy New year!!

Although I had a very low-key time during the holiday season, but I really enjoyed with my beloved ones, and capped it off with the perfect end of my very first holiday soccer camp over last 2 weeks. 

Hopefully I could attach more importance to my coaching job this year, and start coaching at an elementary school early this year too. And I will never resign myself as a coach.

I hit the first kick of this year today with some high school players in Vancouver and having the first league game tomorrow night!! Nothing would make me happier, right? What more could I ask for?








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Soccer school holiday program!!

2015-12-06 15:43:45 | Canada

Hi, guys.

I will be hosting a soccer camp during the Chrismas holidays in two weeks. The dates are between 21st and 23rd, 28th and 30th. Breaking free of my recent busy schedule, I've paid a visit to some Japanese language school in Vancouver to inform them of what I'm doing as a soccer coach here. 

I'm not sure if it's about to flourish, but I've found some strong connections with some of the schools and resulted in a full bloom to hold a soccer camp for the kids. 

I've already received more than 30 kid's applicants. It will be so exciting to teach them, but also would be a very challenging week for me since some of them are non-Japanese speaker, so I need to have two tongues to teach them in English and Japanese at the same time like a simultaneous interpreter. And I need to keep my eye on all the kids to hold their attention from beginning to end. Maybe I must get creative to make out a training menu to keep them from being bored.

it's gonna be a big test for me as a coach, so finishing it off successfully is a must. I can't wait to teach new kids and the kids I've already known at the soccer camp!!








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Round 8 vs We'R United

2015-11-23 20:20:00 | Canada

Hi, guys.

We have three games this week... I work fulltime, and playing on a weekday is such a demanding event!! haha   The temparature will be below 3 degrees...I really miss playing in the heat of the hot sun in Brisbane, AUS.

We are currently in 4th places in the table. My goal tally so far is 7 in 8 games. My partner upfront has gone past it with 8 goals sitting in the second place of Golden boots.

I still have passion towards soccer to a certain extent, obviously it's not bigger that I used to have. One of my friends pointed out to me that it seemed like your ambitions were fading away. He can see it in the games I play. It was a bit shocking to me, but I couldn't deny what he said. 

Let's snap out of it!!

And I had two new kids at the last soccer lesson. One of the parents I know referred them to me, and their mother told me after the first session for them that they really enjoyed and were proud of themselves for all the exercises they did. I couldn't happier than that!! 





 現在は8試合終えて4位です。自身は7得点。FWの相方がブラジル人なんですが、ここ2試合で6点荒稼ぎしたんで抜かれてしまいました。笑 アシストは3くらい彼にしてあげてるんですが・・。得点力はリーグ1なんですが、いかんせん守備が・・・。前線の私にも責任はあるけど、しょうもない失点が多すぎる。昨日も前半4-1で終わってみれば4-4の引き分け。負けなかったのが幸運だったような内容。

 自分もサッカーが趣味程度になってしまい、欲がなくなり後半になると集中が切れてしまう。笑 それでも色々と待遇をよくしてくれているチームのボスのためにも最低限はやらないと。




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More photos from my soccer clinic!!

2015-11-12 22:06:59 | Canada


Hi, guys.

I've just got some new photos from my soccer clinic held few weeks ago. I've been depressed these days by the sick weather everyday, but those photos totally made my day!! Thanks!!





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Remembrance Day (戦没者記念日)

2015-11-09 19:20:17 | Canada

Hi, guys.

Remembrance Day is a memorial day observed in Commonwealth of nations member states since the end of the First World War to remember the members of their armed forces who have died in the line of duty. Following a tradition inaugurated by King George V in 1919, the day is also marked by war remembrances in many non-Commonwealth countries. Remembrance Day is observed on 11 November in most countries to recall the end of hostilities of World War I on that date in 1918. Hostilities formally ended "at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month", in accordance with the armistice signed by representatives of Germany.

I've experienced Anzac Day in AUS and NZ when I had been living there, which is observed on 25th of April.

There will be held military annual parades and events in the downtown, apparently. I'm up for heading off and see what's going on, but it depends on the weather to go on that day. Lol

And we obsearved one minute of silence just before the kickoff of the game yesterday. I scored one and it becomes 5 in total in 6 games. However, we got pushed around by some inexplicable decisions in substitutions our coach made...I couldn't just help but laugh wryly...



 これは、第一次世界大戦が停戦となった1918年11月11日を記念して、英連邦諸国では11月11日が戦没者を追悼する日とされるようになりました。オーストラリアやNZでは、4月25日にAnzac Dayという名の祝日があり、これも第一次世界大戦で亡くなった人を追悼する日となります。


 先日の試合も得点を決めて6試合で5点目。目下、得点王ですが、記録漏れなのか公式サイトには通算1ゴールしか記載されていない。さすが海外です。しかし今回は前半の終わりに変えられて、後半の終わりにまた投入されて逆転負け。監督の迷采配、ここまでくれば笑えます。笑 まぁ切り替えてやっていきます!

Happy Halloween!!

2015-11-01 21:05:10 | Canada

Hi, guys.

It was Halloween night yesterday. I haven't been in Japan during this time of last few years, so I have no idea how crazy people in Japan are about Halloween. However, I remember that it wasn't such a huge event until few years ago, but the truth is, Halloween is a very recent development in Japanese culture. Just10 years ago, Halloween was viewed as the day when scary foreigners would randomly roam the streets in outrageous costumes, haphazardly drink on public transportation, and perhaps accidentally summon satan along the way. Nowadays, however, it’s not abnormal to see people on the streets decked out in their Halloween swag a week before the 31st. 

There are many ways in which Japanese culture nicely meshes with the concept of Halloween, making it easy for the Japanese to adopt it as their own. One of the most obvious points is the appreciation of costuming.

I mean, just think about it. We’re talking about the country that gave the world the gift of cosplay. So, it’s only natural that a tradition involving costuming would catch on eventually. This might be playing into stereotypes too much, but seriously, can you imagine Japan turning down any excuse to run around the streets in a pikachu suit. I can’t.

Another reason is, a lot of social medias such as Facebook, instagram and twitter are definitely helping to spread it out all over Japan. People of course can easily touch and appreciate the western culture and what's going on every year on Halloween night.

But unfortunately the weather over this weekend was absolutely horrible that made me feel in the dump!! I'm just wondering how I could adapt myself to this dodgy climate...



 こちらでは、街に出てコスプレで騒ぐというのもありますが、家族と過ごすのが一般的。Trick and TreatやMischief Nightなどの行事もありますし、今朝もサッカースクールの子ども達から昨日ご近所さんから大量にもらったであろうチョコレートやお菓子をわけてくれました。嬉しいですね。


Round 5 vs Hotspurs

2015-10-26 21:32:49 | Canada

Hi guys.

It was the fifth game of the season yesterday. The result and our performance through the whole game was the best of the season so far, I guess. I netted one in the first half, but I could've added at least another two goals for sure. I missed a 1 v 1 situation against the goalie, and hit the cross bar too. 

What I couldn't add up at most in the game was that the coach chose me for the first sub off. There is no lmit of the number for substitutions in this league, so the coaches can swap the players anytime when they think they need it, but Early sub off does never make me happy at all. But our coach is a former Iranian international, so I'm looking up to him to some extent...

And I should say thank you to the kid and his mom from my soccer clinic for coming by every game I play and their heartfelt support!!

I can't thank you guys enough!! 






Pictures from my soccer clinic.

2015-10-21 23:09:52 | Canada

Hi, guys.

I've got some wonderful pics from one of the moms in my soccer clinic. Time flies by!! Two months already passed since I started it up in August. So far, About 8 kids regularly turn up to every session and some other kids drop in every now and then. I'd really like to focus on coaching kids, but I have a weekday job at the moment. I will be able to attach greater importance to it from the following year. 


I think that the most important thing on coaching kids is that you yourself must enjoy the session you planned on cuz kids are very sensitive, so they are easily rubbed off on by how joyful you are in the session. You mustn't forget that your feeling clearly reflects on them.

Another news is, The Saturday class will be going to start from next week. So I will work on the coaching every Sat and Sun, which is awesome!! It includes more the technical side of skills than the Sunday sessions.  




Feel free to contact me if you're interested. You'd be warmly welcomed at all times.








Thanksgiving Day!!

2015-10-14 22:27:44 | Canada

Happy Thanksgiving!!

How was your long weekend, guys??

Anyway, what is the Thanksgiving in North America? The original idea is to give thanks for the past harvest season but for many Canadian families the tradition has changed over time and the focus is now to get together with family and eat a large turkey dinner. Apple cider is a must for any traditional thanksgiving celebration as well as turkey stuffing and pumpkin pies!!

In japan, there is no such public holidays, unfortunately. To show your appriciation that you feel everyday from your family and friends is necessary as a human being. You shouldn't take it for granted.

"Thanksgiving to native indians was a way of everyday life rather than a one-day celebration."

Take a few minutes to think about this quote. Thank you.








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Round 3 vs Irish

2015-10-06 20:36:42 | Canada

What the heck!! Have you ever played a game at 9:30pm on a Sunday? This crazy schedule was slotted in last Sunday.. I couldn't fully focus on the game cuz I couldn't help but thinking of the work on the next day!! I think most of us were so.

But we had a wonderful game with a dramatic come-back from behind in the second half, and it ended up a 2-1 win with the spectacular last-minute strike!! That was a really refreshing goal for us.

I think the league we are in is equivalent to the third division in Canada, assuming that MLS is the first division in Vancouver. I'm pretty confident that we can go further in all the comps we'd play.

Let's see how far I can take the team after all. 





 今プレーしてるのはカナダで言うと3部リーグ相当だと思うのですが、今できてるプレーをシーズン通してできれば目標は達成できるはず。今週はThanks Givingで試合は2週間後。また準備して、楽しんでプレーしていきます!


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Be patient!!

2015-09-27 20:15:05 | Canada

Hi, guys.

Oh, you poor thing... I've been hazed at work by my predecessor.. I got to be patient to try not lose it. And last week I can't even remember how much I was forced to do overtime!! I felt like working for a company in Japan. It totally sucked!! 

As I mentioned before, I work for a renovation firm over here. Of course, I'm a shadow, and taught everything by a queer Japanese carpenter. I get to the office at 9 and with him until 7pm or later. This tweaked guy has a horrible habit, which is a hot temper and wisecracker!! I'm really sick and tired of working with him, but that can't be helped..

So I've started thinking that way. Maybe it's not entirely his fault. My behaviour or attitude to him at work sets off his anger every now and then. Some viewers might be thinking what he still works for, but I believe that this kind of adverse circumstance makes me grow up mentally and help me become a class.

Tresure any(every) encounter, for it will never recur!!







A renovation firm

2015-09-19 23:38:11 | Canada

Hi, guys.

It's been two months since I came to Vancouver. Time always flies by and leave everything in the past. Time is Money. Live every moment with all your energy.

Lately, I spend far too much time working for a Japanese-affiliated renovation company. We take on both commercial and residential project, as it is called in Japan, a general contractor office or a builder. I work as a helper as I had no experience in the field. We are the main contractor who takes directly on projects from clients. Once we made a contract with a client, we farm it out to our like-minded subcontracters. What I do at work is help them get their work faster or do some subsidiary work where the subcontracters miss.

However, as I said before, I had never committed to this kind of job before as that I'm always pointed out what I do at work and come under fire for doing everything in a wrong way!! Sick of it!!

But everything at work is my first experiences, so I need to learn from every mistake I made and put it to a good use for the next time.

Look for something fun in any hard time!! 





