Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


My assistant coach

2016-07-07 13:06:29 | Canada


Hi, guys.

Today, I'd like to introduce an assistant coach of my soccer academy in the blog for the first time. His name is Ryusei Kojima, 21 years old. 

He's been in Canada only for a half year so far, so that he still seems to struggle with English. Even though he's a bit internally reserved, I guarantee you that he's a good bloke!! He actually contacted me via this blog to find a local soccer team who he can play for during his stay in Vancouver. So I introduced him to the coach of my team right away, and he showed us his decent skills on the ball at the first practice with us, sighed with the team straight after. 

He is also very cooperative at my soccer academy, and alway try to commit himself to it as often and hard as he can, which is a huge help for me. So I always tell myself that I should't take his massive contribution towards the academy for granted.

We will be in the busiest time of the year in July and August, I guess. But I'm pretty sure that we could go through it with a burning passion and drive for coaching to every single of the kids I coach for!!







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BOG fiji tournament - U9 and U10

2016-07-02 17:10:48 | Canada

Hi, just a quick announcement on a competition in Surrey.

We have enrolled in a soccer competition of U9 and U10 grades in Surrey as a representative of Japanese community in Vancouver. The date of the comp is on 9th, July.

It's a bit burning, but if you are interested, please drop me an email or call me. The details are as follow.






 日程 : 7月9日(土)のみ  Date: 9th of July.

 場所 : Hjorth park(Surrey)  Place: Hjorth park 
 カテゴリー : U9/U10  Category: U9 and U10
  試合開始 : 8:30am  The first game to be kicked off at 8:30am
  最終試合 : 6:00pm ※ファイナルに行った場合  Only if we are advancing to the final, the game is scheduled at 6pm.
Phone: 778-710-1481

In Seattle, US

2016-06-20 22:12:59 | Canada

Hi, guys.  

Continued from the last entry, I took my mom and brother to Seattle, US for an one-day trip. At first, we went to see the SAFECO FIELD where one of the most popular team in MLB for Japanese owns as a home stadium, and it's known for the team who Ichiro has played before.


It's the Gum Wall in Seattle's Pike Place Market. Even though it was scrubbed all clean last November for the first time in 20 years. It did not stay clean for long — because people have already kept the tradition alive by adding more gum. By in few days, the wall was loaded up with fresh gum in a variety of colors, some of it forming words and shapes...


The market in the middle of the downtown is called Pike place market!! It apprently is the most famous and crowded spot in Seattle. 

We also explored more throughtout the downtown, and discovered the first starbucks store, commonly called Original starbucks.. and Seattle tower!! I'm not sure if it's officially called like that.. Lol

Even though it was an one-day trip from Vancouver by bus, but we all enjoyed the feeling of the town big time. It only took 3 or 4 hours to get to Seattle including the time for check-up at the border between Canada and US. 





Made it up to the top of Grouse mountain.

2016-06-09 15:25:48 | Canada

Hi, guys.

I put myself in an enticing challenge at the Grouse Mountain last Sunday. Grouse Mountain continues to offer must-see, must-do experiences that no visitor to or resident of Vancouver should miss.

Join the 1.2 million people who visit Grouse Mountain annually. As Vancouver's most visited four-season attraction, it is both a resort and an attraction, to be visited again and again. 
And plus, my mother and brother have been coming from Japan since last week, so we had a quick tour to climb all the way up to the top of Vancouver. I had heard that it would be very tough to make it up, especially for my mom, who is over 50 years old, exercising too little.. In fact, that was right!! She couldn't help but give up at almost halfway through the path!! Unfortunately, it was a smothering heat wave on that day that went up to 30 degrees!!
But my brother and me made it up to the peak of Vancouver after a 90 mins demanding hike!!
Must visit and challenge yourself at this worthwhile hike. And go all the way up!!








2016-06-04 23:32:23 | Canada

 Hi, guys.

 Unfortunately, We couldn’t make it through the qualifiers for the Nation's cup. We got defeated by Serbia in the consolation final. It was such a shame!!

 Today, I would love to introduce my Friday lesson with a bunch of kids who are full of drive!! Even though they are at different ages and levels in soccer, we always enjoy each session with various drills of skills we work on.

 I really think that I want every kid of them to utilize my soccer class and steal everything I have in soccer.

 At the same time, I am so jealous of them who can take this field environment for playing soccer for granted especially during every summer!!





Let me know when you are interested in us please!!




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The Nation's Cup

2016-05-22 00:33:12 | Canada

Hi, guys.

-Nation's Cup-

I've been a member of Team Japan, who is representative of Japanese immigrants in Vancouver. And we will be taking part in one of the biggest amateur soccer competition in Van, called Nation's Cup. 

The Nations Cup Soccer Society presents The 37th (2016) Annual Nations Cup Soccer Tournament. This year's tournament is slated to take place July 15, 16, and 17, 2016 in Richmond, BC.

This unique concept of grouping players based on their ethnic backgrounds and/or countries of origin creates an exciting atmosphere that provides a platform for people throughout the community to express their ethnic pride. Teams representing countries such as China, India, Caribbean, England, Italy, Germany, Iran, and Scotland, just to name a few, are comprised of elite players from throughout the Province to compete for the coveted "Nations Cup" trophy.

With 1,100 participants and averaging over 5,000 spectators over the course of the weekend, the tournament provides a vibrant showcase for some of our province's finest soccer talent, having included such notable local soccer talent as Randy Samuel, David Norman, John Catliffe, Jeff Clarke, Steve Kindell, Dave Morris, Jason Jordan, Paul Daily, and Guido Titotto.

With separate sections for Open Age Men, Open Age Women, Over 30 Men, Over 38 Men, Over 45 Men, and Over 52 Men, the tournament allows players from various age groups to compete in this exciting and entertaining event.

Come on out and cheer on us!! And enjoy the pitch-side beer garden and international food vending area, show your colours, wave your flags, and be a part of the Nations Cup!

The schedules of the games are as follow.

May 27th (Fri)  9 pm kick off @ Hugh Boyd Park/Richmond 

If we win the game on 27th 
May 29th(Sun) 7 pm kick off @ Hugh Boyd Park/Richmond

 急ですが、今月末にバンクーバーで大きなサッカーの大会があります。その名も「Nation's Cup」。バンクーバーはご存知の通り、他民族の町で移民もたくさん暮らしています。




May 27th (Fri)  9 pm kick off @ Hugh Boyd Park/Richmond 

If we win the game on 27th / 勝った場合
May 29th(Sun) 7 pm kick off @ Hugh Boyd Park/Richmond


2016-05-08 18:25:47 | Canada

Hi, guys.

Time has flied by since the spring soccer camp at Wesburn soccer club launched last month. I also take part in it as a member of the coaching staffs with great atmosphere and wonder kids!! Soccer always leads me to new encounters in this world.


The photo above shows our training outfit for all of the coaching staffs at the camp provided for free.

The kids are grouped by their age and a given number. The duration per one session is 90mins for each group, and we make 4 stations with different drills and have the kids rotated around every 15 mins, play a game at the end of the session.

The kids at the club are very multicultual from all over the world. I'm also learning a lot of things from every session and each kid. I love these experiences I have gone through at the camp as everything is new to me.

I'd like to thank the club, technical director 'Paolo' and the guy named 'Nakane-san' who linked me up with the club through their sons who play for Wesburn. 







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Updates on my soccer classes for kids in Vancouver (サッカースクールのスケジュール)

2016-05-05 11:01:28 | Canada





 毎週月曜日→中・上級クラス(年齢制限は小学生なら誰でもOK。但し、サッカーを本気でうまくなりたい子のみでお願いします。)at 17:30 at Empire fields

  毎週金曜日→中・上級クラス(参加条件は上記と同じ)at 18:30 at Empire fields


  毎週土曜日→初級クラス(現在は4-9歳の子達が参加してくれています)at 17:00 at Empire fields

  毎週日曜日→初級クラス(上記と同じ)at 9AM or 9:30 at Empire fields


 その他、個人レッスンという形で1人教えています。そして日本語学校との提携でサッカー教室を毎週土曜日のお昼に、現在はBurnabyにあるWesburnというローカルチームで臨時コーチとしてSpring campにも参加しています。



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Hi, guys.

I'm glad to have kept myself busy with full of soccer sessions for kids in Vancouver, even though it's been only 10 months since I first arrived at this country. 

Here is the latest updates on the soccer classes I have taken on at the moment.

【On weekdays】

Every monday and Friday class are for elite young players. The contents of the practices have set for kids who are high-achieving and having an ambitious spirit towards soccer.

【On weekends】

Weekends classes are for beginners. We do more focus on having fun with balls rather than attaining great skills on the ball. I believe that makes you have a head start in a new sport to enjoy it.

*the field we play at is at Empire field, but the starting time on each session is weathery, so that please inform me of your attendance when you'd like to take part in a session of mine.

*Every session costs you 10 dollars only.

I'm looking forward seeing you guys on the field.

Inquiries onto



THE TAIKAN CLASS!! (体幹) 4月29日開催!!

2016-04-20 20:02:05 | Canada






 場所:Empire fields(PNE横のサッカーグラウンド)





Hi, guys.

I'd like to make a new announcement for a new trial session called 'The Taikan' class. Taikan means a core muscle or a core strength of your body in Japanese. A core muscle usually refers to the area around your abdominal muscle. So We will be working on building the muscle to strength in the new class for 90 mins.

It seems too long for just one session, but we don't just focus on it, but we do also some other exercises with a soccer ball as well.

The weather has been very stable and warm these days. We should make the most of it by means of doing some activities and having fun in a sweat outside. 

We are of course capable of adjusting the intensity of each exercise for every participant. We will warmly welcome your friends as well if you want a company to join us. It's a FREE session!!

The details are as follow.

Date: 29th of April at 6 pm start.

Place: Empire fields (right next to PNE)

Belongings on the day: a water bottle and you might need at least two towels. One of them are for wiping yourself, and the other will be put under your body(on a turf field) when you do exercises on a turf. 

Feel free to throw us your inquiries on the session. We will also inform you when the session are canceled due to rain.

We are looking forward to meeting you at the session on Friday.

Thank you.

A new soccer class has started. (中・上級クラス開始)

2016-04-11 21:20:52 | Canada






 クラスは毎週月曜日の夕方5時から。場所はPNE横のEmpire fieldsになります。





Hi, guys.

I have a short announcement today that I have started a new soccer class for kids who are keen on working on their skills that can use at a competitive level. 

As you might know, I have already had some other soccer classes on weekends, but the class I just started has a different concept that puts more importance on skills with a ball such as tricks to beat a defender and tips to control a ball under pressure or so..

I just had the first session with two kids came today on the beautiful turf field in the picture on the top of this blog entry. They are 11(girl) and 9(boy). The both have more of a certain technich than I had expected, which was a good surprise!! The theme of the class is severity on a fun base.

We will resume a practice on Monday, 25th.

If you're interested, please give me an email on

Thank you.

Looking back on the winter season in Vancouver.

2016-03-31 15:27:39 | Canada


Hi, guys.

I'd been putting off blogging last few weeks... It was just a bother to me..

Anyway, today I'm gonna look back on the soccer season just ended few weeks ago.. It wasn't an ideal end to the season as we finished in 6th place out of 10 teams and two silver medals from the two Cups!! We were really optimistic that we could win at least one title before the two cup finals...But fucked up!!

And my season goal was to play in the provincial cup where the champion from each province get together and play in one tournament straight after the regular season. Plus, our league has 4 spots allocated by the Cup, and it goes to the top 2 teams in the league ladder and the two cup champions...Suck...

Personally, scored 10 goals in 16 games, but I really wanted the golden boots of the league that I needed at least 14 goals to be..

And I had mentally fluctuated big time.. I completely retired from playing soccer seriously early last year, and started playing for fun as soon as I came here. However, I was kind of half-hearted to push myself back on the pitch.. As a matter of course, it doen't last long, right?

So, I'm standing back from soccer at the moment. Maybe I need to be refreshed and start kicking a ball with a fresh mind and body. I'm just waiting to get naturally fired up again!!






 だけど、チームメートは良いやつばかりで、色々とサポートしてもらい、このチームでよかったと思います。リーグのレベルも今の自分に合ってたかな。と言っても、平日ほとんど体動かさずとも、試合では結構好き勝手やらしてくれるようなレベルですが。笑 体力の衰えがすごいので、後半動けなくなるけど、また充電して夏のリーグに向けて楽しんでいきます。



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New classes!! (幼児クラスと中・上級クラス)

2016-03-17 18:28:52 | Canada



場所:Slocan Park(29th sky train stationの真裏)


場所:Empire Park(PNEの真横)



Hi, guys.

Just a quick notice again here on new soccer classes launch. 

I'd like to get new soccer classes for 4 to 5 years old and 8 to 12 years old started on 28th and 31st of this month. The aim for the peewee's class is to let them play with balls and get familiar with it as a group. I believe that helps them develop thier undestandings about soccer and group activities.

The other class is to cultivate elite players who have a strong passion and motivation towards soccer for being a better player.

Here is the details of the two classes.

Place: Slocan park(at the rear of 29th skytrain station)

Date: 28th of March

Time: 4pm to 5pm

age: 4 to 5

Place: Empire fields (right next to PNE)

Date: 31st of March

Time: 5pm to 6pm

Age: 8 to 12

*what to bring - a waterr bottle and ball (optional)

Thank you.



The Soccer Camp on the spring school holiday!!

2016-03-08 19:38:57 | Canada



 場所:Slocan Park (29th stationのすぐ真裏)


 料金:20ドル/日 (ドロップインでの参加OK)




 Just a quick announcement on the upcoming soccer camp on the spring school holiday.

 It will be held on 14th to 18th of March, which starts from next Monday.

 Place: Slocan Park(at the rear of 29th skytrain station)

 Time: 9am to 12pm

 Cost: 20 dollars/day(on a per diem basis)

 We will welcome kids at any levels as long as they love soccer between U6 and U13. I'm most likely in charge of the class for U6 to U9.

 If you're interested in the program, feel free to contact me on


A tore hamstring!!

2016-03-03 12:45:16 | Canada

Hi, guys.

Oh my god... I had a tore hamsting in the game played two days ago. It's actually the first experiece to have a pulled muscle in my hamstring... I got really disappointed right after I felt it got tore apart.. 

I had actually told my coach that I didn't feel like I could play a whole game as I was feeling a sign and minor symptom of tore muscle. In fact, it wasn't a sign for tore muscle, but at least my legs were tired and more tense than usual since we had a game just two days before the game. 

So I got really surprised that the coach still put me in a starting 11 for the night, so that I couldn't help but say I'm okay.. However, my hunch was right!!

It was really a big game for us cuz it was a semi-finals of the Cup and played against Bacardi who is our least favourite oppornent as we have lost 6 consecutive games in the right past!! So we huddled up and bring a strong will onto the field to win it!!

As a result, we came back from 2-0, and scored the winner in the second half after they got down to 10 men with one send off with two yellows!!

I will never give up on getting back by the finals!!











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Private lessons

2016-02-19 18:37:15 | Canada


Hi, guys.

I'd like to introduce two prospective kids as a soccer player who I've been coaching since I came here personally. The format of a practice with them is a bit unique cuz I coach them in a 1 on 1 situation to attach more importance on skills and techniques of soccer.

I myself am not a believer for the need to work on skills with a ball at the very first stage of your soccer career. That's because I started playing at 9, and they are only 7 and 9 too. And I can clearly see them play better than I was at their ages.

But One of them will have a tryout over next few weeks to get into a selected team of a district around here. That's the reason she wanted to have a private lesson with me to make the cut of the team. So I won't be able to sleep well over next few weeks at least until I hear from her having passed the tryout!! haha

The other kid is still only 7!! But he amazingly has a huge energy and passion towards soccer and bring them to every session with me, so that I respond with enoumous enthusiasm to him every single time.

As a matter of course, working out a training plan is a given, and the initial setup before a session decides everything!!











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