○ 3 minutes later / 人類滅亡に「残り3分」の主犯は金正恩と落合信彦氏

2016-03-21 05:51:08 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

2016.03.18 16:00

1月末に発表された世界週末時計は「残り3分」 AP/AFLO

【1月末に発表された世界週末時計は「残り3分」 AP/AFLO】


 * * *











○ Olive oil from Greek Crete island/ クレタ島から学ぶオリーブオイルの体に良い使い方

2016-03-21 04:41:44 | fuckin Health & Med. 最先端. 健康と医学
2016-03-21 04:41:44 tv Tokyo
The medical office where a how to use| family doctor good for the form of the learned olive oil is found from Crete island  

It was broadcast about how to use good for the form of the olive oil learned from Crete island by "the medical office where a family doctor is found" Television Tokyo Channel 12.

The olive oil consumption of 1 day per Japanese 1 person is about 1 cc, but it's said that they also take about 125 cc in the area with a lot of consumption of the olive oil worldwide. That's a Greek Crete island. Crete island is the biggest island in the Aegean Sea and is a mild beautiful island through the year. The population is about 640,000. The part by which olive oil is a life for people in such Crete island. The record cultivation of olive oil from Crete island was making with the world in around B.C. 3500 in the old days most is left. Olives were the necessary ingredients from the time of ancient Greece.

[The food people in Crete island often eat]
* Olive oil
* Tomato
* Cheese of a goat
* Greek yogurt

[The quality of the olive oil]
The quality of the olive oil is decided by the degree of the oxidation. Something by which degree of oxidation is less than 0.8 % for most high-quality extra virgin olive oil. Something by which degree of oxidation is less than 2.8 % for virgin oil. Degree of oxidation is less than 3.3 % of one for an ordinary virgin.

Crete island is also famous as a long-lived island. The long-lived country where Greek average life expectancy is also ranked as dominance in the world with a 78 years old of man and a 84 years old of lady. I say that it's the traditional living habit which becomes established in Crete island from the old days to be said to be one of the reason. Traditional eating habits in Crete island are called "Crete system diet". Absorption and fish are several times a week every day, and meat is a traditional meal as several times a month for vegetables and yogurt focusing on olive oil for Crete system diet. People in Crete island were making such eating habits a custom from child's time.

2016-03-21 04:41:44 tv Tokyo






○ "Miharutaki cherry-blossom" ~ 日本三大桜「三春滝桜」

2016-03-20 09:33:26 | ♪ One Short Talk

-At the middle ofJapan three big cherry tree "Miharutaki cherry-blossom" [best time of an ordinary year] April-at the end of April -.
I receive designation of a national natural monument in 1922 and am ranked as one of Japanese three big cherry trees by a red weeping cherry tree of EDOHIGAN course.
The height notifies 20m of 13.5m and tree spread in 25m and north and south in east and west. I make a crimson small flower bloom infinitely in the thick branch which developed in the square.
It's said that its state came to be called a waterfall cherry tree because of indeed water's seeming to drop like a waterfall.

~ 日本三大桜「三春滝桜」 【例年の見頃】4月中旬~4月下旬 ~

○ roger / 分かった!

2016-03-19 11:40:28 | ♪fuckin 英会話


Yahoo! JAPAN

Suicide Complicates ‘Top Gun’ Project. NYT

よく「了解」と言うときに英語で"roger that!"って言いますが、この言葉...
ID非公開さん 2005/03/07 11:14:18
よく「了解」と言うときに英語で"roger that!"って言いますが、この言葉の由来はなんですか?よく「了解」と言うときに英語で"roger that!"って言いますが、この言葉の由来はなんですか?
回答数:2 閲覧数:24,090 お礼:知恵コイン0

ID非公開さん 2005/03/07 11:33:20

rog・er /rd|rd/

1 【通信】 了解.
2 《口語》 よし,オーケー.
《英俗・卑》 性交する.
‘received' の r を通信符号で Roger と呼んだことから

CSOでRoger that.と言っていましたがなんでRoger だけじゃ...
roger thatというフレーズは誰に対してもつかっていいですか...
Roger と copyの明確な違いはなんでしょうか? 日本のFP...
よく現代戦争映画などで使われている英語で 了解と言う時に ...

roger that



○ Putin's Intention / シリアから電撃撤退したプーチンの意図はどこに?

2016-03-18 07:24:45 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS
2016-03-18 07:24:45 Newsweek
15:30 Thursday March 17 in 2016
In where is the Putin's aim you did shock evacuation of from Syria?

The Russian air force plane which returns for a home country from an air base in Syria territory Russian Ministry of Defence-REUTERS
I declared on the 14th, that a Russian Putin president began to withdraw from the next day about "main part" of a Syrian stationing unit this month. Moreover I made them put a TV camera in a meeting of a government, and made them deliver a picture of Sean who states "An army achieved the purpose, so, begin a withdrawal from Syria from tomorrow." to all over the world.

Russia began a military strategy in Syria territory in September of last year while making the position which supports Syrian Assad political power clear. The effect is enormous for an aerial bombardment by a missile and an airplane, and while a civil war continues, the Syrian governmental forces which were having a hard time revive. This "aerial bombardment starting" was also shock-like, but the aim as "Assad system support" was obvious at that time, and surprise by the point was not.

But surprise is running to an international society this time. It's because there is an unexpected sense and Putin's "aim" can't be read, to say surprise. The "Syrian peace conference in" 3 New Year's Eve held in Geneva exactly is resumed on this 14th, so "the day", I aim, and, it's apparent that withdrawals are some "plans", did on earth what be considered and a withdrawal be declared this time also it be carried out?

[Reference article] 705 people of 470,000 people of dead and killed doctor.. I look back to a Syrian civil war for 5 years by a number

It's possible to conjecture variously. While the low area 30 dollars for 1 barrel of oil price still calls a stand continues, a predicament follows the Russian economy by which energy export is the biggest industry. Even if it was made a currency, 1 dollar improved little from the standard like the nightmare as 80 rubles, but I "still have no money" inexpensively and anyway at 70 rubles, because it'll be one factor.

Much explanation is the one as the purpose which makes a peace meeting develop. It was the explanation for which the most effective hand was used as Putin, but anyway to stop fighting and perpetuate it then did Russia added to an intense battle why incline toward peace suddenly?

When the military action is continued in Syria territory just as it is, there is also comment that the tension with Turkey keeps heightening. There is such anxiety certainly. But this doesn't also seem to be a decisive reason.

The expectation which would like to improve a relation with the west side in other words Europe and America "deciphers a message" this, it's possible to do. Europe and America are the extension which stops being opposed about Syria problem in essence, and it can be understood as the intention to advance towards overall relation improvement to cooperate in a peace meeting and evade tension with Turkey.

The North Korean situation is to make them release economic sanctions about Ukraine problem as the motive and disquieting seriously, so I can also think six persons would like to make a hotline in "day U.S. and South Korea Japan and Russia" in conformity with a structure of a meeting restore.

But one aim is transparent, and Ulla of such "beauty" logic sees. That's this timing and is the purpose of saying to Europe and America "I advance and make them admit Assad political power personally."

"Continuation of Assad system" is the premise actually for a flow of the present peace meeting. It's so at a part of bottom line. While an idea such as the plans of federate nations has come out, such nuance becomes even darker. But a chemical weapon "is still used to its own citizen" as Europe and America, done Assad political power, "Shimotsuke", make, "completion of a framework" isn't being destroyed.

When Russia seems to continue the military strategy in Syria territory here, it isn't possible to drop this "completion of a framework" off as Europe and America. That's because the prestige of the state is damaged when they seem to decriminalize Assad who violated "crime as a non-humane act" by the shape that he yields to the military power of Russia.

But the feeling that I'd like to plan for settling down-ization of the Syrian situation subject to the continuation of Assad political power at a part of bottom line was becoming seen in the posture of each country clearly. Fairly, the movement which is the American Kelly Secretary of State in particular inclines toward its way.

[Reference article] the influential quarrel by which U.S.-Russia and Turkey are three swirls to Syrian armistice later

Russia "suspends a military action" in such, then the thing from which something as "the peace which premised on Assad system continuation" is received formally for Europe and America is made easy to say. It's because the explanation judged as realistic choice becomes possible without giving the impression which yielded to the military power of Russia.

When I think so, it's also logical by a point as timing that the "threat" to which the "NUSURA front" where I oppose myself to Europe and America and Assad Russian union intensely binds Mr. Junpei Yasuda's person of a Japanese journalist has been sent as of this, and I come. It's because a possibility that I strengthen oppositely is the meaning as the Assad political power and the moderate's peace, and has high pressure to ISIL and the NUSURA front, that peace negotiations develop.

When Europe and America are the situation which admits continuation of Assad political power "formally" just as it is, it becomes political in the figure Putin won. The explanation as "surprise withdrawal" to arrange its environment seems most reasonable.

2016-03-18 07:24:45 Newsweek

シリア領内の空軍基地から本国に向けて帰還するロシア空軍機 Russian Ministry of Defence-REUTERS

















○ Shocking Snowden :‘Climate Change Is A Hoax By The CIA’「地球温暖化は、CIAによってデマです」

2016-03-17 08:05:32 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS
2016-03-17 08:05:32 Globalnews

Shocking New Snowden Confession: ‘Climate Change Is A Hoax By The CIA’
March 15 2016

Global News, PoliticsAdd comments
Snowden Global Warming CIA Hoax

– Shocking New Snowden Confession: “Climate Change is a Hoax by the CIA”:

UPDATE: Edward Snowden is not the only person coming out this week saying global warming was a hoax. So is the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,

Let me begin by saying that unless you’ve taken the time to look into Edward Snowden, then he’s probably not who you think he is. He’s certainly not the low level data entry schmuck the media made him out to be when he spilled many of the NSA’s secrets and then had to flee the country back in 2013. The public was led to believe that Snowden was little more than the guy from IT that you call when the printer toner runs out, but being a sneaky little bastard, he managed to sneak in a zip drive one day and downloaded all kinds of top secret information. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Since Snowden’s most recent revelation is something so big it will shatter the world view of tens of millions of people if true, I thought I’d provide a little background on the man before the article below. After all, Snowden isn’t revealing that there is no such thing as Santa Clause. He’s saying that “global warming is a complete hoax that was invented by the CIA.” There’s a damn good reason the media painted Snowden to be such a nobody, and that’s because they knew they had to discredit him publicly before he dropped any major truth bombs.

Edward Snowden was not some guy that you call when the printer toner runs low. We’re talking about a guy whose co-worker at the NSA once told Forbes Magazine that although the NSA was filled with tons of smart people, Snowden was “a genius among geniuses,” The following brief summary comes from wikipedia, but it’s highly condensed. It is my intention to provide just enough information to spark your curiosity, so that you’ll watch the AMAZING documentary below. With a claim the size of the one Snowden is making, it’s important you get a sense of precisely who is making it. Wikipedia says:

On May 7, 2004, Snowden enlisted in the United States Army Reserve as a Special Forces candidate through its 18X enlistment option, but he did not complete the training. After breaking both legs in a training accident, he was discharged. He was then employed for less than a year in 2005 as a “security specialist” at the University of Maryland’s Center for Advanced Study of Language, a non-classified facility.

In 2006, after attending a job fair focused on intelligence agencies, Snowden was offered a position at the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), which he joined. After distinguishing himself as a junior employee on the top computer team, Snowden was sent to the CIA’s secret school for technology specialists, where he lived in a hotel for six months while studying and training full-time. According to a co-worker, while there Snowden was “considered the top technical and cybersecurity expert” in that country and “was hand-picked by the CIA to support the president at the 2008 NATO summit in Romania.”

Later, during his four years with Dell, Snowden rose from supervising NSA computer system upgrades to working as what his résumé termed a “cyberstrategist” and an “expert in cyber counterintelligence” at several U.S. locations. In that capacity, he was consulted by the chiefs of the CIA’s technical branches, including the agency’s chief information officer and its chief technology officer. U.S. officials and other sources familiar with the Snowden case say that he began downloading documents describing the government’s electronic spying programs while working for Dell in April 2012. Investigators estimated that of the 50,000 to 200,000 documents Snowden gave to Greenwald and Poitras, most were copied by Snowden while working at Dell.At the time of his departure from the United States in May 2013, he had been employed for 15 months inside the NSA’s Hawaii regional operations center, which focuses on the electronic monitoring of China and North Korea, the last three of which were with consulting firm Booz Allen Hamilton which hired Snowden in 2013 as an NSA contractor. Prior to starting with Booz Allen Hamilton, Snowden’s “career high” annual salary was $200,000, but he took a pay cut at Booz Allen Hamilton because he knew he would have the opportunity to gather data, and then ultimately release details of the NSA’s worldwide surveillance activity.

Intelligence officials have described Snowden’s position with Booz Allen Hamilton as a “system administrator,” but Snowden says he was an “infrastructure analyst.” That meant his job was to look for new ways to break into Internet and telephone traffic around the world. Gradually, over the span of his career with the NSA, Snowden began to move from merely overseeing different systems to actively directing their use. Snowden regularly had sit downs with the CIO of the CIA, the CTO of the CIA, and the chiefs of all the technical branches.

So, when Edward Snowden says that global warming is a total farce that was manufactured by the U.S. government, as you just read, if anyone was in a position to know, it would have been him. The following documentary goes into much more detail, and then just a few days ago the article below came out when he makes the shocking new revelation.


Snowden 1

The Observatorial writes:

Snowden, who lives as a fugitive in Russia after leaking documents about the NSA’s surveillance programs, has made some previously unreported allegations during an interview with the Moscow Tribune.

Mr. Snowden says the CIA first orchestrated the spread of the “Global Warming scare” in the 1950s, in order to divert the attention of the scientific community, from the dangers of the weapons race and reinforce its control over research institutes.

“I have documents showing that the CIA invented the whole thing,” claims Edward Snowden. “Global Warming was invented to both scare people, and divert their attention from other human-made dangers like nuclear weapons. The CIA gave millions of dollars to any scientist who would confirm the theory, so many unscrupulous scientists did what they were told in order to get the money. Now, there is so much fake data to confirm that Global Warming “exists”, that they actually convinced everyone that it was real.”

Snowden 2

Mr. Snowden says that the documents proving that the CIA invented the whole thing will be integrally reproduced in his new book, expected to be released in September 2016.

Edward Snowden was hired by an NSA contractor in 2013 after previous employment with Dell and the CIA. In the month of June of the same year, he revealed thousands of classified NSA documents to journalists. He also claims to be in possession of CIA documents, linking the agency to many illegal activities.

The US government filed espionage charges against him shortly after his revelations were made public. He has been living under asylum in Moscow, after fleeing the US for Hong Kong in the wake of the leaks.

On July 28 2015, the White House has rejected a “We the People” petition of nearly 168,000 signatories, to pardon him.

He has since threatened to release other documents in his possession, which he claims would be far more embarrassing for the American government than the ones he has already rendered public.

Tags: CIA, Climate Change, Edward Snowden, Global Cooling, Global News, Global Warming, Government, NSA, Politics, U.S.

2016-03-17 08:05:32 Globalnews

スノーデン地球温暖化CIAデマMarch 15 2016

- 新スノーデン告白ショッキング:「気候変動は、CIAによってデマです」:
March 15 2016

UPDATE: エドワード・スノーデンは、地球温暖化はデマだったと言って今週出てくる唯一の人ではありません。 だから、ある米国海洋大気庁は、



エドワード・スノーデンは、プリンタのトナーが少なくなったときに呼び出すいくつかの男ではありませんでした。私たちは、その同僚NSA一度の男の話をしている告げフォーブス誌の「天才の中の天才「NSAは、スマート人々のトンでいっぱいだったが、スノーデンがあったことを 、次の簡単な要約が来るウィキペディアが、それは非常にです凝縮。あなたが以下のAMAZINGドキュメンタリーを見てよように、あなたの好奇心を刺激するだけの十分な情報を提供するために、私の意図です。1スノーデンのサイズが作っている請求で、それはあなたがそれを作っている正確に誰の感覚を得ることが重要です。ウィキペディアは言います:



その後、デルとの彼の4年の間に、スノーデンは彼の履歴書は、米国のいくつかの場所で「cyberstrategist」と「サイバー防諜の専門家」と呼ばれるものとして働くことにNSAのコンピュータ・システムのアップグレードを監督から上昇しました。その容量では、彼は、政府機関の最高情報責任者(CIO)とその最高技術責任者を含め、CIAの技術的な枝の首長によって相談されました。2012年調べでは、スノーデンは、グリーンワルドとPoitrasに付けた50,000~200,000の文書のうち、ほとんどがによってコピーされたと推定米国当局者とスノーデンケースに精通している他の情報源は、4月にデルのために働いている間、彼は政府の電子スパイプログラムを記述したドキュメントをダウンロードし始めたことを言いますスノーデンデルで取り組んでいます。2013年5月における米国からの彼の出発の時に、彼は中国と北朝鮮の電子監視に焦点を当てNSAのハワイ地域のオペレーションセンター、内部の15ヶ月のために採用されていたが、最後の3そのうちのNSAの請負業者として2013年にスノーデンを雇ったコンサルティング会社ブ ーズ・アレン・ハミルトンと一緒にいました。ブーズ・アレン・ハミルトンで開始する前に、スノーデンの「キャリアハイ"年俸は$ 200,000のだったが、彼 は、賃金カット取ったブーズ・アレン・ハミルトンが、彼 は彼がデータを収集する機会を持って、その後、最終的にはNSA の世界的なサーベイランスの詳細をリリースするだろう知っていたのでアクティビティ。

情報当局者は、「システム管理者」としてブーズ・アレン・ハミルトンとスノーデンの立場を説明したが、スノーデン氏は、「インフラのアナリスト。 "彼の仕事は、世界中のインターネットと電話のトラフィックに侵入するための新しい方法を模索した意味だったと言います。 徐々に、NSAとの彼のキャリアのスパンで、スノーデンは、単に積極的にその使用を演出するために、異なるシステムを監督から移動し始めました。スノーデンは定期的にダウンを座っていたCIO CIAの、CTO CIAの、およびすべての技術支店の首長。


国家安全保障局内部告発者エドワード・スノーデン氏は、CIAが「地球温暖化理論」の背後にあることを証明しているSOME機密情報を持っていると言って、インタビューの中でYESTERDAY NEW論争の請求をしました。













○ The Fukushima Crisis965 “Shocking how many people died in Fukushima” 8000人の方々の死。

2016-03-16 07:49:14 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS
2016-03-16 07:49:14 ENENews
“Shocking how many people died in Fukushima”

― Cremated bodies of Fukushima radiation workers found near plant ― “Such a high rate of cancer” being detected in Fukushima children (VIDEOS)

Published: March 14th, 2016 at 10:36 am ET
By ENENews
Email Article Email Article

AP, Mar 10, 2016 (emphasis added): Fukushima ‘Decontamination Troops’ Often Exploited, Shunned ― The ashes of half a dozen unidentified laborers ended up at a Buddhist temple in this town just north of the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant… They were simply labeled “decontamination troops” ― unknown soldiers in Japan’s massive cleanup campaign to make Fukushima livable again five years after radiation poisoned the fertile countryside… One laborer… said he was instructed never to talk to reporters… Minutes after chatting with some workers in Minamisoma, Associated Press journalists received a call from a city official warning them not to talk to decontamination crews… [W]orkers have developed diabetes, cerebral and respiratory problems… local hospital intern Toyoaki Sawano said in a medical magazine last month… Hideaki Kinoshita, a Buddhist monk who keeps the unidentified laborers’ ashes at his temple [said] “There is no end to this job… Five years from now, the workers will still be around. And more unclaimed ashes may end up here.”

Mainichi, Mar 7, 2016: Experts divided on causes of high thyroid cancer rates among Fukushima children ― A total of 166 children in Fukushima Prefecture had been either diagnosed with thyroid cancer or with suspected cases of cancer… “Compared to the estimated prevalence rates based on the country’s statistics on cancer, which are shown in data including regional cancer registration, the level of thyroid cancer detection is several dozen times higher (in children of Fukushima Prefecture),” said the final draft for the interim report compiled by the prefectural government’s expert panel on Feb. 15… [T]wo teams both concluded that the number of cancer cases found in Fukushima children was “about 30 times” that of national levels [and] agree that the “30 times higher (than the national occurrence rates)” is unexplainable. At the moment, the most likely theories for such a high rate of cancer detection are the “overdiagnosis theory” held by [the team led by Shoichiro Tsugane, a member of the Fukushima government's expert panel] and the “radiation effect theory” that [the team led by Okayama University professor Toshihide Tsuda] supports… Tsugane is not completely denying the effects of radiation in children’s cancer… [Tsuda] argues that radiation exposure is the main cause of the high prevalence of cancer in children [and] because the spread of cancer cells to lymph nodes and other tissues could be seen in 92 percent of patients, Tsuda believes that overdiagnosis makes up 8 percent of the patients at most…

RT, Mar 11, 2016: ‘Shocking how many people died in Fukushima‘ – documentary director… Authorities in Japan want locals to think “nothing happened,” documentary director Jeffrey Jousan told RT. “The government prints the number of people who died as a result of the 2011 disaster in the newspapers… the (death toll) amounts to 300-400 people in each prefecture, but in Fukushima it is over 8,000 people… It is shocking… to see [how] many people have died in Fukushima”… [I]t is still unclear how many people have succumbed to or suffer from radiation-caused cancer diseases directly linked to the crippled plant.

Watch Press Conferences: Prof. Tsuda | Dr. Angelika Claussen, physician

2016-03-16 07時49分14秒ENENews

― 「癌のそのような高いレート」が福島子供(ビデオ)に検出されているのを、--福島放出労働者の火葬された遺体は、プラント-- -- --の近くで発見した--


AP、2016年3月10日(強調は追加した):福島『浄化軍』しばしば利用避けられて 日本の大規模な掃除の未知の兵士 、--それらには 損われた福島原子力発電所…のすぐ北のこの町の仏教寺院で上に終えられた半ダースの未確認労働者の灰について「浄化軍」というラベルを単に貼った-- -- 福島を、放出が肥沃な地方…を害した5年後に再び住むのに適させるためのキャンペーン 1人の労働者…が 言った 彼は、Minamisomaの何人かの労働者とおしゃべりした数分後にレポーター…と話さないのを指示された、AP通信ジャーナリストは、彼らに、浄化クルー…と話さないと警告している都市役員から呼び出しを受けた労働者は糖尿病がひどくなり、脳および呼吸の問題…ローカルな病院のインターンのトヨアキサワノが先月医学の雑誌において言った …ヒデアキキノシタ 、未確認の労働者の灰を、そこの彼の お寺[いわれている]"に保持する仏教の僧侶は、労働者がまだいることの現在からこの仕事…に5年全然終わりではない。そして、より請求者がない灰はここで終わるかもしれない。」

Mainichi、2016年3月7日:エキスパートは、福島県の子供の間の高い甲状腺癌レートの原因において分かれた--福島県の166人の子供の合計が甲状腺の癌で診断されたこと、またはデータにおいて示される癌の国の統計に基づく見積もられている普及レートに比べての癌…"の疑われているケースによって地域の癌登録を含み、甲状腺の癌検出のレベルは、より高く(福島県の子供において)数ダースの時であり、言われる 2月に県庁の専門家のパネルにより編集された中間報告のための最終的なドラフト 15…[T]woチーム両方が終わった 「30倍高く(全国的な発生が評価するより)」は説明がつかなく、福島県の子供に発見された癌ケースの数は、全国的なレベル[および]で合致している「約30倍」であった。ちょうど、癌検出のそのような高いレートのための最もありそうな理論は、[ショウイチロウツガネにより導かれたチーム、福島政府の専門家のパネルのメンバー]および「放出効果理論」によって保持された「過剰な診断理論」であり、ツガネを[岡山大学教授トシヒデ津田]サポート…[により送らせられるチーム]はそうではない完全に子供の癌…[津田]での放出の効果を否定することにより、放射線被曝が子供[および]の癌の高い普及の主要な原因であるのが主張される。なぜなら、リンパノードおよび他の組織への癌細胞の広がりは、患者の92パーセントにおいて見られえたからである、津田は、過剰な診断により患者の8パーセントがせいぜい作られると信じる…

RT、2016年3月11日:『福島で何人もの人々が死んだかに衝撃を与える』--「何も起こらなかった、」ドキュメンタリーのディレクターをジェフリーJousanと考える日本欠乏ローカルのドキュメンタリーのディレクター…当局がRTを話した。「政府は、新聞…の2011災害の結果として個々の県の300-400人々に(死亡者数)で死んだ人々の数をプリントするけれども、福島では、それは8,000人を超える人々である…見て [どれほど] 、福島"…で多くの人々が死んだことが衝撃的である [私] t いくつの人々がそれに負けたか、または損われたプラントと直接接続された放出起こされた癌病気に苦しむかので、まだ不明瞭である。


〓 ref.










"What was that sound...?"







"How was the match?"

"Japan's got cremated."



lose(例:We lost the game.)

be defeated(例:We were defeated.)

beat(例:They beat us.)


今回の cremate ですが、「火葬する」という意味の単語です。

それを be cremated と受け身にしたら「火葬される」ですが、

例:The Giants got cremated!

○ Okazaki Okazaki!!英各紙が岡崎のゴール称賛「マジックのような瞬間だった」

2016-03-16 01:06:22 | ♪ utu. Sports&Funny. 動画.
2016-03-16 01:06:22Kyoto
The goal praise by which each British paper is Okazaki "It was the moment like magic."

Okazaki of Lester who decides a taking the initiative goal the first half of Newcastle competition= Leicester (association)

Okazaki of Lester who decides a taking the initiative goal the first half of Newcastle competition= Leicester (association) [expansion]

British media praised the vivid overhead kick Shinji Okazaki in Leicester who runs through the top on the 14th by English Premier League of soccer has decided in Newcastle competition.

Mr. tabloid paper dated the 15th "is sensational" (wonderfully), the name of Okazaki is hung on English and it's carried big by an headline with "SHINSESHONARU". If it "was the moment like magic", quality paper Times expressed.

Daily and Miller comment "the goal to strain the eyes by a genius-like ball touch", and his work done is to the extent it isn't believed, and "don't stop to run", and, acclamation. Independent paper, "Okazaki's goal may decide Lester's future of this season.", it was praised. (Association)

2016-03-16 01:06:22Kyoto





⚪ The Fukushima Crisis 964 / A-bomb 1000times /広島原爆1000発分

2016-03-15 05:49:57 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS
2016-03-15 05:49:57 Enenews

Published: March 14th, 2016 at 10:36 am ET
By ENENews
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Nuclear Expert: Fukushima “like the worst nightmare becoming reality” ― Released as much as 1,000 atomic bombs worth of radioactive material ― “Everyone on earth has been exposed… an increase in cancer will be the result”
Environment, Global NewsAdd comments
– Nuclear Expert: Fukushima “like the worst nightmare becoming reality” ― Released as much as 1,000 atomic bombs worth of radioactive material ― “Everyone on earth has been exposed… an increase in cancer will be the result”:

Interview with nuclear engineer Hiroaki Koide (translation by Prof. Robert Stolz, transcription by Akiko Anson), published Mar 8, 2016 (emphasis added):

As for the scale of the [Fukushima] accident… we simply don’t know… all the measuring equipment was destroyed at the time of the accident…
The Japanese government has reported estimates [of] 1.5×10^16 Becquerels of Cs-137, which would make it a release of 168 times more radioactive material than the Hiroshima bombing. And this is only material released into the atmosphere…
But I myself think the government’s numbers are an underestimate. Various experts and institutes from around the world have offered several of their own estimates… some two or three times higher than the government’s numbers. According to these other estimates I think that the release of Cs-137 into the atmosphere could be around 500 times the Hiroshima bombing.
What has been washed into the sea… is likely not much different from the levels released into the atmosphere. Even today we are unable to prevent this release. And so if we combine the amount of Cs-137 released in the air and the ocean together, we get an estimate several hundred times the Hiroshima levels. And some estimates suggest the Fukushima accident could be as much as one-thousand Hiroshimas…
The amount released into the atmosphere from the explosion during the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear plant was 800 to 1000 times the Hiroshima levels. Put simply, these estimates place Fukushima on par with Chernobyl…
[T]he radioactive material released from Fukushima has been dispersed across the globe… everyone on earth has been exposed to additional radiation… An increase in cancer will be the result…
Not a single nuclear expert or policy maker ever seriously considered the possibility of an accident like this… I had been commenting on the possibility, referring to some results of simulations. But still I would have thought the kind of disaster that happened at Fukushima was some kind of impossible nightmare―yet it actually happened. It was like the worse nightmare becoming a reality… all those pronuclear people surely never gave it a moment’s thought. And so when it actually happened, no one had thought about, let alone built a system to deal with it.
Asia-Pacific Journal, Mar 2016: As we learn in this wide-ranging and important interview [with Hiroaki Koide], the accident often referred to as 3/11 was enormous and in many ways unprecedented. The full scope of the disaster is still unknown, but is clearly on the scale of Chernobyl, placing the amount of radioactive material released… up to 1,000 times the Hiroshima bombing of 1945.

See also: Japan Professor: I believe airborne release of cesium-137 from Fukushima equals 400 to 500 Hiroshima nuclear bombs ― Another 400 to 500 bombs worth has already flowed into Pacific Ocean (VIDEO)

* * *

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Tags: Environment, Fukushima, Global News, Hiroaki Koide, Japan, Nuclear, Nuclear reactors, Radiation.

2016-03-15 05:49:57 Globalnews Enenews

Published: March 14th, 2016 at 10:36 am ET
By ENENews
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原子力専門家:福島 "現実のものとなってきて最悪の悪夢のような" - 放射性物質の価値が原爆1000発リリース - 「地球上の誰もがさらされているが...がんの増加が結果になります」

- 原子力専門家:「現実のものとなってきて最悪の悪夢のような"福島-放射性物質の価値が原爆1000発リリース- 「地球上の誰もがさらされているが...がんの増加が結果になります」。


日本政府は、広島の原爆投下よりも168倍以上の放射性物質の放出になるだろうセシウム137の1.5×10 ^ 16ベクレル、[の]推定値を報告しています。そして、これは大気中に放出された唯一の材料であります...
何が海に洗浄されている...大気中に放出レベルと大差ないだろう。今日も私たちは、この放出を防止することができません。だから私たちは一緒に大気や海洋に放出さセシウム137の量を組み合わせた場合、我々は数百回広島レベル推定値を得ます。そして、いくつかの推定値は、福島の事故は同じくらいかもしれない示唆している1千Hiroshimas ...
[T]福島から放出された彼の放射性物質がされている世界中に分散した ... 地球上の誰もが露出された追加の放射線に... 癌の増加が結果になります ...
単一の核専門家や政策決定者は、これまで真剣にこのような事故の可能性を考えていない...私は、可能性についてコメントしたシミュレーションのいくつかの結果を参照していました。しかし、まだ、私は福島で起こった災害の種類があったと思ったであろうことは不可能悪夢のいくつかの種類、それが実際に起こった-yet。それが現実になってきて悪化悪夢のようだった ...すべてのそれらの前核の人々は確かにそれを一瞬の考えを与えたことはありません。そしてそれは実際に起こった、誰が考えたなかったとき、ましてや、それに対処するためのシステムを構築しました。
アジア太平洋ジャーナル、2016年3月:私たちは[宏明小出付き]この広範な重要なインタビューで学ぶように、多くの場合、3月11日と呼ばれる事故が膨大と前例のない多くの方法でした。災 害の完全な範囲はまだ不明ですが、配置、チェルノブイリの規模で明らかに放出された放射性物質の量を最大... 広島原爆1000発分 1945年。


* * *

ペイパル:EURに 寄付


⚪️ Chomsky: “I have never seen such lunatics in the political system/狂った人間

2016-03-14 11:30:09 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS
2016-03-14 11:30:09
MONDAY, MAR 14, 2016 05:30 AM JST

Noam Chomsky: “I have never seen such lunatics in the political system''

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Noam Chomsky: "I have never seen such lunatics in the political system"

(Credit: Associated Press)
This article originally appeared on AlterNet.
AlterNet Professor Chomsky was interviewed in Boston by the writer and activist Simone Chun for the Hankyoreh newspaper. Here is the English translation of the interview, courtesy of Ms. Chun. She was accompanied in her first meeting with Prof. Chomsky in November 2015 (pictured) by Christine Ahn, the founder of Women Cross DMZ, which led a historic march across the North-South Korean border last May (full disclosure, Ms. Chun, Ms. Ahn and myself are all affiliated with the Korea Peace Institute).

Ms. Chun’s interview recently took place, at Professor Chomsky’s office at MIT. Here is the Q&A.


Noam Chomsky: “I have never seen such lunatics in the political system”
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Noam Chomsky: "I have never seen such lunatics in the political system"
(Credit: Associated Press)
This article originally appeared on AlterNet.
AlterNet Professor Chomsky was interviewed in Boston by the writer and activist Simone Chun for the Hankyoreh newspaper. Here is the English translation of the interview, courtesy of Ms. Chun. She was accompanied in her first meeting with Prof. Chomsky in November 2015 (pictured) by Christine Ahn, the founder of Women Cross DMZ, which led a historic march across the North-South Korean border last May (full disclosure, Ms. Chun, Ms. Ahn and myself are all affiliated with the Korea Peace Institute).

Ms. Chun’s interview recently took place, at Professor Chomsky’s office at MIT. Here is the Q&A.

Chun: Do you feel that there will be any significant change in the foreign policy of the United States after President Obama?

Chomsky: If Republicans are elected, there could be major changes that will be awful. I have never seen such lunatics in the political system. For instance, Ted Cruz’s response to terrorism is to carpet-bomb everyone.

Chun: Would you expect that Hillary Clinton’s foreign policy would be different from President Obama’s?

Chomsky: Judging by the record, she is kind of hawkish―much more militant than the centrist democrats, including Obama. Take for instance Libya: she was the one pressing the hardest for bombing, and look at what happened. They not only destroyed the country, but Libya has become the center for jihad all over Africa and the Middle East. It’s a total disaster in every respect, but it does not matter. Look at the so-called global war on terror. It started in 15 years ago with a small cell in a tribal sector in Afghanistan. Now it is all over, and you can understand why. It’s about comparative advantage of force.

Chun: How about Bernie Sanders–what do you think his foreign policy will be?

Chomsky: He is doing a lot better than I expected, but he doesn’t have much to say about foreign policy. He is a kind of New Deal Democrat and focuses primarily on domestic issues.

Chun: Some people in South Korea speculate that if Bernie Sanders gets elected, he may take a non-interventionist position towards foreign policy, which would then give more power to South Korea’s right-wing government.

Chomsky: The dynamics could be different. His emphasis on domestic policy might require an aggressive foreign policy. In order to shore up support for domestic policies, he may be forced to attack somebody weak.

Chun: Do you believe that Americans would support another war?

Chomsky: The public is easily amenable to lies: the more lies there are, the greater the support for war. For instance, when the public was told that Saddam Hussein would attack the U.S., this increased support for the war.

Chun: Do you mean that the media fuels lies?

Chomsky: The media is uncritical, and their so-called the concept of objectivity translates into keeping everything within the Beltway. However, Iraq was quite different. Here, there were flat-out lies, and they sort of knew it. They were desperately trying to make connections between Saddam Hussein and 9/11.

Chun: Do you think that the Iran nuclear deal is a good thing?

Chomsky: I don’t think that any deal was needed: Iran was not a threat. Even if Iran were a threat, there was a very easy way to handle it–by establishing a Middle East Nuclear Weapons Free Zone, which is something that nearly everyone in the world wants. Iran has been calling for it for years, and the Arab countries support it. Everyone except the United States and Israel support it. The U.S. won’t allow it because it means inspecting Israel’s nuclear weapons. The U.S. has continued to block it, and in fact blocked it again just a couple of days ago; it just wasn’t widely reported. Iran’s nuclear program, as U.S. intelligence points out, is deterrent, and the bottom line is that the U.S. and Israel don’t want Iran to have a deterrent. In any case, it is better to have some deal than no deal, but it’s interesting that Obama picked the day of implementing of Iran deal to impose new sanctions on North Korea.

Chun: Do you feel that there will be any significant change in the foreign policy of the United States after President Obama?

Chomsky: If Republicans are elected, there could be major changes that will be awful. I have never seen such lunatics in the political system. For instance, Ted Cruz’s response to terrorism is to carpet-bomb everyone.

Chun: Would you expect that Hillary Clinton’s foreign policy would be different from President Obama’s?

Chomsky: Judging by the record, she is kind of hawkish―much more militant than the centrist democrats, including Obama. Take for instance Libya: she was the one pressing the hardest for bombing, and look at what happened. They not only destroyed the country, but Libya has become the center for jihad all over Africa and the Middle East. It’s a total disaster in every respect, but it does not matter. Look at the so-called global war on terror. It started in 15 years ago with a small cell in a tribal sector in Afghanistan. Now it is all over, and you can understand why. It’s about comparative advantage of force.

Chun: How about Bernie Sanders–what do you think his foreign policy will be?

Chomsky: He is doing a lot better than I expected, but he doesn’t have much to say about foreign policy. He is a kind of New Deal Democrat and focuses primarily on domestic issues.

Chun: Some people in South Korea speculate that if Bernie Sanders gets elected, he may take a non-interventionist position towards foreign policy, which would then give more power to South Korea’s right-wing government.

Chomsky: The dynamics could be different. His emphasis on domestic policy might require an aggressive foreign policy. In order to shore up support for domestic policies, he may be forced to attack somebody weak.

Chun: Do you believe that Americans would support another war?

Chomsky: The public is easily amenable to lies: the more lies there are, the greater the support for war. For instance, when the public was told that Saddam Hussein would attack the U.S., this increased support for the war.

Chun: Do you mean that the media fuels lies?

Chomsky: The media is uncritical, and their so-called the concept of objectivity translates into keeping everything within the Beltway. However, Iraq was quite different. Here, there were flat-out lies, and they sort of knew it. They were desperately trying to make connections between Saddam Hussein and 9/11.

Chun: Do you think that the Iran nuclear deal is a good thing?

Chomsky: I don’t think that any deal was needed: Iran was not a threat. Even if Iran were a threat, there was a very easy way to handle it–by establishing a Middle East Nuclear Weapons Free Zone, which is something that nearly everyone in the world wants. Iran has been calling for it for years, and the Arab countries support it. Everyone except the United States and Israel support it. The U.S. won’t allow it because it means inspecting Israel’s nuclear weapons. The U.S. has continued to block it, and in fact blocked it again just a couple of days ago; it just wasn’t widely reported. Iran’s nuclear program, as U.S. intelligence points out, is deterrent, and the bottom line is that the U.S. and Israel don’t want Iran to have a deterrent. In any case, it is better to have some deal than no deal, but it’s interesting that Obama picked the day of implementing of Iran deal to impose new sanctions on North Korea.

ノーム・チョムスキー - Wikipedia
https://ja.m.wikipedia.org › wiki › ノーム...
スマホ対応 - エイヴラム・ノーム・チョムスキー(Avram Noam Chomsky、1928年12月7日 - )は、 アメリカ合衆国の哲学者、言語哲学者、言語 ...
‎来歴 • ‎人物 • ‎主な受賞歴 • ‎邦訳著書

エイヴラム・ノーム・チョムスキーは、アメリカ合衆国の哲学者、言語哲学者、言語学者、社会哲学者、論理学者。 彼は50年以上在籍するマサチューセッツ工科大学の言語学および言語哲学の研究所教授 兼名誉教授である。言語学者・教育学者キャロル・チョムスキーは彼の妻である。 ウィキペディア

⚪️TheFukushaCrisis 963 Abandoned People強制帰宅…絶望的な“棄民”政策。

2016-03-14 08:34:19 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

abandoned people

2016-03-14 08:34:19
March 11, 2016
I'm exposed to radiation by forced return … Hopeless "abandoned people" policy in Fukushima. Being moistened by revival emergency demand only as for the general contractor!
[March 11, 2016]
The roadwork that included for the cancellation everywhere is in progress, but, in Iitate-mura aiming at evacuation directive cancellation until next March, as for waste, it is said if a dose of radioactivity is high, and inhabitants do not return; a place. A manufacturer undertaking construction is only moistened
At the present when five years are going to pass from Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (1F) accident, what is taking place at the stricken area?
The pre-press pool reported "1F" judging from a drone by an article ("the real nature of the 1F"mystery tank" which TEPCO wanted to cover") last time in a week, but collected data on the present conditions of the stricken area minutely at the same time from the land.
It was a figure of a country and inhabitants who wanted to push forward evacuation directive cancellation who strengthened thought of reconciliation and the perplexity contrary to the expectations of the local government that saw from there.

This magazine having surrounded the Prime Minister at the time of the nuclear plant accident, Mr. Naoto Kan and the refuge area of Fukushima last July (to reference article "cause Prime Minister, Naoto Kan hotspot of Fukushima"). Decontaminating it was performed from nuclear power generation everywhere of a town and the village of the 30km zone, and, as for the storage of carring bag where I put decontamination waste in, there were the strange facilities called "a temporary temporary place" without being enough only in a temporary place.
It is a half year from that. When a press pool visits the stricken area some other time, at first it is that revival construction increased more and more to have stood out. The roadwork that not decontaminating it bound Minamisoma-shi and the meal Tachi (good length) village where the cancellation of the evacuation directive was carried out for from now on together were performed in many places. A heavy industrial machine and a truck for the work come and go incessantly. The car going to the way has predominantly more dump trucks than a car.
By the result, I was often caught on a stop signal for the construction for alternation traffic, and movement has taken time.
The budget cast for revival by the country is a big sum. The intensive revival budget from 2011 through 2015 amounts to 25 trillion yen. Furthermore, it was named "a revival, wound straight period" for five years from April of this year, and budget injection of 6,500 billion yen was fixed newly.
2,300 billion yen more than 30% of those is poured in Fukushima. But the prime example is this roadwork for a great question whether the money is spent really effectively. For example, prefectural road Route 49 along the iron mine dam which leads from Minamisoma-shi to the Namie (Namie) town and Katsurao (a wig) member of a village triad side.
This magazine comes for coverage many times here. There is a hotspot in the grass of the roadside and records a high dose of radioactivity nearly 100μSv in 200μSv an hour (microsievert), last July when this magazine measured it three years ago.
In the place, the trees and plants were harvested this time, and a large heavy industrial machine was contained, and construction advanced. It is said that I do the prevention of falling rock construction of the slope and the widening construction of the road when I ask the prefecture.
Because it is a way connecting Katsurao-mura and Minamisoma-shi waiting for evacuation directive cancellation, I know that I think about the security of inhabitants and construct prevention of falling rock. But will it be necessary to cast public funds in now, and to do the small prefectural road where there would not be so the traffic of the car until widening construction even before a nuclear plant accident?
The dosimetry that inhabitants get angry at saying "I think that I am irresponsible"
Masashi Goto who was the designer of the nuclear reactor containment vessel failed to ask in the former TOSHIBA employees who joined coverage while seeing this scene.
"Decontamination and the work with it core company of the nuclear power generation construction is entrusted general contractor, and is doing it for business until the settlement of the nuclear plant accident, and learn at all a sense of incongruity; of course there is the aspect that is necessary for radiological management the knowledge of they company … "
If it is really connected for a victim I spend enormous budgets, and to push forward revival construction, it is still good. But inhabitants come back and hardly think of the refuge local present conditions to be it with the environment that may live. Then, what is this construction carried out for?
I visited the private house with Haramachikubaba, Minamisoma-shi. I was called "a specific refuge encouragement point", and part of this district ever looked good with the place that was appointed when I seemed to exceed 20mSv a year although out of the exclusion zone here and there. However, decontaminating it was performed, and, as for the radiation dose, the encouragement point designation of the whole this district was canceled in December, 2014 saying that I withdrew enough.
It must be less than 0.23μSv an hour so that Minister of the Environment Marukawa reserves below it "1mSv a year" that is a radiation exposure limit of the general public who declared, "it is groundless" (withdraws it later). But the air dose exceeded 1μSv an hour when I measured the backyard of this private house. In other words, I still exceed 4 times of the standard.
However, it is said that it was not till the last in the designation household of the identification refuge encouragement point though the numerical value of the designation standard appeared by 挙句 where "was made a way of the measurement to think that I am irresponsible" (resident), the third measurement.
Not only this private house, I did not enter the refuge encouragement point, but there is the place having high dose of radioactivity in many places. Prefectural road Route 49 of the iron mine dam side that mentioned above is so. The air dose exceeded 3μSv an hour even if I measured from the inside of car.
I go south in a prefectural road from Minamisoma-shi, and there is a checkpoint in the place contacting with National highway No. 114. There hires only a person with the laissez-passer to Katsurao-mura or Namie-machi. Becoming did not seem to be exposed to radiation, and, as for the outer wall of the prefab house hut of the checkpoint, the person who checked a permit was covered with lead. In such a state, in Katsurao-mura, the cancellation of the exclusion zone is planned from the spring of this year.
There are other such places.
It is time when I visited the junior high school in the center of Iitate-mura aiming at exclusion zone cancellation of next March. Though it was covered unlike Minamisoma-shi by deep snow to be in the mountains, air dose was several places in a place more than 0.7μSv on the campus.
I exceeded 6μSv an hour when I shaded it with a dosimeter except a trout to collect rainwater in accord with the school building entrance in for trial there. Numerical value called 80Bq (becquerel) /kg appeared later when I measured this rainwater precisely. Because a standard of the drinking water is 10Bq/kg, I will have a polluted water of 8 times in the place that a child is going to return one year later. The decontamination of this school has just begun, but may I really return inhabitants to such a place?
Only For the revival of the village … The people's health hazard is second THING.

2016-03-14 08:34:19
March 11, 2016




⚪️ The Cheshire Cat Milky Way group" which Grins / にやりと笑う「チェシャ猫銀河群」

2016-03-13 23:31:04 | ♪ One Short Talk
2016-03-13 23:31:04 WIRED NEWS (US
2015.11.30 MON
"The Cheshire cat Milky Way group" which grins

Various Milky Way gathers and introduce "the Cheshire cat Milky Way group" which seemed to grin.

It is "the Cheshire cat (The Cheshire Cat) Milky Way group" which was named because this image seemed to grin.
All Milky Way constituting the smile of the Cheshire cat is not at the same position. The Milky Way in the distance where the light that spread was bent to by the galactic huge mass of the foreground set is included. I am called a gravity distorted ray effect, and am one of the important elements of the general theory of relativity of Einstein announced in November 100 years ago.

2016-03-13 23:31:04
2015.11.30 MON




この画像は、にやりと笑ったように見えることから名づけられた「チェシャ猫(The Cheshire Cat)銀河群」だ。