◯ 90%Sickness in Japan can be cured by itself! /90%の病気は自分で治せる!って本当ですか?①

2016-03-23 07:18:20 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS
2016-03-23 07:18:20

Med Doctor Yutaka Okamoto

< profile>
It was born in Osaka-shi in 1957.
Graduated from Kitano high school Graduated from Osaka University
A doctor MD.
I become a brain surgery medical specialist via anesthesiology and training of ICU and work on treatment of bad brain tumor. Immunity method of treatment of cancer and a gene therapy are studied at a cell technology/cell engineering center.
After that I have a doubt in the present medical treatment and medicine and make "the meeting which considers the 21st century medical treatment and medicine" with company's doctors.
I don't like being tied exceedingly, and neither disobeys nor follows "", I live selfishly so often in a principle.
I give priority to a hobby and my boom over work carelessly, "Poor, I have free time.", man of common sense who has a pain and prefers.

< hobby>
Travel (unsteadily, here and there)  
Reading (Is it in the year in spite of the genre?
One hundred thousand yen are also spent.)
It can be cut (Mr. Osamu Kubo and Hajime Narita Tetsu teacher train.)
It can be cut "The Gion Festival month halberd street turning".
Imagination and delusion
< my boom>
Astronomical observation (I have moved to a house with a roof intentionally for it.)
Mountain climbing
< favorite word>
When there is a market (ICHI, when), I don't need a state.
Ittou shousumimantomoshibi Terukuni
< to aim.>
I gather my good companies, create a think tank and send a creative suggestion to the world.
< motto>
I live long vigorously.
I neither disobey nor follow.

Sickness of 90% in Japan can be cured by itself! , is it true?

The number of patients a Japanese doctor examines is European and American 3.5 times. And Japan is the country where I have a lot of medicine by far in the world. "Good patient" with medicine dependence which is fooled by an abnormal METABO boom and increases increasingly. But you say it's own immunity power which is the inner "skilled physician" to claim really, and that it's natural support..., and it's said that they can cure 90 percent of sickness by themselves.
If, some day suddenness and all the one from Japan

When Mr. patients of autonomic imbalance...... etc. were everyone and a hospital (doctor's office), and didn't high blood pressure, diabetes, arteriosclerosis, obesity, gout, constipation, a headache, lumbago and insomnia have a medical treatment any more?

If the accident that the inspection that I am awakened to curing one's disease by oneself, and the medicine unnecessary than required does not drink does not receive gets up, and so medical care how's it going?

When indeed this by which it can also be said that it's absurd has happened actually.

Is Mr. patient in trouble because he kills?
Will a doctor be in trouble because he kills?

No, Mr. patient and a doctor may not be in trouble possibly...,....

There is a strange habit I can often arrange under a delusion.

Expectation is driven in that I don't also have that approximately and that it doesn't seem achieved, its.
Talk can be being inflated one after another based on expectation. It's possessed with the illusion that a delusion isn't a delusion any more and seems real gradually soon.

Then because it's seeming in the good idea to which the distress is changed, it's strange that I don't also have that all too soon and that it doesn't seem achieved.

By the way high blood pressure, diabetes, arteriosclerosis, obesity, gout, constipation, a headache, lumbago, insomnia and autonomic imbalance generically call, and are called "sickness of a comedy" around me.

The reason is easy.

Because those diseases are because they can never have heroine's sickness of tragedy.

It's possible to cure "sickness of a comedy" by the power as a principle and even when needing the power of the doctor temporarily, it's adequate by just a little advice.

On the other hand, I don't live through "sickness of tragedy" so.

A doctor and Mr. patient build relationship of mutual trust while communicating densely, and Mr. patient has to be aiming at healing while looking for gou ivy treatment method each. Indeed homemade treatment is indispensable.

There are "good patients" in Japan.

When there are 30,000,000 people even if I make an estimate low, its number may reach tens of millions of people possibly, too.

It's said that this "good patient" keeps increasing every day in that you can say certainly freely would be a problem.

It means that "good patient" is Mr. very thankful patient needless to say for a doctor.

Then, where are you thankful?

Without also complaining first, go regularly all the while periodically.

It isn't this much difficult to be got for a doctor. The visitor who can come periodically is the special patron.

Moreover I keep taking medicine silently and keeps having an examination. When it is, the profits can also be expected certainly, and I should be so very thankful.

This will be a very important point, in the life or, nevertheless that I don't recover comes in handy perfectly with KAWARUKO.

"I don't concern the life." and "It isn't completely cured." these 2 points will be a very important key word.

To take charge of the patient who concerns the life, worth doing, kanki, but, a mental burden is a big one as expected for a doctor. Its degree is a strong one so that I have that when I'm a serious doctor. Too strong in the thought that I'd like apply heart and soul to the patient who concerns the life and be confronted, there are many doctors who drive oneself too much and burn out too rather actually, too. Such, the delicate doctor is too serious, and resigns from a doctor suddenly on some days and retires from a site or often pulls a curtain in a life personally.

Mental share isn't also little of course for being confronted with the patient who concerns the life. The resolution on which great time is spent is necessary and also quite troublesome of course. Moreover it's the current state that it doesn't pay off like money considering it.

When examining Mr. patient who doesn't concern the point and life, there is gikan extremely by a point as worth doing, but whatever I say, it can correspond comfortably, so I'm very thankful. Moreover it's the point that it's also good that I don't recover perfectly.

Therefore since concerning the life, that would be a problem, even so, that I'm refreshed, even if it's completely cured, I'm in trouble about medical examination and treatment of once and twice.

In short or it's said that the patient who can be still a customer is the other thankful existence by which "good patient" is a fact.

It was because it was felt whether it was necessary to look back upon the work as a doctor by leading with sickness taking the strange delusion as a start, that I wrote this book.

2016-03-23 07:18:20


1957年 大阪市生まれ O型
北野高校卒 大阪大学卒
医師 医学博士

旅行 (ふらふらあちこち) 
読書 (ジャンルを問わず、年間に
きりえ 「 祇園祭月鉾辻回し」





































