○ Skin deep 2 カッコいいたって面の皮1枚だよ

2008-02-21 10:16:06 | ♪Weblog
Jackie had given Greg da shove da Sat.be4―or so she said anyway―in one of those cafe in da Ilac Centre,
after he'd accused her of robbing da cream out of his chocolate eclair.
―An'I paid for da fuckin thing! she'd told them da night be4.
She was in gond form tonight as well.
She tapped da table with her glass.
―If he was da last man on earth I wouldn't go with him.
She took a fair sip from da glass.
―I'd shag da Elephant Man b4 I'd let him go near me again,da prick.

They roared.
―Yis should've seen him with dat fuckin eclair.I was so embarrassed,
I was scarleh,
I'm not jokin yis,
I was burnin.
In his leather jacket an'his fuckin keys hangin off his belt,
yeh know,givin da goo goo eyes to a fuckin eclair.
It was pat'etic,it was.
―Were yeh goin to break it off anyway?
asked her.
―Yeah,said Jackie.
―I was thinkin abou it alrigh.I was givin da matter,eh,my serious consideration.
They laughed.

―Then wen I saw him sulkin;Jesus!
―He was very good lookin thnugh,wasn't he? said Yvonne.
―Very handsome.
―Not really,said Jackie.―Not wen yeh got up close to him. D'yeh know wat I mean?

―Beauty is only skin deep,said Mary.
―It wasn't even tha'deep,Mary,Jackie told her.

