○The Fukeshima Crisis 289 ; Fukushima children.be immediately evacuated福島危機289.子供の心臓停止.

2012-06-15 20:49:09 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS


Busby on children's heart attacks in Fukushima


""Fukushima children.be immediately evacuated.福島の子どもたちは即、疎開するべきです。"" pathfinderk

I'm Christopher Busby, I'm a an expert on the health effects of ionizing radiation.
And I want to talk to you about Fukushima and Chernobyl.
What I want to say is that the models that are used to determine the effects of radiation always concentrate on cancer and leukaemia.
And so, the current risk model will say how many cancers are expected after Fukushima and how many cacers are expected after Chernobyl, and so forth.
But we know from Chernobyl that radiation causes a whole range of diseases and one of the diseases that it seems to cause is heart disease.
And I want to talk to you about heart disease effect on children.
Now, a colleague of mine, Professor Yuri Bandashevsky, became quite famous, because he studied the cesium 137 exposure to children in the areas that were contaminated by Chernobyl accident in Belarus.

He discovered, in the late 1990s, he discovered that the children who were contaminated to the extent of having a only 20 to 30 bequerels per kilogram, which is not very much, of cesium 137 were suffering cardiac arrhythmias, that's heart wasn't beating properly, and they were suffering heart attacks and dying.
And it's a very serious matter.
So wasn't a question of leukaemia and cancer on these children although that occured as well, but there are very high rates of heart diseases on these children.
So children were manifesting heart diseases which are normally only found in old people.
And this got me thinking about how this could be  at what apeears to be low-level of contamination.
So I started looking into this and what I find was truly extraordinary which I shall share it with you.
The heart of a child at the age of about two to five is about this size, and the age of about ten it's about this size, and we know from measurements to be made, how many cells there are in the heart of a child.
A five-year-old has a heart which is approximately 220grams in weight, a lot of it, of course, is blood.
So if  you take the blood out and leave the muscle tissue, there's about 85 grams of muscle tissue in the heart of a child aged five.
This is all data.
Now we actually know also, though, the size of the heart muscle cells, so we know how many heart muscle cells there are in the child's heart.
There are about three billion muslce cells, the number. Three billion.
And what we can do is we can put 50 becquerels per kilogram of cesium 137 in a thought experiment, we can put into the heart muscle,
and a becquerel is one disintegration per second, so we can see how many disintegrations as how many electron tracks come from the cesium 137 in a period of about a year.
And when we do this, I mean it's really simple it can be done on the back of an envelope, what we find is that there are many many more electron tracks traversing the cells than you can imagine.
And in fact it works out that if only one percent of those cells were killed by the electron tracks of that level of cesium 137, if only one percent were killed, you would loose 25% of all the muscle cells in the heart.
And this is very serious because the heart is an extraordinary organ, the muscle cells in the heart are autonomous, they just contract and they contract and they contract for the whole period of life of the individual.
And everyday they pump seven thousand litters of blood through the body. Truly extraordinary.
And we live for seventy years so this heart beats away continuously for the whole of your life span.
But of course these cells are non-replacable by and large.
It turns out that only 1% of these cells can be replaced in a year.
So if these cells get damaged or if particular number of these cells get damaged, they cannot be replaced in a short period of time,
so a year's exposure to 50 becquerels per kilogram of cesium 137,
and incidentally cesium 137, we know from experiments, binds to muscle so this is where it goes,
just like iodine goes into the thyloid gland, the strontium goes into the bone and goes to the DNA, cesium 137 goes to muscle.
It will concentrate on the muscle tissue of a heart.
So this child's heart, after one year of exposure to that level of cesium, which is quite a small level, will have approximately 25% of its cells destroyed.
Now, we would therefore expect to find effects and the same effects that were found by Bandashevsky.
And it does seem, from what people have been telling me about, in the Fukushima affected area that they are actually suffering heart atacks.
So, there are two things that followed from this, which are terribly important.
The first thing is that children in that area should immediately be scanned using ECG, electrocardiograms, all hospitals have this device, to see they have conduction problems.
Because the first manifestations of this damage to the heart muscle cells would be conduction problems which can be shown on these ECGs,
in fact this is how Bandashevsky found this and incidentally, Bandashevsky, when he reported this, was sent to jail.
And the government wouldn't believe it and said he was scare-mongering.
So they sent him to jail, he was in jail for several years until eventually Amnesty International, European Parliament issued him with an international passport, one of only twenty-five that have been issued, and got him out of jail.

So I worked quite close with Bandashevsky who was a hero, he received the Edward P. Radford Memorial Prize for Radiation Biology at Lesvos  Conference where he gave this paper that showed there were these increases in the heart diseases in the children.
So the first thing that has to be done is that the children have to be checked out for conduction problems with the ECG.
And if, yes, in the course if any of them are suffering from these problems be immediately evacuated, but if any of them are suffering from these problems, ALL of the children should be evacuated.
Because it means that there will be sub-clinical effects from the cesium 137 in heart muscle.
And it will not be repaired. Heart cannot be repaired. Heart tissues cannot be repaired these children will suffer for the whole of their life and they will die young, which brings me to the second point.
The second point is this; if you die from heart attack or from heart disease, you will not die from cancer, because cancer is essentially a disease of old people, so you get genetic damage and it goes on and on and on and eventually you get cancer.
By and large what happens is that cancer rates go up very sharply as you get old.
But I can tell you this that the heart disease effects go up very much more quickly, so what you will find in areas like Fukushima that are contaminated by these radionuclides is not necessarily enormous increase in cancer.
There will be an increase in cancer, but you will find big increase in heart disease.
And actually when we look at Belarus, we find those things, we find increase in cancer, but we find big increase in heart disease, enormous increase in heart disease.
And as a result of this, the demographic index of the Republic of Belarus has fallen sharply after the Chernobyl accident, and now gone into negative replacement.
So, in fact it goes on like this, that the population of Belarus will disappear.
And this is what we would expect to see in Fukushima.
So I am warning you all now to start looking at heart disease, heart attacks and keep getting children out there quickly.
This is all simple stuff, you can do these calculations, I've done these calculations and I produced a report which will be put on the internet shortly and you can have a look at.
And the European Committee on the Radiation Risk has also released early the Bandashevsky paper that he gave at the Lesvos conference and
that is on the website of European Committee on the Radiation Risk which is http://www.euradcom.org/.

So thank you for listening.

福島の子どもの心臓発作について クリス・バズビー博士

