◯ Rival of fate "Michelangelo". "Da Vinci." 宿命のライバル ミケランジェロ. ダヴィンチ.

2015-04-25 07:19:58 | ♪ One Short Talk

2015-04-25 07:19:58



Rival of fate Michelangelo. Da Vinci.

Another genius made the time the Italian Renaissance latter period and Leonard likewise, and existed. Sculptor Michelangelo who is 25 years younger. Cool-headed "god Michelangelo" with "master painter Leonard" and masculine passion with the intellect didn't live in the same town but he was in Florence together during 1505 from 1501 but two of ability always clashed intensely.

Leonard was conscious of Michelangelo who emphasizes a sculpture, and recorded "painting theory", and I insisted that paintings were the fine arts by which poetry, music and carving are entirely and the best fine arts which excel learning. On the other hand says
that Michelangelo stated "Even my manservant would draw that one better." about Leonard's painting.

The committee which decides about the place where Michelangelo's Statue of David is put in 1504 was opened. Da Vinci who participated as one person of a commissioner approved a loggia de and the opinion put in RANTSI, but it was put in VEKKIO Miyamae where Michelangelo is a SHINYORIA square as hoped after all. (A replica is put at this place at present, and there is a real thing in an academia art museum.)

(The top) etude for a war of Anghiari Budapest national art museum
(The inside) TAVORA rice casserole It's also called something Leonard chooses as himself.
(The bottom) copy by Rubens Rubens copies Lorenzo and the one ZAKKIA copied. The Louvre.

At the same time, two people made an aspect pair the thing which draws a picture on a done wall at a main conference room in a VEKKIO shrine. The "war of" Cassina which defeated Pisa army was the subject of a painting for "Battaglia di Anghiari
" and Michelangelo by which Florence army broke a Milanese army in 1440 for da Vinci. Two people competed keenly and fought, but Pope Julius accepted an invitation in second generation and moved to Rome in incomplete inside, and Leonard had begun to be colored by the oily paint compounded originally, but Michelangelo dropped and gave up. Sketching and a copy are left for "Battaglia di Anghiari". (After that, Vasari drew a figure of "Siena capture" on "Pisa capture" and "war of Cassina" on "Battaglia di Anghiari" at this place.)

After drawing a ceiling painting of Capella Sistina up, Michelangelo ordered the front altar picture "the last referee", but to concentrate on a sculpture, I declined. He lived in Rome from 1513 near the sunset and was building the plan of the last referee up secretly, but da Vinci leaves the word to which I say "Medici brought up arakajime and destroyed arakajime." and has left Rome because Giuliano de Medici has died. In the long run Michelangelo draws and the altar picture is said to be his best masterpiece.

2015-04-25 07:19:58



宿命のライバル ミケランジェロ. ダヴィンチ.





(上)アンギアリの戦いのための習作 ブダペスト国立美術館
(中)タヴォラ・ドリア レオナルド自身によるものともいわれる。
(下) ルーベンスによる模写 ロレンツォ・ザッキアが模写したものをルーベンスが模写。ルーブル美術館。



