○ The Fukushima Crisis 239 ; Strontium also flow out 2.福島危機239 .ストロンチウム流出 2

2012-04-16 12:37:35 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

○ The Fukushima Crisis 237; Strontium also flow out. Fukushima crisis 237. strontium outflow.
It is detail.
"Estimated 1,000,068,000,000 Bq of strontium flows into the sea."

From the first nuclear power plant of Fukushima the accident "is supposed to have converged by the "coldness-and-warmth halt condition" publicly", a notice which is surprised as usual is contained every day.
If even comparatively conscientious Tokyo Shimbun serves as a thing of contaminated water in media, as for the quantity of a radioactive material, a unit will be the "cubic centimeter" instead of a liter.
It is how to say as the amount of presumption of strontium is still described.
Say that about 140 million Bq per liter strontium flowed [ 12-ton ] through "the concentration of strontium of the contaminated water in March, etc. is 140,000 Bq per cubic centimeter, and it is concluded this time also that it is comparable."
If a total amount is used, it will become 1,000,068,000,000-Bq strontium!
What kind of meaning does this number have, and what kind of influence is brought a Pacific Ocean ecosystem and marine products?
If the contaminated water information announced and reported thinks the tip of the iceberg, a situation dangerous about sea pollution will just merely merely be felt.

04/05/2012 Tokyo Shimbun
12 tons of contaminated water sea -- outflow The first nuclear power plant of Fukushima Strontium is included.
The Tokyo Electric Power announced that 12 tons of contaminated water containing high-concentration strontium etc. flowed out of piping of the contaminated water processing system of the first nuclear power plant of Fukushima on the fifth.
That the hose of piping escaped from the knot results.
Contaminated water might pass along the drain and most may have flowed into the sea.
According to Toden, that contaminated water leaked is the salt water condensed with freshening equipment after removing the great portion of radioactive cesium.
Strontium is not removed.
On the outskirts, 0.15 tons leaked in December, last year, 0.08 tons of contaminated water will leak in March, this year, and it will flow into the sea.
The concentration of strontium of the contaminated water in March, etc. is 140,000 Bq per cubic centimeter, and it is concluded this time also that it is comparable.
In investigation of surrounding sea water, radioactive cesium is not detected and the measurement result has not come out of strontium yet.
equipment -- five-day twelve midnight -- enough -- the abnormalities of the increase in amount of water were perceived and stopped automatically 4 times in 1 hour from time.
However, a worker reboots the first 3 times by remote control at every time.
Enough, he notices the possibility of a leak for the first time by the fourth automatic stay, and it is said that the spot was checked at 1:00 a.m.
The outflow of contaminated water continued till 2:20 a.m.
It is concluded that how for the knot of the hose to have deteriorated or tie was loose.
The Junichi Matsumoto atomic power and the location director-general substitute of Toden said, "The spot should have been checked at the time of automatic stay."
(Tokyo Shimbun)


○ The Fukushima Crisis 237; Strontium also flow out. 福島危機237.ストロンチウム流出。の detail です。



media のなかで、比較的良心的な東京新聞でさえ汚染水のこととなると放射性物質の量は単位はリットルではなく「立方センチメートル」になってしまう。




04/05/2012 東京新聞


汚染水12トン海へ流出か 福島第一原発 ストロンチウム含む

東京電力は五日、福島第一原発の汚染水処理システムの配管から高濃度のストロンチウムなどを含む汚染水 12トンが流出したと発表した。配管のホースがつなぎ目から抜けたのが原因。汚染水は排水溝を通って、ほとんどが海に流れ出た可能性がある。
周辺では昨年12月に 0.15トン、今年 3月に 0.08 トンの汚染水が漏れて海に流出。3月の汚染水のストロンチウムなどの濃度は 1立方センチ当たり 14万ベクレルで、今回も同程度とみられる。周辺の海水の調査では、放射性セシウムは検出されず、ストロンチウムはまだ測定結果が出ていない。
装置は 5日午前零時 10分ごろからの 1時間で 4回、水量増加の異常を感知して自動停止した。ところが、最初の三回はそのたびに作業員が遠隔操作で再起動。午前 01:10、四回目の自動停止で初めて水漏れの可能性に気がつき、現場を確認したという。汚染水の流出は、午前 02:20まで続いた。

