○ The Fukushima Crisis196 ; near-by N.P.P in Danger.福島危機196. 原発付近は危ない。

2012-02-04 21:15:58 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

01/12/2012. Le Monde
"Child's leukemia is redoubling at 5 km of nuclear power plant within the circle" France national public health doctor study research institutes are an announcement/French daily Le Monde at an international magazine.
The warning which cannot be refuted was emitted.
The children who live in the 5-km within the circle of the nuclear power plant in France are indication of suffering from leukemia at a rate of being twice [ usual ] many as this.

The scientist research team of the France radiological protection atomic power safe research institute (IRSN) which Mr. Jacqueline Clavel of a France national public health doctor study research institute (INSERM) commands announced to the "international cancer journal" (International Journal of Cancer).
This is the investigation conducted in the Therafield nuclear power plant of Britain, the Dawn Rey nuclear power plant of Scotland, and the Crewe Meru nuclear power plant of Germany in the past, and they are the results of an investigation following it having been proved by the children who live near a nuclear power plant that leukemia breaks out at a rate higher than usual.
Mr. Clavel's research team conducted statistical investigation which compares with 2753 children aged 15 and below concerning leukemia 30,000 child totals of the same age which lives on the same social environment based on the national record about the child blood dyscrasia in the periods from 2002 to 2007.
Moreover, the rate of incidence of the leukemia in the children who live in the 5-km within the circle, and ordinary children was compared about 19 nuclear power plants in France.
According to this, it is the children aged 15 and below who live in a 5-km within the circle from the nuclear power plant have a 1.9 times higher development-of-symptoms rate of leukemia compared with the children of other areas, and 2.2 times higher at the age of less than five.
As a result of the France atomic power safety agency (ASN's) comparing two or more researches in November, last year about the increase in the leukemia seen by the children who live near a nuclear power plant, the relevance on statistics had announced the view that an increase could not be concluded thinly.
However, these results of an investigation reverse this conclusion (notes: IRSN to which the scientist who conducted this investigation belongs subordinate agencies of ASN).
Prominent statisticians are performing high evaluation about the accuracy of the technique currently used about the results of an investigation which Mr. Clavel released this time.
The professor of the William dub of National Art Institute which has jurisdiction over technology, "its scale of object population is large, and since data with high quality which analyzed thoroughly not less than 99% of official score data, and extracted it is used (this investigation), it is results of an investigation with high value which can also be said to be the guidepost in the medical care field.
It is the very important investigation which deserves observing most, and it is said that other results of an investigation performed in Germany are coincided with."

01/12/2012. Le Monde

「原発5キロ圏内で子どもの白血病が倍増」フランス国立保健医学研究所が国際誌にて発表」: ルモンド紙

フランス国立保健医学研究所(INSERM)のジャクリーヌ・クラヴェル氏が率いるフランス放射線防護原子力安全研究所(IRSN)の科学者研究チームが『国際がんジャーナル』(International Journal of Cancer)に発表した。これは過去にイギリスのセラフィールド原発、スコットランドのドーンレイ原発、ドイツのクルーメル原発において実施された調査で、原発の近辺に住む子どもたちに通常より高い率で白血病が発生することが証明されたのに続く調査結果である。




