◯ ABEGEDON / スイス各紙、「ニッポンに『アベゲドン』の危機?」

2014-11-23 07:57:23 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

2014-11-23 07:34:25 AFP. swissinfo

Switzerland each paper and Abenomics are criticized.
Fumi Kashimada
Politics Economy
2014-11-18 17:11
Although it was Prime Minister Shinzo Abe who advertized Abenomics in every country in the world .... (AFP)
As for Switzerland each paper, Abenomics was uniformly criticized in response to the announcement that the gross domestic product (GDP) of the term ended 2014 7 September of Japan became minus growth continuously 2 4 half year.
Each paper also including further easing of monetary policy of the Bank of Japan attaches the question mark to the economic policy of the present government.
Swiss News Agency (SDA/ATS) attached the title of "being the crisis ? of "Abegeddon" to Nippon."
This is the coined word which united Armageddon (the end of the world) with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, and the British economic magazine had murmured it so by the twitter.
The real growth rate of GDP which Cabinet Office announced on the 17th although it was the Abenomics currently praised from the stock market is a 1.6% decrease (annually adjusted basis).
A result which private-sector economists' increase of 2.1% of average prediction is large, and differs was brought.
Switzerland each paper receives this and Abenomics is strengthening the view that economy of Japan which suffers the deficit exceeding 250% or more of GDP cannot be turned around.
Swiss News Agency reported [ that other two effects are already fading and ], before three flat knots of three arrows (money market relaxation, a fiscal policy, a growth strategy) of Abenomics were released.
Left influential newspaper Tages Anzeiger is spelled like this to irony.
Prime Minister Abe [ " / "Japan returns" ] was telling in the past which is not so far.
It means returning to the top in the world.
After the economic policy named Abenomics starts, Japan has returned truly in a little less than two years.... It is " to a crisis.
Why did business fall?
What is the reason to which the GDP growth rate of Japan was subtracted?
At the interview of the paper, Prime Minister Abe criticizes a special correspondent, Mr. Christoff Neidhardt, of Tages Anzeiger paper as there being a problem in a policy design with emphasis on a rise on stock price.
"He made one set of a monitor prepare for one's office in July, 13.
It is for seeing the Nikkei stock average.
It is because economy thought that it looked favorably and its popularity also went up when the Nikkei stock average went up.
But the Nikkei stock average is actually insufficient for planning economic conditions of Japan.
This also judges" conservatives' influential newspaper NZZ which people also know that the praised Abenomics has also already lost effect at the beginning.
The paper mentions why [ two ] economy of Japan is damping.
One is depression of personal consumption.
Another is the downturn of business investment.
By domestic demand downturn, the company gives priority to clearance of the goods in stock over production expansion, and if negative to investment, it will discuss.
What that personal consumption and business investment have hung low presupposes that it is equal also to defeat for the Abe Administration is the Switzerland national broadcasting (SRF).
a certain economist's analysis is introduced, saying, "when Mr. Abe would raise the psychology of consumers or a company by the past several months, it tackled intensively, and psychology was also utilized, when the optimistic view would be extended and business would be heaped up."
It criticizes to the Bank of Japan which continues printing the gold "which however, must be referred to as having finished this experiment with failure for the moment."
Also by all means [ of further easing of monetary policy by the Bank of Japan ], Switzerland each paper is discussed in parallel to Abenomics.
Local paper Sankt Gallen Tak Bratt writes that it is people that wear the demerit of money market relaxation.
"The government and the Bank of Japan tried to support the stock market in the short term, demote the value of yen gradually simultaneously, and accelerate export.
However, the exporter returned the benefit of benefits from the weaker yen to neither consumers nor product development."
The Bank of Japan gives up the original duty to protect currency, and criticizes Tages Anzeiger paper as it seeming to be the "dealer in illicit drugs" who continues printing a bill for the Japanese economy which is hungry for new money bitterly.
What further easing of monetary policy of the Bank of Japan argues "Is a question about whether it was the right prescription" is NZZ.
As the reason, with a superfluous weak yen, the profits of an importer decrease sharply and mention the point that the fuel cost also became high sharply.
Moreover, what "an impression as if the Bank of Japan had to wedge itself in the financial policy again because a politician does not finish off his homework is given to a market also for" is added to the reason.
It is "a general election is the futility of time."
The Abe Administration postponed the consumption tax increase and announced dissolution of the House of Representatives.
Local paper Aargauer Zeitung has indicated "Mr. Abe is electing, and before economic recovery is more overdue, he is going to get the confidence to Abenomics from people."
It is Swiss News Agency and NZZ which are judged that it is "futility of time" to hold a general election in December.
The economic reform which Mr. Abe promised did not start yet, either, but Swiss News Agency has carried the talk of economist living in Tokyo, saying "there is no time in performing improvement in the health of structural reform and finances."
NZZ is summarized as follows.
"Everybody is waiting to perform structural reform, deregulation, and liberalization of a market eagerly.
If Abenomics is a good economic policy, time to perform it is being lost.
The system of the labor market is strict and too much many subsidies are spent on agriculture.
Furthermore, a corporation tax is also too high.
In other markets, such as an energy market, there is no competition too much.
Mr. Abe has to show courage with cabinet members here.
A new election is only the futility of time."
Fumi Kashimada and swissinfo.ch -- this report has a three-affair comment

A comment is written. --
Anonymity 2014/11/20 0:36
Let's see exactly and domestic media should go, although there are many affirmative comments and they are dazzled!
An answer is written. --
Peter 2014/11/20 7:49
Only to [ before the U.S. dollar British pound changes to a weak yen by Abenomics ] the Swiss franc was a weak-yen trend.
That is, Japanese people are unwilling to go to travel Switzerland, even when he likes Heidi.
Since it is a weak yen increasingly, the policy of the Abenomics + Bank of Japan is a case of life and death for Switzerland of a country promoting tourism as a major industry.
Therefore, I feel [ which is criticized ] like.

2014-11-23 07:34:25 AFP. swissinfo

政治 経済

2014-11-18 17:11

 「ニッポンに『アベゲドン』の危機?」との見出しを付けたのは、スイス通信(SDA/ ATS)だ。これは、安倍晋三首相とアルマゲドン(世界の終わり)を合わせた造語で、英国の経済誌がツイッターでそうつぶやいていたものだ。



鹿島田芙美, swissinfo.ch

匿名 2014/11/20 0:36

ペーター 2014/11/20 7:49


