2014-11-23 01:34:44. Gizmodo SPLOID
Air pollution of a science, China, and Beijing to be put in order for university research mono-365 days
2014.11.21 07:00
i like sky is blue.
Serious Chinese air pollution also globally taken up by news.
Although it is said by "efforts" of the Chinese government only during APEC holding that the blue sky returned, it will also be mocked in the APEC blue.
Seeing is believing and the empty in actual Beijing are how many colors they are --
The situation of Beijing which Mr. Zou Yi living in Beijing continued photoing from the same window be elaborate.
If it arranges like a mosaic picture, it understands how the gray empty and the blurred scene are severe.
It is said that the life expectancy of northern China is short in about 5.5 according to the environmental economics person Michael Greenstone Mr. reason of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and an air pollution problem.
Because it does not become not at all individually in air.
Anyone wants to see a blue sky.
source: That's
Jesus Diaz - Gizmodo SPLOID
2014-11-23 01:34:44. Gizmodo SPLOID
サイエンス , 中国 , 大学研究モノ
2014.11.21 07:00
百聞は一見にしかず、実際の北京の空は何色なのか…。北京在住のZou Yiさんが、同じ窓から撮影し続けた北京の様子がこれ。モザイク絵のように並べるとその灰色の空とぼやけた景色がいかにひどいかわかります。
マサチューセッツ工科大の環境経済学者Michael Greenstone氏曰く、大気汚染問題により、中国北部の平均余命は5.5年ほど短くなっているといいます。空気なんて一個人ではなんともなりませんからね。はぁ。誰だって、青い空が見たい。
source: That's
Jesus Diaz - Gizmodo SPLOID