○ "Soft target" protect" // ダッカ襲撃・「ソフトターゲット」守れ

2016-07-03 07:30:52 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS




2016-07-03 07:30:52 Reuters. Mainichi online.


Dhaka maraud: Hostage 20 person death and authority (Reuters communication)

Night (Japan time dawn on the 2nd was a hostage event by the group armed which got up for 1 day at a Bangladeshi restaurant in metropolitan Dhaka, and around 7:40am on the 2nd (the said Japan time 10:40am), a security unit burst into a site and controlled. 13 people are saved according to an announcement of the army, a person of inside, Japanese and 2 people are a Sri Lankan. A corpse of 26 people including 6 groups armed is left for a site after plunge, and I say that most had been killed by a sharp weapon. [Reuters communication]


Bangladesh: A group armed shuts itself up in a restaurant (Reuters communication).

Around 9:20pm on the 1st (at Japan time 0:20am for 2 days), a group armed marauded on a restaurant in the area where embassies are collected and shut itself up with a foreigner visitor and staff as hostage in metropolitan Dhaka in Bangladesh. 2 police officers were dead at least according to local media, and 26 people were injured. A hostage is thought to reach at least 35 people including about 20 foreigners. England BBC will report 5 Italian other Japanese to be included, and Japanese Government is hurrying confirmation. [Reuters communication]






The Metropolitan Police Department

"Soft target" protect, even the... Summit is 1 week.

Mainichi Newspapers May 19, 2016 20:00 for 04 minutes (the last renewal May 19 20:31)

Daily animation

Until the Summit, 1 week: At a department store in Metropolitan area, practice of counter-terrorism measures




At the guard persons in charge who surround a man of the stranger role (the center) with practice of counter-terrorism measures in the department store= Isetan Shinjuku main store of Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, May 19, 2016 and Goto yuya photography



Cautious condition reinforcement in Metropolitan area

During approaching the Summit (the Ise-shima Summit) with 1 week, the Metropolitan Police Department draws the cautious condition in Tokyo-to up from the 20th. A focus is how large-scale customer development facilities defend "soft target". People are also advancing a measure to the practice which assumed terrorism and making of the manual when occurring. [Tomoyuki Hori]



At a department store and Nippon Budokan, anti-terrorism practice

"A customer is dangerous. Please take refuge immediately.". 19 was Japan and North Korea and the 5th floor floor of luxury tableware and Isetan Shinjuku main store the interior equals (Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo), and a female employee raised her voice. The terrorism practice put into effect by about 100 employees before opening. While employees and others circled the man who wields a knife, and he gained time, a different employee made them take refuge from the visitor role.

About 24,000,000 people a year visit, the coming number of guests is the said store where the country is eminent. Takano Masashi Akemoto store manager explains "Consideration has been begun from a point what kind of correspondence is needed." Practice of counter-terrorism measures is repeated after April and a guard of a uniform is arranged in a stoop from the 25th of the Summit previous day. Attention is called to a coming visitor by an announcement, too.

Simultaneous multiple terrorism in Paris in November of last year is a trigger for a soft target's becoming paid much attention. The restaurant, the theater and the soccer stadium where people of an unspecified number gather were aimed at. Independent guard by an administrator is a basis in Japan in such facilities. The National Police Agency requested to add guard's patrol reinforcement and burglar camera through an industry group in March for the Summit.

Nippon Budokan where a visitor of about 2,000,000 people a year has that (Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo) made the manual to which refuge leads an audience at the time of terrorism occurrence with a musical event. The baggage inspection by an event has been also strengthened. The person in charge, "There is also anxiety whether feeling of the customer who comes to enjoy an entertainment isn't damaged. How compatible is it with safe securement?", worries also make them look.

During the Summit period, the Metropolitan Police Department is biggest in guard in Metropolitan area, the time, such as putting about 19,000 people in, precaution wins a prize in the condition of the past maximum level. I put emphasis on a soft target measure in particular, board the other trains which arrange about 700 policemen of the uniform form in the main downtown area of Tokyo station and Shinjuku and make eyes flash for a stranger. I talked with "Tokyo couldn't be protected only by the power of the police. Officials and the people, in a body, in case of a measure, red snapper" about 1 section chief Takeshi Hayakawa guard.





2016-07-03 07:30:52 Reuters. Mainichi online.






バングラデシュの首都ダッカで1日午後9時20分(日本時間2日午前0時20分)ごろ、武装集団が大使館が集まる地域のレストランを襲撃し、外国人客やスタッフらを人質にして立てこもった。地元メディアなどによると、少なくとも警官2人が死亡、26人が負傷した。人質は外国人約20人を含む少なくとも35人に上るとみられる。英BBCはイタリア人のほか日本人5人が含まれていると報じ、日本政府が確認を急いでいる。 【ロイター通信】










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