👺The Fukushima Crisis 304 ; A Buddhist Says. 福島危機304.お坊さんのことば。

2018-04-01 12:37:30 | The Fukushima Crisis

2018-03-31 17:29:32

👺○ The Fukushima Crisis 304 ; A Buddhist Says. 福島危機304.お坊さんのことば。


' A Buddhist Says.'

06/15/2012 Asahi Shimbun 
Tetuen Nakajima, chief priest "the nuclear power plant realized on others' sacrifice is [ Nakajima ] contrary to Buddhistic ethics" / The Asahi Shimbun (June 15) 

There are priests who appeal against realization of society without a nuclear power plant, and are walking involving the national nuclear power plant today. 
The priests of Japanese mountain Myoho-ji which visited the Ishikawa prefecture by <reference "a march of a life"> 
("-- a priest -- a march --a nuclear power reactor fadeout -- appealing -- Ishikawa -- a prefecture -- etc. -- a request -- a sentence -- " -- Asahi Shimbun June 7) 
The strong voice which asks for abolition of a nuclear power plant blew off from the Buddhism community after the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster last year. 
That is common to these voice is the historical view that following silently the fundamental view of "living considering others' pain as pain of one", and the "national policy" of atomic power is repeating the fault which the Buddhism community in Japan committed in a previous war. 
I introduce today an interview to the Tetuen Nakajima , chief priest of the temple of the Shingon sect in Obama in Fukui Wakasawan in which many nuclear power plants are held, and the Myotuji temple. 
"Japan has to improve a nuclear energy policy to all the corners". Tetuen Nakajima.
When I was a student, I was interested only in literature or art. 
It was taken to the friend in 1963 and went out for the peace march of the nuclear weapon contrary. 
Then, it met the A-bomb victim contaminated by atomic bombing in Hiroshima. 
They were those who were able to return from the front of war to Hiroshima. 
Although it talked about the poetry made from itself, after it was ready for dying and going to the battlefield, in the poetry, experience which will return to Japan after all and will be knocked down by the illness by contamination was told. 
I had the heart deeply moved to the conflict which the A-bomb victim holds into a breast. 
And it came to participate in a peace movement. 
The atomic bombing to Hiroshima and Nagasaki is the occurrence which occurred in the end of war advanced as a national policy. 
The accident in the first nuclear power plant of Fukushima occurred in the end of the nuclear propulsion policy made into a national policy till then last year. 
These two occurrences have overlapped for me. 
It is not what both occurred within a night in. 
Historical feeling is required in order to consider that these two occurrences occurred why. 
If rough and ready re-operation of the Oi nuclear power plant is allowed, it will lead to the second Fukushima accident being caused. 
Then, people of nuclear unevenness will give up a nuclear propulsion policy at last for the first time. 
It is not very much for many people to make a clear decision for still separating from atomic power. 
But it is too late, even if everybody repents a crime after the second Fukushima accident occurs. 
The nuclear safety myth did not collapse by the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster. 
From that time of a nuclear power plant being forced on villages which is Japanese every place and which the village left, it had already collapsed. 
It is because isolation of the nuclear power plant was based on an understanding that such plant is the dangerous institutions which cannot be stood to the suburbs of the major cities. 
The governors of the Kansai area were opposed to re-operation of the Oi nuclear power plant temporarily. 
If an accident occurs, their prefectures will also be from the reason for suffering damage. 
However, they changed the attitude quickly and recognized re-operation as a matter of fact. 
These governors' argument is completely irrelevant. 
It is because the history of the atomic power over 50 years cannot be thought over comprehensively. 
There is a thing "study others' pain and pain to a part of preaching of the ethics taught by Buddhism, and accept in it as your a thing." 
In such a sense, people must not pursue their happiness at the sacrifice of others. 
I think that an argument for me to free myself from the dependence to atomic power is what starts about the social system of the framework of the whole nuclear energy policy, and mass production and mass consumption only after performs synthetic and fundamental reexamination. 
("Tetsuen) [ Kentaro Isomura, ] Nakajima: Japan must. thoroughly re-examine. nuclear energy policy", The Asahi Shimbun, 2012.06.15)http://ajw.asahi.com/article/0311disaster/opinion/AJ201206150082 


06/15/2012 朝日新聞

「他人の犠牲の上に成り立つ原発は、仏教の倫理に反している」中島哲演住職/The Asahi Shimbun(6月15日)

<参考>「命の行進」で石川県を訪れた日本山妙法寺の僧侶たち。(「僧侶ら行進『脱原発』訴え 石川県などに要請文」朝日新聞 6月7日)


今日は多くの原発を抱える福井県若狭湾の小浜にある真言宗の寺、明通寺(みょうつうじ)の中島哲演(なかじま てつえん)住職へのインタビューを御紹介します。

「日本は、原子力政策を隅々まで見直さなければならない」 中島哲演








(Kentaro Isomura,“Tetsuen Nakajima: Japan must thoroughly re-examine nuclear energy policy”, The Asahi Shimbun, 2012.06.15)

