◯○ The Fukushima Crisis 269 This media silence is the Nazi gas chamber.福島危機269.福島原発は ナチスのガス室

2018-06-28 11:59:27 | The Fukushima Crisis
2018-06-28 11:59:27 Dr. Michio Kaku

Fukushima Forever
Posted by Mark Sircus - Director on 21 May 2012 | Filed under World Affairs


In the first week after Fukushima, this physicist genius called for a massive international effort to bury the entire nuclear complex to protect as much as possible the human race from nuclear contamination. Dr. Michio Kaku said early on that “Tepco utility people are outclassed and overwhelmed and should be removed from their positions and that we would see increases in leukemias and thyroid cancers from the massive amounts of radioactive iodine being released.”

Now he is weighing in with the threat from the spent-fuel pool in reactor building No. 4 in focus saying, “People don’t realize that the Fukushima reactor is on a knife’s edge; it’s near the tipping point. A small earthquake, another pipe break, another explosion could tip it over and we could have a disaster much worse, many times worse than Chernobyl. It’s like a sleeping dragon.”

Kaku explains that just in the last few weeks it has been reported to some degree that Units 2, 3 and 4 have been shown to be in a very dire situation. Unit 2 is completely liquefied, something that’s never been seen in the history of nuclear power, a 100% liquefaction of a uranium core. Unit 4, on the other hand, has an even worse problem as it’s a spent-fuel pond that is totally uncovered because of a hydrogen explosion that took place last year.

The issue of planetary contamination is more important than the economic crisis the media is covering, which threatens to go into its own kind of meltdown. Economies grow and collapse as civilizations rise and fall. There have always been the good times when life is sweet and the bad times when human savages must have their wars or when Nature decides to have her way with us or when the elite bankers’ monetary games run through their cycles.

What are our chances of this nuclear nightmare going away?

Things are so bad at Fukushima that, “Humans cannot come close to certain parts of the reactor site and even robots get fried. They’re delicate machinery; their micro-circuitry cannot withstand the intense bombardment of radiation,” reports Kaku.

And yesterday, Sunday the 20th, we read:

6.0 magnitude earthquake strikes off the coast of Japan

While all of this is happening the controlled media is silent. They prefer to let us know about snakes in Walmart rather than about the terrible threat from Japan and from all other nuclear power stations that have been built on top of fault lines, which are now being threatened with increasing seismic activity. So many of the world’s reactors have been built on fault lines―you really have to start wondering about the intelligence of the human race.

This media silence is a devastating one―so much so that if described properly it would curdle one’s soul. It is so disgusting that the only image that compares is the Nazi gas chamber, but this one is big enough for 40 million people. The elite are allowing the people of Tokyo’s greater metropolis area to fry their cells in a nuclear inferno. Well, “where are they going to go anyway?” is no excuse for not informing us accurately on what we have to weather in terms of nuclear contamination.

This mysterious black substance five times more radioactive than the Chernobyl-Belarus mandatory evacuation zone was discovered four kilometers from the center of Tokyo, the Hirai Station. At the same time we see that cesium in Fukushima prefecture is 122 times higher than in Belarus evacuation zone. The Fukushima Diary reported on Sunday (May 20, 2012) that Koichi Oyama, a member of the city council of Minamisoma in the prefecture of Fukushima, has measured unusually high levels of cesium 134 and 137 in the soil of his city.

We Were in Trouble Anyway
Without enough money, the nuclear industry will destroy the human race because there is no way on this side of the Milky Way they can store nuclear waste and no way to mothball old nuclear reactors. Chernobyl already needs a new protection building that will easily cost one or two billion dollars―money that will be hard to come by.

Some people may recall in the movie Planet of the Apes―the original one where Charlton Heston finds out he is on earth and that mankind had destroyed itself―he sees the Statue of Liberty stuck in the sand. We might reach that state for a number of reasons but the one that is staring down on us particularly hard at this moment is Fukushima. The No. 4 reactor building that houses spent-fuel pool No. 4 is leaning, cracking and falling apart due to the almost constant earthquakes,[1] open-air radiation releases, and the weight of the water in the pool, which sits high up in the air on the third floor, leaving humanity Hanging by a Thread.

The chances of the building falling due to another major earthquake is high. People have been grossly misinformed about the tragedy at Fukushima and its consequences. There is a continuing cover up, the reactors have not been stabilized, and radiation continues to be released. Fukushima and reactor No. 4’s spent-nuclear-fuel pool are threatening the world.


The vital and important static maps based on real time tabulations of the Norwegian Institute of Air Research pertaining to potential releases of radiation from the Fukushima plant were closed down soon after they showed the northern hemisphere was covered with radioactive xenon. The Atmospheric and Climate Change Department at the Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU) gave no reason why the vital monitoring service had been discontinued.

Actually they did not stop their work. Thereafter they continued publishing but with a secret file name Zardoz,[2] which is the name of a movie where Sean Connery played a mutant on a nuclear-contaminated world in the far future. He was employed by an elite class of people who lived in a protected dome to go out and kill other mutants who lived in the exposed environment. Is this the future coming to us today? One has to assume that this is exactly what they are previewing and why they chose that file name. The Norwegian Institute just published a report stating that the Fukushima disaster released twice as much radiation as initially estimated.

It is said that radioactive cesium attaches to muscle cells, including heart cells, and is causing an increase in heart attacks, including heart attacks in young[3] and otherwise healthy athletes who do a lot of cycling and running outdoors. The heart only replaces 1-2% of its cells per year, so it would be more vulnerable to radioactivity than other cells.[4] We already know this is the case with mercury and that athletes have fallen over dead and have been found to have mercury levels 10,000 times higher in their heart tissues. There have also been increases in infant mortality that started immediately after the disaster.

“Infant mortality is the most sensitive indicator of radioactive pollution,” says Leuren Moret.[5] Moret reported that when the nuclear plant at Rancho Seco was shut down, children’s mortality rate dropped 20%, and when the Diablo Canyon plant was turned on, the local population was exposed to enough radiation to drive up the childhood cancer rates in the local area by 80%.

Nuclear expert Arnie Gundersen is saying that radioactive rain-outs will continue for a year―even in Western U.S. and Canada―because the Japanese are burning radioactive materials. Gundersen says that this radioactivity ends up not only in neighboring prefectures, but also in Hawaii, British Columbia, Oregon, Washington and California. Gunderson warns of radioactive air, water, and soil that are going to affect the entire northern hemisphere if not the entire world. Leuren Moret says she has documented 100,000 excess American deaths since the Fukushima disaster, based on CDC data.[6]

Fukushima radiation has taken over our planet.
Leuren Moret

Radioactive iodine, cesium, strontium, plutonium, uranium, and a host of other fission products have been coming directly from Japan to the west coast for 13 months with no sign that it will stop.

It’s simply not a good time to be gambling with the safety of our loved ones―with the possibility of a greater explosion at the Japanese nuclear power station with a resultant massive release of radiation that travels far and wide across our planet. We have to learn about natural detoxification and chelation protocols for ourselves and our children and we have to prepare ourselves spiritually, for it is not going to be a picnic surviving the 21st century.

The best solution to radiation poisoning, some have said, is to raise the vibrational level of the person higher than the level of the radiation. Makes some sense but the great question, if true, is how to do that. How do we raise our vibration that makes it more difficult to tear our cells apart with nuclear particles and the energy they put off?

Re-mineralization actually would be the most basic way of changing the frequency of our bodies. When our bodies lack in minerals our cells become like Swiss cheese―full of holes―spaces that heavy metals and radioactive particles just love to fill up. That is why I am recommending strong dosages of organic sulfur, iodine, sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) and magnesium to fill up those holes.

Another way to change frequency that naturalists have long known is to go on a long juice or water fast. Personally I solar gaze when the clouds do not block the sunrise. Doctors might be surprised when I say that the best medicine (besides water) is love and that a wide open heart that radiates out its love is the strongest way of us changing ourselves vibrationally. That’s why I wrote HeartHealth.

Special Note: I am writing a book titled Water Medicine and it’s going to be important to filter our water better and to raise its alkalinity. I have found what I believe to be the very best water in the entire world and that water is available from none other than Paul Mason who is otherwise known as the magnesium librarian. I cannot say enough about his water because it delivers the highest levels of magnesium and bicarbonate in the healthiest form of “magnesium bicarbonate,” which is most difficult to find in liquid form except in the sea. Hospitals should be buying this water by the truckload!

Summing It Up
Fukushima will be stamped on the collective soul of humanity forever. It is a terrible moment for the lot of us but we parents have a special pain to embrace. In my last post, Fear and Courage, I deal with the emotional and feeling side of this catastrophe.

Michio Kaku sums up the Fukushima situation saying, “In regards to Unit 3, we found where we thought there was 33 ft. of water above the core. We put a TV camera in Units 2 and 3. We have TV pictures of the core; Unit 2 is completely liquefied, Unit 3 does not have 33 ft. of water on top of it, it has two feet of water. Two feet of water, not 33, meaning that the core is completely or partially covered, meaning it could liquefy. So between Units 2, which is completely liquefied, Units 3, which is totally exposed, and Unit 4, which has 1,500 spent-fuel rods that, in principle, are exposed to the outside environment, we have a catastrophe in the making.”

[1] It may take at least 100 years before aftershocks from the March 11, 2011 quake along the boundaries of Fukushima and Ibaraki prefectures subside, a recent study reveals. http://enenews.com/kyoto-professor-100-years-of-aftershocks-in-fukushima-relatively-close-to-daiichi-may-also-affect-volcanic-activity-in-the-area

[2] “It has been reported at several websites that both NILU and the EPA were pressured to discontinue testing―or at least to discontinue publication of the test results. The ‘pressure’ has been variously attributed to the U.S. government, the Japanese government and the United Nations, although I have seen no hard evidence to substantiate any of those claims. NILU began to publish more recent and updated historical maps in an alternate hidden file it code-named Zardoz, after the 1970’s sci-fi film about a post-apocalyptic future.” http://planetoceannews.com/category/fukushima/

[3] http://enenews.com/expert-beware-fukushima-radiation-causing-deadly-heart-problems-children-kids-already-suffering-heart-attacks-locals-affected-areas-video

[4] http://www.llrc.org/epidemiology/subtopic/caesiumheart.pdf

[5] The Kiss of Death: Nuclear Weapons Stealth Takeover 5 Admirals, U.C. Regents, Carlyle Group and Rand; LeurenMoret; http://hanson.gmu.edu/PAM/press2/GlobalResearch-8-7-05.htm

[6] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mudMjxSaZA

 05/21/2012 Dr.Michio Kaku
ミチオ・カク(加來 道雄、Michio Kaku、1947年1月24日 - )は日系アメリカ人(3世)の理論物理学者、作家。専門は素粒子論、とくに超弦理論。
1968年ハーバード大学卒業。1972年カリフォルニア大学バークレー校のローレンス・バークレー国立研究所より博士号を取得。 1973年プリンストン大学講師を経て、25年以上ニューヨーク市立大学シティカレッジ物理学部教授として教鞭をとる。現在は同大学教授の他、プリンストン大学とニューヨーク大学の講師。


on Dr.MarkSircus's blog. 05/21/2012によって|

そして昨日 05/21/2012 に、私たちは次のものを読みます:




「乳児死亡率は放射能汚染の最多の感受性指標です」とLeuren Moretが言います。[5]モレは、Secoの原子力発電所が閉鎖された時子どもの死亡率が20%増えると報告しました、そしていつ、ディアブロ峡谷、植える、つけられた、80%ずつ地方のエリアで小児癌割合を押し上げるために、地元住民は十分な放射線にさらされました。
核のエキスパートのArnie Gundersenは、放射能雨アウトが日本人が焼いている時、
Leuren Moret は、彼女がCDCのデータに基づいて、福島災害以来100,000人の超過のアメリカ人の殺害を記録したと言います。[6]
Leuren Moret


Michio Kakuは福島状況発言を要約します。「ユニット3に対する考慮では、私たちは、33フィートの水が炉心上にあることを知りました。
[1] 2011年3月11日からの余震が福島と茨城の県の境界に沿って震動する前に、少なくとも100年かかるかもしれません、おさまる、最近の研究は明らかにします。
[2] 「少なくともテスト結果のpublishを中止するためにtesting中止するために、圧力がNILUとEPAの両方に加えられたことは、いくつかのウェブサイトで報告されました。
[3] ufferingする心臓発作地元住民影響を受けたhttp://enenews.com/expert-beware-fukushima-radiation-causing-deadly-heart-problems-children-kids-already-s - area.video.
[4] http://www.llrc.org/epidemiology/subtopic/caesiumheart.pdf
[5] 破滅のもと:
The Kiss of Death: Nuclear Weapons Stealth Takeover 5 Admirals, U.C. Regents, Carlyle Group and Rand;
[6] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mudMjxSaZA

Related posts:

Fukushima Japan
Fukushima on Steroids
Fukushima Will Not Go Away
6 Responses to “Fukushima Forever”

Margie Kronewitter says:
May 24, 2012 at 2:34 am
Wanted to pass on a Discovery. I’ve been taking Zeolite POWDER for Detox & Radiation. Event occurred that made me Grit my Teeth during sleep. (Mold) My tooth started throbbing. I packed it with the clay and throbbing went away. It also worked for a friend whos upper lip was swelling from his teeth. Next day, his pain was Gone & it continued to heal. zeohealth.com
Thank you again for sharing your Wisdom & Knowledge. Aloha nui loa~

End of the World We Know | Dr. Mark's Blog says:
May 23, 2012 at 11:46 am
[...] business and financial community is not paying attention to what is happening in Fukushima and how that alone will ruin the plans of mice and [...]

Margie Kronewitter says:
May 22, 2012 at 2:06 pm
Mahalo, Thank You & Blessings, Dr. Mark.
How is Sancutuary? Any new Refugees? I’m a passionate gardener… love my Earthworms. My Organic farmer Friend in Northern Cal is posting pics of Dandylions with several heads on the flowers & lumpy lemons. Seems normal on Maui… which is abnormal to start. LOLove Ya.

Greg Lake, Columbia, TN says:
May 22, 2012 at 11:23 am
The radiation exposure live map is showing Europe and North Africa with the cloud plume advancing from North America. I am not aware of any excessive radiation being emitted from North America. I don’t understand this graphic!

Louis says:
May 22, 2012 at 1:33 am
I monitor the radiation levels here in Belgium. On sunday 20th the levels shot up 20 % for about 3 hours. A “little” radioactive cloud due to the earth quake at East Coast Of Honshu, Japan?

drew says:
May 21, 2012 at 10:42 pm
Sounds like it is going to go into to complete failure to me, and blast everyone on the pacific rim out of existence and then creep over the rest of the planet and starve the rest of the population out of existence. So do the elite have a way of repairing the earth and themselves that we are not aware of? Are they off world as some are saying, do they have summer houses on Mars? Remember the old saying “Don’t poop were you eat”
Well there is a lot of pooping going on and the planet is being soiled to then extent that is unbelievable to the point of feeling like we are all in a really nasty twilight zone movie.
Dr Sircus help!

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