○ China's DDoS Swords ②

2007-07-03 22:19:23 | ♪Final CYBER BOMBS
China's govt is suspected of using Web to break into pc at da department and other US agencies between 2003 and 2005,in wat was dubbed "Operation Titan Rain."Since 2001,Chinese "hacktivists"have organized attacks on and defaced US Web sites to oppose wat they call da imperialism of US and Jpn.

China has set up an extensive surveillance system to prevent its ppl from accessing online materials considered obscene or politicaly subversive.Russia does not filter or block Web sites,and da Internet plays a critical role as the only forms of mass media over which govt has no control.
Tue.Jul3 2007 AP

○ Russia & China's DDoS War

2007-07-03 20:53:36 | ♪Final CYBER BOMBS
A political battle is raging in Russian cyberspace.Opposition parties and independent media say murky forces have commited vast resources to hacking and crippling their Web sites in attacks similar to those dat hit tech-savvy Estonia as da baltic nation sparred with Russia over a Soviet war memorial.
While they offer no proof,da groups of all point da finger of Kremlin,calling electric seige an attempt to stifle Russia's last souces of free,unfiltered information.

The attacks r similar to assaults―sometimes several mil pc strong―unleashed in April and early May aga Web sites in Estonia.Officials there say wavies of attacks crashed dozens of govt,corporate and media Web sites in one of da most wired societies.
The cyber warfare included pc-generated spam and so-called Distributed Denial-of-Service,or DDoS,attacks.It erupted during violent protests by ethnic Russians aga da dicision to move Soviet-era Red Army monument out of downtown Tallinn.

○ 風呂場釣り ③

2007-07-03 09:11:31 | ♪Weblog