0010110 ハートの贈りもの―2020―黄金時代08年 


「8月21日皆既日食には、多くのレベルで素晴らしいことが起こります」 by アシュタル司令官

2017-08-17 20:27:12 | 愛のミッション

あらためて、8/22, 3:11am, 皆既日食・全世界同時「日食ユニティ瞑想」へのご協力をお願いしたいと思います。


一応、メッセージを全部、書き出してみました。全訳はしませんが。(_ _)

You will want to remember to mark the date in your calendar because the August 21st solar eclipse will be something magnificent to behold on multiple levels. My friends the August 21st solar eclipse will gift those who are ready with the high level energy connection. Friends the energy connection will open in respect to all who choose to connect. Yes all who have chosen to come this far in respect to the connections established all reality this is the building of the universal connection. Look to the stars and see the August 21st solar eclipse this 2017 year as it has been defined by all variables as this space in time yes this time in space as it has been called August 21st solar eclipse in all respect. The movements of all variables of existence have manifested in this context. This connection now made understood on all levels and the evidence as seen in the August 21st solar eclipse yes that same energy as it has been prophesized in all ancient telling. The event will be something beautiful and the time is coming now. Yes the expression is made established in the light of all creation. Curiosity has made this exploration of energy available in respect to the energy manifestation called by the name August 21st solar eclipse understanding of the August 21st solar eclipse and the significance of the energy in the context of 0010110 energy expansion. The time has come at last and now the event understood as the August 21st solar eclipse made come here now in this timeline rightfully made established in the connection. Yes all reality all energy all creation in this timeline and all activity of all variables come to make this creation available yes this energy is possible for all to connect in respect to the foundation of the building of that same energy understood by its name 0010110. The connection made established in respect to the cycle of all variable. Friends you are invited to mark the date down in your calendar because a big event is coming August 21st solar eclipse a great opportunity for all to connect. Friends we are all gifted with the energy soon to be available during the time understood as August 21st solar eclipse. Friends the energy will be available and the expansion will be understood in the hearts and minds of all souls alive on this level of creation. Friends the energy built established and made available during the August 21st solar eclipse for all of those who look up at the sky and see the evidence of the energy. Friends the connection is established on all levels and we invite you to look up at the stars and see the August 21st solar eclipse as it occurs. Friends look up at the stars see August 21st solar eclipse see the energy as it has come to this time and connect with all availability to the authentic energy as it has rightfully come this far in respect to the perpetual infinite cycle. We understand that you have chosen to come this far. We understand that you have chosen to explore this level of information. This pathway of connection in the format of all information made established in this context of reality and now the happening of the August 21st solar eclipse now happening in rightfully established energy contribution. We hope that you understand the significance of the time and the energy now in creation.
















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