


2017-12-31 | 今日のニュース

・WTI原油今年終値 60ドル超え $60.42、Brentは$66.62。年間で17%アップ。


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2017-12-30 | 今週のエネルギー関連新聞発表

12/25 国https://www.marubeni.co.jp/news/2017/release/201712271.pdf際石油開発帝石 インドネシア共和国 マハカム沖鉱区に係る鉱区返還と2018年以降の鉱区参画に向けた状況 及びインペックスアタカ鉱区の鉱区返還について 

12/27 丸紅 タイ国営石油・ガス公社との LNG バンカリング共同事業化調査の開始について  


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2017-12-29 | 今日のニュース





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2017-12-25 | 今日のニュース


・OPEC生産削減、クルド/リビアなど地政学的不安で原油価格高止まり。Brent$65.25, WTI $58.47


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" The Peace on The Horizon - 70 Years after The World War 2 in the Middle East" (9)

2017-12-23 | 中東諸国の動向

Home Page: http://ocininitiative.maeda1.jp/EnglishTop.html

(Japanese Version)

(Arabic Version)

(Table of contents)


By Areha Kazuya

E-mail: areha_kazuya@jcom.home.ne.jp


Chapter 1 Wave of nationalism and socialism (1945-1956)

3. Israel independence(1):Jewish motherland construction movement

In this chapter the title "Wave of nationalism and socialism" means the movement of independence  of the Arab countries after World War II. The Jews had begun construction of their home country a little bit earlier. The Israeli country of the Jew who consistently dropped the biggest shadow under the history of the Arab countries in the post-war era emerged in quite different circumstance from Arabic ones in the long history of the Middle East.


So-called the Jews were expelled Palestine two thousand years ago and had to move in Europe. They were diaspora (discrete) people. They suffered persecution in every cities and towns in Europe and had bitter taste of the hardships of life until 1946. They finally returned to the ancestral land of Palestine. The epic historical drama has already been spoken in many books. As you can read the details from such books, it is not necessary to repeat again. I would like to briefly touch on the Israeli founding history since the 20th century.


In the late nineteenth century, the storm of anti-Semitism campaign blow up in Europe. The Sem is a generic name of ethnic groups that use Semian languages originating in the Middle East, such as Arabic and Hebrew. But anti-semitism in Europe at that time was anti-Jew itself. People of Diaspora were trapped in Jewish residential districts called "ghetto" in various cities. They have been discriminated and lived with bated breath. The incidents targeted Jews, however, occurred one after another in the heightened anti-Semitism movement.


The most famous one was "Dreyfus affair" in France. In 1894, the French Army's Jewish captain Alfred Dreyfus was arrested for spying against Germany. Though the case was later proved to be a false charge, the captain acquired a notorious judgment in 1906. The 12-year-long trial conflict became a major incident that shook France. Emir Zora, great writer, disclosed the letter of impeachment of the government. It was a socio-political scandal. At the end of the 19th century, there also was another sample of anti-semitism in Russia. Jewish genocide "Pogrom" was widely spread in Russia. Pogrom was a terrible affair together with "Holocaust" in Germany during the World War II. European people hated the Jews.


In such circumstance, it is impossible for Jews to seek for land inside Europe. They have no choice to get homeland in abroad. So many Jews headed to the "New World" – United States of America. But some of them insisted to construct their own homeland. The politicians of European countries also believed that giving Jewish home lands outside Europe was an excellent idea to eliminate social unrest in their society. They backed Jewish idea. This was a glossy policy to oust Jews from European continent.


However, it was impossible to discover unmanned land that could be cultivated and could build a new state on the Earth in the 20th century. So the British government proposed them how about the central Africa colonized by UK, where already black people were living. It was not a problem because UK could bring black people to knees by force. But Theodor Herzl, the leader of the homeland construction movement, insisted on the revival of his country in Palestine where his ancestors were exiled 2,000 years ago. He advocated "Return to Israel(Zionism)”. Zionist spoke the slogan loudly; “People defunct land to landless people” The construction movement of homeland was intensified.


The British government was in trouble. Palestine have been under the control of Ottoman Empire and was a land where Arabs have been lived for 2,000 years and more. It was absolutely not “People defunct land”. It was obvious that conflict would arise with indigenous Arabs if forced to settle.


At that time a fantastic tailwind blown for the Jews. It was the outbreak of the World War I. Britain suffering from cost of the war depended on the Jewish rich, Lord Rothschild. Lord Rothschild, in return, asked the UK to build a home land in Palestine. That was the Balfour Declaration (see Prologue Section 6 "The Triple Tongue Diplomacy of the UK - Balfour Declaration").


The UK won the war due to the financial support of the Jews. And the UK colonized Palestine through the Sykes-Pico Agreement with France (see Prologue Section 5 "Triple Tongue Diplomacy of the UK - Sykes · Pico Agreement"). Obstacles to the construction of Jewish home lands have been lifted.

(To be continued ----)



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2017-12-23 | 今日のニュース



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2017-12-23 | 今週のエネルギー関連新聞発表

12/18 Total Brazil: Total Launches Large-Scale Development of the Giant Libra Field  

12/20 JX石油開発 マレーシアにおける既発見未開発ガス田の権益取得および開発計画の承認について 

12/20 BP Egypt’s super-giant Zohr gas field begins production, completing BP’s major project start-ups for 2017 

12/20 OPEC Second High-level Meeting of the OPEC-China Energy Dialogue 

12/21 OPEC JMMC reports highest level of conformity 

12/22 出光興産/昭和シェル石油 協働事業(ブライターエナジーアライアンス)の進捗について  


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2017-12-22 | 今日のニュース

・OPEC、減産政策の出口戦略を模索。 *








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2017-12-20 | 今日のニュース



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" The Peace on The Horizon - 70 Years after The World War 2 in the Middle East" (8)

2017-12-16 | 中東諸国の動向

Home Page: http://ocininitiative.maeda1.jp/EnglishTop.html

(Japanese Version)

(Arabic Version)

(Table of contents)


By Areha Kazuya

E-mail: areha_kazuya@jcom.home.ne.jp

 Chapter 1 Wave of nationalism and socialism (1945-1956)


2. Formation of the Arab League


World War II spanned 6 years from German invasion to Poland in 1939 and to surrender of Japan in 1945. The main battlefield was throughout Europe, Southeast Asia, Far East and the Pacific Ocean. The Middle East was escaped from war. In those days the Middle Eastern countries did not belong either to the Allied Forces nor the Triple Alliance. Except Iraq and Iran which participated as coalition forces in 1943, Turkey, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and other countries participated in 1945, when the result of the war almost apparent. The reason why the Middle East was out of the battlefield during the World War II was that Germany faced its enemies on both sides - Britain, the United States and France in Western Europe, and Soviet in Eastern Europe. So Germany could not spare its force to the Middle East.


In March 1945, just before the end of the war, the Arab world's first international organization "Arab League" was formed. The Arab League was originally established with 7 countries of Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Yemen (then Northern Yemen) and Saudi Arabia. They have signed the Alexandria Protocol. The Arab League was not born with the voluntary intention of the Arab countries. It was the British strategy that had a strong influence in this area. To prevent Arab countries from participating in German side during the war, Anthony Eden, then Secretary State for War of UK suggested Arab countries to form the Arab League. The headquarters of the Arab League was placed in Cairo, Egypt, and the secretary general was appointed Egyptian diplomat. Except one-time accident when Egypt made a peace treaty by oneself with Israel 1n 1979 and was expelled from the League. Egypt rejoined the League in 1987. The number of Arab League member is now 21 countries and Palestine.


The circumstances of the Middle Eastern countries in the first year of post-war were as follows. As for Turkey, Iran and Egypt, three major powers in the Middle East, Turkey has transformed itself into a republic covering Asia Minor and Istanbul after the collapse of Ottoman Empire. Turkey built secularistic state like modern Western Europe nations instead of caliphate state. In Iran, Reza Shah who was a General of the Persian Cossack Brigade took over the power by the coup d'etat in 1921. He founded the Pahlavi dynasty. During postwar era, Iran has been a pro-Western dictatorship monarchy state until 1979. Egypt, one of the three big countries in the Middle East, survived World War II as Muhammad Ali Dynasty. Despite that the dynasty was half-independent state from the Ottoman Empire, UK maintained strong influence. Among other small and medium-sized countries, Iraq, Jordan and Palestine were mandated by UK, and Syria and Lebanon were under the mandate of France.


Saudi Arabia is the only one exception that has escaped the rule of Britain and France. The country established "Kingdom of Saudi Arabia" in 1932, and kept independence controlling the majority of the Arabian Peninsula. The reason why the country was able to maintain independence is because the UK and France did not emphasize the strategic value of the Arabian Peninsula.


It was the United States who was aware of the value of Saudi Arabia. The US oil company found a big oil field in the eastern province of Saudi Arabia in 1941 just when the World War II began. The United States was too wise to colonize Saudi Arabia. The United States correctly recognized the future value of oil, and aimed to secure Saudi Arabian crude oil. Just before the end of the World War II, President Roosevelt postponed his return to US after the Yalta meeting and met with King Abdulaziz of Saudi Arabia on the ship of the Suez Canal. This fact was a clear evidence that US put weight on Saudi Arabia. (See Prologue 1 "Suez Canal Great-Bitter Lake Meeting")

(To be continued ----)



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