

アイルランド: 少しだけ暖かい気候が・・・

2016-05-14 22:13:59 | 日記
2016年5月14日(Sat.) 今日は畑の横を通る側溝に、田圃用の水が流されました。おかげで、畑の水遣りも楽になります(稲作の期間だけですが)。

で、唐突ですが、アイルランドも先月(4月)と違って、穏やかな気候が少しだけ期待できそう・・・と言うニュースです。(ニュースソース: THE IRISH TIMES 5月14日発 )

Glorious sunshine and warm weather to last the weekend
Met Eireann forecasts dry conditions, light winds and temperatures of up to 18 degrees

Myia Boyle (3) with her mother Suzanne of Headford Road, Galway, at Salthill on their way to the beach during the sunshine and high temperatures on Friday. Photograph: Joe O’Shaughnessy.

Enjoy the “glorious” sunshine and warm temperatures that are set to last all weekend across the country before the rain returns early next week.

Met Éireann has forecast dry conditions, light winds with occasional showers for the next three days.

Forecaster Harm Lyijkx said although the temperatures would not be as high as Friday, where they reached up to 22 degrees, the slight drop would not be that noticeable.

“It will be lovely, glorious sunshine. It will stay dry apart from some isolated showers,” he said.

Mr Lyijk said temperatures would be between 13 to 17 degrees on Saturday and 15 to 18 degrees on Sunday across Ireland.

“It will be warmest in the south-west. The winds will be light. It will feel pleasant but be cooler in the evenings as the temperatures drop,” he said.

It will be cooler along the north and east of Ireland with some mist and fog.

Monday will be slightly warmer with temperatures rising to 20 degrees and mildest in the south midlands.

The day will be mostly dry with sunshine and cloud is expected to build later in the evening.

The change to unsettled and changeable weather is expected on Tuesday as colder air will come from the Atlantic bringing rain.

It is expected to be a damp start with rain and drizzle but becoming brighter and fresher in the afternoon.

Temperatures will remain “reasonably mild” ranging from 12 to 17 degrees with sunny spells.

“It’ll be more like the weather we normally have,” Mr Lyijkx said.

Co Sligo and Co Donegal experienced the hottest day of the year so far at 24 degrees last Monday, almost 10 degrees warmer than average for May.

“The average for early May would be the mid-teens. The reason it was so cold about two weeks ago was the air was coming down from the Arctic and that’s why we had snow and hail showers,” forecaster Evelyn Cusack said.

Ms Cusack said the air front coming from France, Spain and the Bay of Biscay up through Ireland had brought the warm and humid conditions.

The warm weather and sunshine arriving this month was a welcome change after the dullest and coldest April in decades.

Official figures released by Met Éireann showed temperatures dropped as low as -3 degrees in Sligo last month.

Dublin recorded coldest April in 27 years and also endured its dullest April since 1998, according to records from the weather station at Casement Aerodrome






日本国内では、相変わらずアキレるようなニュースに事欠かない昨今ですが、例の東京オリンピック誘致に、コンサル料(?)として億円を超える金額が振り込まれたようです。招致委員会の責任者が振り込みの事実を認めていますが、如何なる理由があろうと、その如何わしさを拭い去ることは出来ません。しかも、その金はどこから出ているのか? 税金(血税)なのではないでしょうか・・・。

今回の五輪招致し際しては、安倍の「福島原発は、コントロールされている」とか、「招致できたから、いいじゃないか」などの暴言もあったとされています。まことに、残念至極、痛恨の極みとはこのことでしょうか。 こうした連中が国政を動かしているとは情けない限りです。そして、一番悪いのは、そうした御仁を支えている支持者たちでしょう。

折角の好天であっても、心は晴れません・・・。 もっとまともな政治家が登場して欲しいものです。 声のデカイヤツとか、カリスマ性があるとか、どこかの自動車会社での不祥事を招いた企業体質とか・・・、何か共通性を感じます。そして、全てに言えるのは、民主的でないと言うことではないでしょうか。そして、それを許してしまっている周辺側も悪いのでしょう。

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