

デンマーク発(datelined Denmark): Two minutes' silence in Norway

2019-01-09 15:23:13 | 日記
2019年1月9日(Wed.) モロッコにて惨殺された若きスカンジナビアン二人に対する追悼行事が開かれたそうです。 ( ニュースソース: THE LOCAL.dk 1月7日発 )

Two minutes' silence in Norway for Scandinavian hikers murdered in Morocco

Photo: Terje Bendiksby / NTB scanpix/Ritzau Scanpix

Hundreds of people observed two minutes of silence on Monday in Norway in honour of two Scandinavian women hikers murdered in Morocco's Atlas Mountains in December.

Standing in the cold with flags flying at half-mast at the University of South-Eastern Norway in the town of Bø, the participants gathered to remember 28-year-old Maren Ueland from Norway, and 24-year-old Dane Louisa Vesterager Jespersen. Both were both students there.

The two women were killed at an isolated hiking spot south of Marrakesh overnight December 16th-17th, where they were vacationing. Their bodies were found the following day.

Authorities have said they were beheaded and are calling the crime a "terrorist" act.

The university addressed the murders with students on Monday morning as classes resumed after the Christmas break.

"We talked with the students and tried not to understand what can't be understood, but we tried to make it easier for the students to put words on what has happened," Annette Bischoff, the head of the faculty where the two women were studying to be travel guides, told AFP.

"This is very difficult for all of us, especially for the students who lived and studied with them," she said.

Moroccan authorities have arrested a total of 22 people in connection with the murders. They include the four main suspects and a Spanish-Swiss man who had links to some of the suspects and who subscribed to "extremist ideology", say Moroccan officials.

The main suspects belonged to a cell inspired by Islamic State group ideology, but none of the four had contact with IS members in Syria or Iraq, Morocco's counter-terror chief Abdelhak Khiam told AFP.

(超抜粋) ノルウェーで、月曜日、数百人の人々が2分間の黙祷を捧げました。 これは、12月にモロッコで殺害されたスカンジナビアン二人の女性を追悼するものです。
場所は the University of South-Eastern Norway で、半旗の飜る寒さの中で行われました。 28-year-old Maren Ueland from Norway と 24-year-old Dane Louisa Vesterager Jespersen の二人で、二人共、この大学の学生でした。 ・・・ (中略、原文を読み流して下さい。) ・・・
モロッコ当局によると、この殺人に関与したとして22人が逮捕されています。 そこには4人の首謀者などが含まれています。首謀者達はISの思想に同調しているようですが、4人の何れも、シリアやイラクのISメンバーと接触はしていないと伝えられています。


残虐・過激・卑劣な連中に、如何なる正当性も与えることは出来ません。 多様性とか、多文化共生と言う言葉はあるかも知れませんが、基本的な人権や人格を無視するような偏った思想は排除すべきでしょう。

他に、忌むべきものとして、全体主義、権威主義、日和見主義(カメレオン主義)、俗物主義、利己主義など。 これに戦前回帰の思想を加えると、安倍政権・日本会議自民党そのものとも言えます。

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