

Contact your mortgage broker to lock in an interest rate and start the loan process on this p...

2015-11-28 17:25:47 | 日記







(5)ですから、 ドライブウェイのひびとマスター・バスルームの配水管の修理は、そちらもちになります。

(6)請負業者に頼んで、見積もりを出してもらうといいですよ。 配水管はすぐ直しておいたほうがいいと思いますが、 ドライブウェイのほうは後回しでもいいかもしれませんね。




(10)ローンの承認にどれくらいかかるかによりますね。おそらく、 6週間か8週間くらいでしょう。


(1)We made an offer that we can afford, but l am afraid that it's too low.
※I'm afraid(that)...(▼自分の発言について, 実はあまり言いたくないのだという気持ちを表す表現thatは通例省略文頭・文中・文尾で用いる)(1)(好ましくないことについて)…と思う,…のようだ(←I hope)

(2)They will probably make a counter-offer. I guess we just have to wait to see if the owners accept our offer.

(3)Good news - the owners have accepted your offer, but they have a few conditions

(4)They are selling the home as is they will not make any of the repairs that the home inspector recommended.

(5)So the cracks in the driveway and the plumbing in the master bathroom will be your responsibility.

(6)You can get contractors to give you estimates on those jobs. The plumbing should be taken care of soon, but the driveway can probably wait.
※contractor…請負業者 estimate…見積 property…資産、財産、この場合物件

(7)Anyway, you're saving some money on the asking price, and I think the terms are good.

(8)Contact your mortgage broker to Iock in an interest rate and start the loan process on this property.
♪mortgage…モォゲジ ※interest rate…利率

(9)You also need to sign the initial agreement, and send a copy to the mortgage broker. Then your lawyer can get the paperwork in order for the cIosing

(10)How Iong will it be until thecIosing? → That depends on how Iong the loan approval takes, probably six to eight weeks.
♪approval…アプるーヴォ 意味:承認
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