

Just don't leave food out and you won't even see any bears.

2015-11-07 10:58:01 | 日記













(1)Good afternoon. Somethin' I can help ya with?

(2)Well, we got about everything here.

(3)Okey-dokey! So, where're y'all from?

(4)New York! I hear that's quite a place.
※[quiteaA, qulte someA]((驚き・賞萱))実際に,実に(really); (Aも)同然で;並はずれて(exceptionally)▼Aは単数名詞 quiie a [some] car すばらしい車 She is quite an artist (( 時に皮肉))彼女は大した芸術家だ

(5)I see. You gotta do that sometimes.

(6)Anyway, I'll bring out the rental equipment, while you guys Iookaround at the other things you need.

(7)Many people want guns to be outlawed.

(8)If a careless person wants to use a gun, they will, no matter what the law says.

(9)But be careful, they don't call it Bear HoIIow for nothin'.

(10)Just don't leave food out and you won't even see any bears.
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