

The breakfast nook is right across the counter and there's a view o f the pond.

2015-11-24 14:46:46 | 日記

(1)インテリアがシンプルで優雅ですね。私好みです。→ 気に入ってもらえて良かったです。

(2)間取りがいいですね。オープン感じで。→ どうぞキッチンを見て下さい。








(10)わっ、すごく広いわ。それに、森の眺めがいいわね。 でも、こんな大きな窓が寝室にあるなんて、少し変な感じがするわ。


(1)The interior is very simple and elegant --it's just my taste. → I!m glad you like it.

(2)I like the layout, it's so open. → Please have a look at the kitchen.
※have a look…= look at with attention

(3)Yes, the breakfast nook is right across the counter and there's a view of the pond.
※breakfast nook…朝食用コーナー

(4)These appliances Iook like they are in good condition.

(5)This is a king-sized refrigerator, isn't it?

(6)Yes, it is. And did you see thesel arge pantry cabinets over here.

(7)Oh, nice - there's plenty of storage space.

(8)Now, let's take a look at the Master Suite down this hall. → What's a Master Suite?

(9)It's the area of the house that has the master bedroom, bathroom, and walk-in cIosets. See, here is the master bedroom.

(10)Wow! It's big, and it has a great view of the woods. But I would feel strange having such large windows in my bedroom.
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