旅 Trip - フィンランド go to Finland / Helsinki - オマケ情報 Added information

2015年01月22日 | 日記

Those books are Japanese manga
It's "cool Japan"
It's in


I knew that Japanese comics were so popular among European countries. I couldn't believe it but when I saw many Japanese comics were selling at the ordinary supermarket, I did it. I opened a book, the letters in the book seemed Finnish ( or, must be Swedish? ), not English. It means many Finnish people normally read Japanese comics. Wow! Ours are so popular the same as Disney comics.

When I went to Tampere in Finland where Moomin Valley Museum was, I found a book shop, its name was "MANGA" ( means comic in Japanese ). It was closed so I cannot be sure but the shop sold only ( or most of ) Japanese comics.

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