I saw an illustration of Japanese classical style Kimono for women
At the station
「なぬ? 十二単?」フィンランド・ヘルシンキ中央駅の本屋さんで見かけました。先ほどやっとネット上で調べましたところ、Mia Kankimakiさんというフィンランドの女性の方が「清少納言」についてお書きになった本だとか。おー。ご興味のある方はコチラへ→http://oga.otava.fi/authors/mia-kankimaki/
Oh? When I saw that illustration, I was surprised because the long hair woman must have been a Japanese lady who were wearing the old style Kimono. The book written by Mia Kankimaki, the author is Finnish woman, is about Sei-shonagon. Sei-shonagon is a woman's name, who was real person, a kind of maid for a wife of the Emperor around 1000 years ago. The author has been interested in Japan. Kiitos! If you are interested in her, you could visit at →http://oga.otava.fi/authors/mia-kankimaki/
I saw an illustration of Japanese classical style Kimono for women
At the station
「なぬ? 十二単?」フィンランド・ヘルシンキ中央駅の本屋さんで見かけました。先ほどやっとネット上で調べましたところ、Mia Kankimakiさんというフィンランドの女性の方が「清少納言」についてお書きになった本だとか。おー。ご興味のある方はコチラへ→http://oga.otava.fi/authors/mia-kankimaki/
Oh? When I saw that illustration, I was surprised because the long hair woman must have been a Japanese lady who were wearing the old style Kimono. The book written by Mia Kankimaki, the author is Finnish woman, is about Sei-shonagon. Sei-shonagon is a woman's name, who was real person, a kind of maid for a wife of the Emperor around 1000 years ago. The author has been interested in Japan. Kiitos! If you are interested in her, you could visit at →http://oga.otava.fi/authors/mia-kankimaki/