見た 初めての
It's the first time
To see a cicada's emerging from a pupa
In this summer
やっと出会うことが出来ました! ここ何年も毎夏、蝉の羽化に遭遇することが恒例になっていたので、今年はなんで見られないのだ? 幼虫や幼虫の出てきた穴や抜け殻や蝉の鳴き声は普通にそこにたくさんあるのに…と思っていました。はっ! も、もしかしたら、「そんなんフツーに思うてたらちゃうで」とか? 一年一年同じよーに季節は巡るけれど、「同じ」じゃありませんよ…。猫の玉吉君、今年の夏に初オムツです。
Finally, I could see that emerging! Over the years, in summer, it's usual to see cicadas' emerging for me, but I haven't, last night I had! I was wondering about that as I saw many pupas, holes on the ground making by pupas, excuvias, and lots of songs on the trees. Oh! Is it... "You are wrong if you think that you have the same year every year. "? We have "year" every year but it's not the same... Our cat, Tamakichi, has just started to wear a nappy since this week. He's never done it before.
見た 初めての
It's the first time
To see a cicada's emerging from a pupa
In this summer
やっと出会うことが出来ました! ここ何年も毎夏、蝉の羽化に遭遇することが恒例になっていたので、今年はなんで見られないのだ? 幼虫や幼虫の出てきた穴や抜け殻や蝉の鳴き声は普通にそこにたくさんあるのに…と思っていました。はっ! も、もしかしたら、「そんなんフツーに思うてたらちゃうで」とか? 一年一年同じよーに季節は巡るけれど、「同じ」じゃありませんよ…。猫の玉吉君、今年の夏に初オムツです。
Finally, I could see that emerging! Over the years, in summer, it's usual to see cicadas' emerging for me, but I haven't, last night I had! I was wondering about that as I saw many pupas, holes on the ground making by pupas, excuvias, and lots of songs on the trees. Oh! Is it... "You are wrong if you think that you have the same year every year. "? We have "year" every year but it's not the same... Our cat, Tamakichi, has just started to wear a nappy since this week. He's never done it before.