オサンポ take a walk - 鴉タチ crows

2015年08月07日 | 日記

In the summer evening
Many crows are writing
Staff notation

増え過ぎたカラスに困っている…。カラスはどうなんでしょう? 多勢に無勢、やはり数で勝るに越したことはなし…。ニンゲンなんかいいですが、燕の巣を襲ったりとかはやめて欲しいっす。同じ鳥どーしジャナイカ。夕暮れ時になるとカラスたちが集まる場所があって夕空に浮かぶカラスたちのシルエットを眺めていると複雑な気持ちになります。
Many crows might cause some problems...to us. How about the crows? Many is better than less. Well, it would be ok, they give us the problems, we have to face them but stop eating baby swallows... You are also bird, aren't you? When I see them in the evening sky, many mixed feelings come up in my mind.
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