
Matsuka Yoko (松香洋子) and English for Children

2007-08-01 01:59:29 | Weblog
Matsuka Yoko is a leading educator in the field of English for children and is also the founder of Matsuka Phonics Institute (松香フォニックス研究所). She has devoted herself to developing a consistent curriculum for English education in elementary schools. Its outline is;
1st to 2nd grade: To sing songs and mimic English rhythm and sounds
3rd grade: To learn conversational routines through simple
5th grade: To introduce alphabet (letters) and phonics
6th grade: To introduce oneself or talk about oneself

Ms. Matsuka believes that if children have completed this 6-year curriculum, they should be ready for English lessons conducted mainly in English. She also points out the necessity of rich and varied “input” through listening to songs and storytelling.

Several years ago, I had an opportunity to talk about English Education in Japan with Ms. Matsuka. During half an hour of conversation, she said, “Games are not necessary for high school students!” I was surprised and replied, “Strange, debates are also kind of a game!”

Now, I understand what she would like to mean, that is;
“Games are essential means of learning English for elementary school pupils and junior high school students, but they might not be essential means for senior high school students. That’s because going through appropriate learning program, they should have English command that deserves genuine communicative activities and self-expressions.

I also remember that during her workshop, Ms. Matsuka would often say that merely memorizing words could not take you anywhere. Maybe, I think, she does not make much of bingo.

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