(前回 その2 2015-02-24 11:11:37 次 その4 2015-02-26 20:37:38 | 聖文から・)
③ ‘柔和な人々’
「28 しかし、あなたがたは主の御前にへりくだり、主の聖なる御名を呼び、自分が耐えられないような誘惑を受けないように、目を覚ましていて絶えず祈りなさい。そのようにして、聖なる御霊の導きを得て、謙遜、柔和、従順になり、忍耐強くなり、愛に富み、限りなく寛容になって、
「19 生まれながらの人は神の敵であり、アダムの堕落以来そうであって、今後もそうである。また人は、聖なる御霊の勧めに従い、主なるキリストの贖罪により、生まれながらの人を捨てて聖徒となり、子供のように従順で、柔和で、謙遜で、忍耐強く、愛にあふれた者となり、子供が父に従うように、主がその人に負わせるのがふさわしいとされるすべてのことに喜んで従わないかぎり、とこしえにいつまでも神の敵となるであろう。
「23 わたしに学び、わたしの言葉を聴きなさい。わたしの御霊の柔和な道を歩みなさい。そうすれば、あなたはわたしによって平安を得るであろう。
「26 罪の赦しは柔和で心のへりくだった状態を生じ、柔和で心のへりくだった状態であれば聖霊の訪れがある。この慰め主は、希望と完全な愛を人の心に満たされる。そしてこの愛は、熱心に祈ることによって、すべての聖徒が神とともに住む終わりの日が来るまで続くのである。
④ ‘義に飢え渇いている人々・・・・聖霊に満たされるからである’
⑤ ‘憐れみ深い人々’
⑥ ‘ 心の清い人々・・・・神を見るからである’
神の証人となる。シオンの一員になる。自分らと同じく隣人を未完の神々のようにとらえ敬い尊べるようになるみたいな・・・・モルモン書について証しすることは、モルモン書をもたらした予言者ジョセフのことを示し、ジョセフは神と見えているということで、つながる・・・・「21 それゆえ、主はこのように言う。まことに、シオンを喜ばせなさい。心の清い者、これこそシオンである。それゆえ、シオンを喜ばせなさい。一方、悪人は皆嘆き悲しむであろう。
」 (教義と聖約97章)
⑦ ‘平和をつくり出す人々’
「14 そして彼らは、平和を告げて広め、善のよきおとずれを伝えた人々であり、救いを告げて広め、シオンに向かって、『あなたの神が統治しておられる』と言った人々である。
」 (モーサヤ15章)
「52:7 よきおとずれを伝え、平和を告げ、よきおとずれを伝え、救を告げ、シオンにむかって「あなたの神は王となられた」と言う者の足は山の上にあって、なんと麗しいことだろう。
」 (イザヤ書52章)
⑧ ‘わたしの名のために迫害される人々’
かく見るように、5 ~ 8は、この人間社会にあって、主が聖徒に望まれてる、デザインされてることを示してるんだと・・・・
この八福の教えの解釈の、最初のオリジナルの解説者は、BYU(ブリガム・ヤング大学)古代聖典研究学部というんでしょうか、そこで教授をしているカミラ・フロンク・オルソンという女性の教会員の方。(2005年 研究論文)
""The Holy Spirit's role in transforming us into Christlike beings is outlined in the eight Beatitudes. The first four teach how we go from being poor in spirit to being “filled with the Holy Ghost.”
1. Blessed are the poor in spirit. I first recognize that I am lacking the Spirit, bankrupt in the Spirit, or poor in Spirit. Considered alone, lacking the Spirit is not a blessing. The Book of Mormon, however, provides the missing piece in Christ’s instruction: “Blessed are the poor in spirit who come unto me” (3 Nephi 12:3; JST Matthew 5:3). Only when I come unto Christ with my realized need can I hope to eventually be filled with His Spirit.
2. Blessed are they who mourn. Turning to Christ when I lack the Spirit illuminates weaknesses and sins that caused the Spirit to depart from me in the first place. That discovery causes me to mourn. Feeling “godly sorrow” (2 Corinthians 7:10) because my shortcomings bring pain to the Savior encourages me to sincerely repent. Through the Holy Spirit, the Lord communicates when my repentance and mourning have been accepted, and I am comforted by Christ’s forgiveness.
3. Blessed are the meek. Having newly tasted of His grace, I become meek and teachable. In this state, I am desirous to obey the Lord in whatever He asks. I will gladly go where He asks me to go, cheerfully say what He asks me to say, and have the faith to become whatever He tells me I am capable of becoming.
4. Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness. That spirit of obedience leads me to hunger and thirst after righteousness, a desire that is answered with the very gift I longed for from the beginning: I am filled with His Spirit (see JST Matthew 5:3?6; 3 Nephi 12:3?6). Notice again that I am filled with the Spirit only after I recognize my need for the Spirit’s presence in my life, sincerely repent of subsequently illuminated shortcomings, and become meek in willingness to accept and do whatever the Lord may require.
Now “filled with the Holy Ghost” (3 Nephi 12:6), I am in a position to change and become more Christlike. The fruit of the Spirit can now develop in me, enabling me to reflect the light of the Savior in everyday living. The fruit is thereby identified in the concluding four Beatitudes.
5. Blessed are the merciful. Filled with the Spirit, we naturally feel merciful toward those around us. We have just experienced the Savior's mercy and we want to show that mercy to people who frankly don’t deserve it any more than we did. As an example, we will graciously allow a driver to bulldoze her way into our lane of the freeway without taking offense or retaliating. In short, we feel a natural inclination to be kind whatever the circumstances when we are filled with the Spirit.
6. Blessed are the pure in heart. Our hearts are so pure when we are filled with the Spirit that we see God everywhere we look. We not only see Him in nature but in neighbors and coworkers, people whose weaknesses and faults are all too apparent. Being filled with the Spirit, we find ourselves treating them with respect and reverence. We listen more attentively, show consideration for their responsibilities and time constraints, and express genuine appreciation for their contributions to the overall good of the family or company.
7. Blessed are the peacemakers. We become peacemakers, or as Isaiah described them, those who “publish peace” (Isaiah 52:7; see also Mosiah 15:14?18). We want to share the glorious good news so that others can be filled with the selfsame Spirit. When we are filled with the Spirit, we are “ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh [us] a reason of the hope that is in [us]” (1 Peter 3:15).
8. Blessed are all they who are persecuted for my [God's] name's sake. Finally, we can withstand any manner of persecution that the adversary may inflict upon us (see Matthew 5:7?12; 3 Nephi 12:7?12). Being filled with the Spirit, we cannot be offended even when others intend evil against us. We simply turn the other cheek and “overcome evil with good” (Romans 12:21).
Completing this cycle once does not immediately make us like Christ, but it does bring us closer. We know more about the Spirit and can discern sins and shortcomings that were not apparent before, and then the cycle repeats. With such divine tutelage and a willingness to endure to the end, we are gradually becoming like our Savior! We are changing from the inside out! We are learning to love as He loved?to receive the greatest fruit of the Spirit, charity, “the pure love of Christ” (Moroni 7:47).