
時に末日聖徒/モルモン教への私見含むメモ帳にて御座候 ほな毎度どんもにて 御きげんよろしゅうで御座候


2013-09-30 19:58:16 | 聖文から・・・・

(以下の記事に関連   新エルサレム   その5  2013-09-25 19:57:49  )

今年は、教会で、日曜学校・教義クラスは、『教義と聖約・教会歴史』からですけど、その36課のタイトル「さばくは喜びて花咲き、さふらんのように」(英語のタイトル: "The Desert Shall Rejoice and Blossom as the Rose" )は、イザヤ書35章1節~からですよねぇぇ。

「35: 1 荒野と、かわいた地とは楽しみ、さばくは喜びて花咲き、さふらんのように、
35: 2 さかんに花咲き、かつ喜び楽しみ、かつ歌う。これにレバノンの栄えが与えられ、カルメルおよびシャロンの麗しさが与えられる。彼らは主の栄光を見、われわれの神の麗しさを見る。

この、”さばくは喜びて花咲き、さふらんのように”というのなんだけど・・・・これって既に成就した、末日聖徒のこととして教わってますね・・・・おそらく、イザヤ35章は、34章からの流れでしょうか。で、2節の「これにレバノンの栄えが与えられ、カルメルおよびシャロンの麗しさが与えられる。」の意味は、たまWEB、いまいちわからないですが・・・・教会では、末日聖徒が宗教的迫害を逃れ、ロッキーの山間に来て、開拓者として、ユタなどの地を灌漑などで半砂漠のような荒れ地を開墾し定住して繁栄したことで、この予言成就だと、教会の学者さん初め、教会幹部も、のたもうているわけです(インスティチュート『旧約聖書 下』生徒資料p203~)。兎にも角にも、日曜学校レッスンのタイトルになってると・・・・

35:1はですね、英文(欽定訳)でみますと(ジョセフ・スミス霊感訳だと、35章は、8節だけが、ほんの少し、変更/付加あるだけ)、”The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them; and the desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose.”となりまして、”さふらん”じゃなくて、”rose”/バラ・薔薇となってるわけです。で、この”ばら”といえば、例のレーマン人についての聖句」(教義と聖約49:23,24)でも使われてて、それと似てる感じなんでは??と・・・・

「23 それゆえ、欺かれてはならない。引き続き確固としていて、天が震え、地が揺れ動いて酔った者のようにあちらこちらとよろめくのを、またもろもろの谷が高くなるのを、また山々が低くなるのを、また起伏の激しい所が平らになるのを待ち望みなさい。これはすべて、天使がラッパを吹き鳴らすときに起こるであろう。
24 しかし、主の大いなる日が来る前に、ヤコブは荒れ野に栄え、レーマン人はばらのように花咲くであろう。
25 シオンはもろもろの丘の上で栄え、山々の上で喜び、わたしが指定した場所に集められるであろう。」

で、これら聖句から(イザヤ35:1,2 教義と聖約49:24)混ぜて表現すれば、喜び、楽しむのが、地ではなく、そこに住む先住民なんだよと・・・・







(英文参照欄だと、”シオン”を指して、教義と聖約45:66-71、109:39の2箇  「66 それは、新エルサレム、平和の地、避け所の都、いと高き神の聖徒のための安全の地と呼ばれるであろう。      39・・・・僕たちがその町から義人を集めることができて、義人たちが永遠の喜びの歌を歌いながらシオンに、あるいはあなたの指定の場所であるそのステークに来ることができますように。」)


「21:2 また、聖なる都、新しいエルサレムが、夫のために着飾った花嫁のように用意をととのえて、神のもとを出て、天から下って来るのを見た。
21:3 また、御座から大きな声が叫ぶのを聞いた、「見よ、神の幕屋が人と共にあり、神が人と共に住み、人は神の民となり、神自ら人と共にいまして、
21:4 人の目から涙を全くぬぐいとって下さる。もはや、死もなく、悲しみも、叫びも、痛みもない。先のものが、すでに過ぎ去ったからである」。


「98 そのとき、最も小さい者から最も大いなる者に至るまで、生き残っているすべての者が、わたしを知り、主を知る知識に満たされ、目と目を合わせ、声を上げ、声を合わせて次のような新しい歌を歌うであろう。
99 主はシオンを回復された。恵みの選びによって、主はその民イスラエルを贖われた。・・・・


まぁ、例えば、ユタでは、先住民ユート族と何度か小競り合いはあって、死傷者は双方にあったりして、結局、他の先住民諸部族同様、インディアン・リザーベーション/居留地に押し込まれてしまった経緯があるわけで、人口も減ったでしょうし、一体全体、先住民は、喜びなしでも、異邦人が、喜びあるので、OK??はたして、イザヤの目に映ったのは、どっち??異邦人、それとも、先住民??両方?? 「イザヤは、イスラエルの家に属するわたしの民について、すべてのことを述べた。」(第3ニーファイ23章2節)の”すべて”のなかに、35:1、2は、先住民の意で、含まれてるんではと??・・・・

     reservation  先住民

昔、もう30年も前かぁ、I89・インターステート89を、用事があって車で、アリゾナ州フェニックスまで、10何時間かかったかぁ、グランド・キャニオン見たりして・・・・んでね、途中アリゾナ州北部で、ナヴァホ族だったかの居留地というのがI89から岐路となって地図にあって、行ってみようと思ったんだけど、あまりの”wilderness and the solitary place”なのでした・・・・四方八方何もない、荒野、孤立した所にポツネンといるという感覚が、今でも多少思い出せるくらい・・・・行って見たい気持ちが失せてしまったんでした。




2013-09-28 17:27:24 | 動植物愛護



ジョセフは、シオンの行軍の時(1834 夏)、テントを張ろうとして、ガラガラ蛇と出くわした時、殺そうとするのを止めて、”傷つけちゃぁいけない、放っておきなさい。神の僕たちが、攻撃しよう、戦おうという性質を持ってるなら、一体、いつになったら、蛇は毒を無くすようになるというんだい??人は、害を与えない者にならなくちゃ。人が悪意を持つ傾向を無くして、動物類を殺すのを止める時、獅子と子羊が共に生き、乳飲み子が蛇と安全に戯れるようになる。”・・・・で、蛇や鳥、他、どんな動物をも殺さないように強く勧めたということだ、例外として、飢饉の時を除きと。

In pitching my tent we found three massasaugas or prairie rattlesnakes, which the brethren were about to kill, but I said, ‘Let them alone—don’t hurt them! How will the serpent ever lose his venom, while the servants of God possess the same disposition, and continue to make war upon it? Men must become harmless, before the brute creation; and when men lose their vicious dispositions and cease to destroy the animal race, the lion and the lamb can dwell together, and the sucking child can play with the serpent in safety.’ The brethren took the serpents carefully on sticks and carried them across the creek. I exhorted the brethren not to kill a serpent, bird, or an animal of any kind during our journey unless it became necessary in order to preserve ourselves from hunger.” (Documentary History of the Church, vol. 2, pp. 71–72.)


2013-09-27 19:59:06 | 世の権力、秘密結社、教会、富








コメント  02/09/2008 at 16:58     01/29/2007 植草先生   ※日本人よ!目を覚まして!!(ベンジャミン・フルフォードの原点)」

ユタ戦争(1857.3-1858.7)時の、合衆国第15代大統領ジェイムズ・ブキャナン(1791-1868 57.3-61大統領)は、フリーメイソンだね。そして、もち、管長ブリガム・ヤング(1801-77)、彼のサイド・キック、副管長ヒーバー・C・キンボール(1801-68)らは、バリバリのフリーメイソンざんすな。 この両人は、教会員になる前からの、知合いで、メイソンのコンビ・強い関係の仲間だったんだと。・・・・教会員になった目的は、フリーメイソンからの潜入者たちとして、偵察、奪取、ジョセフ亡き後、メイソンの管理下に置くこと、そういった深慮遠謀があったんだと。まぁ、こんなところが、教会の陰謀説の骨頂でしょうかぁぁ・・・・

           「ジェームズ・ブキャナン ブキャナンは生涯を通じて活発なフリーメイソンのメンバー・・・・」       http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%82%B8%E3%82%A7%E3%83%BC%E3%83%A0%E3%82%BA%E3%83%BB%E3%83%96%E3%82%AD%E3%83%A3%E3%83%8A%E3%83%B3


「日本人が知らない 恐るべき真実
ロスチャイルドについて⑦ 06:36  引き続き『ロスチャイルドの密謀』の第Ⅱ部より抜粋・要約します






1860年代、パーマストン卿とビスマルク、マッチーニとアルバート・パイクの四人が、New World Orderを実現しようとした秘密結社「ニューアンド・パラディン・ライト」の最高指導者だった。


















偽りの白い兄弟  VS  本当の白い兄弟  その2

2013-09-26 19:40:28 | 占星、巨人、予知夢/予言、オカルト

(前回  2013-09-14 11:50:09 )

何故、モルモンは、""本当の白い兄弟""たり得なかったのか???・・・・個々の教会員を見れば、""聖徒""と呼ばれるにふさわしい人も、おるんでしょうけど、前に書いてました、最初の、ホピ族への宣教師さんというのが象徴的かも・・・・アイラ・ハッチ(1835 – 1909)という御仁、先住民への伝道、良い関係を築くこと、そういったことで尽力したんでしょう、が、教会という組織の中でのこと、トップはメイソンということで・・・・やっぱりなぁぁ・・・・

       「1858年、最初に、先住民ホピ族へ伝道した3人の宣教師のうちの一人。  (ファンチャー隊一行から)二人が逃亡。二人のインディアンとアイラ・ハッチが追跡、ニューメキシコ州、モハベで逃亡者らを殺害。       マウンテン・メドウ虐殺事件  その5  2013-09-16 16:04:47  | 教会歴史


       「ホピ 預言の岩絵「ロードプラン」 2013-07-02 03:30:38      今の世界は、マサウという創造主により支配されており、ホピの祖先はマサウから正しい生き方を教わり、聖なる預言を与えられたと云われています。預言の内容は、ホピ族だけの秘密とされ、他の国の人たちに話す事は禁止されていました。その預言が世界へ向けて知らされるようになったのは、「灰の詰まったひょうたんが発明され、それが空から落ちてくる」という言い伝えが、日本で実際に起こったからでした。これにより、「ホピの預言」は世界的にとても有名になりました。   左下に描かれているのは、ホピを導き守ってくれる偉大な創造主マサウ。マサウの左手から伸びた線は、ふたつの道に分かれています。上は、自分の事しか考えなく、創造主を信じないで物質文明にしか興味がなく、やりたい事しかやらない人たちの進む道。アップダウンを繰り返し、やがては身を滅ぼす事になる。一方、下の道は創造主の教えの通りにトウモロコシを植え、収穫して暮らす人々の道。精神性を高めながら徐々に上にあがっていく生き方は、陽が昇るように未来がある。


        「命の記   2011-04-24 ホピの予言と日本人   この絵は、ホピの聖地オライビ近くの岩に描かれた有名な「ロードプラン」である。左下の人物は、太霊マサウを表す。右手にはたいまつ、左手には、数千年前、ホピが地上に出るのに通った「アシ」を握っている。アシの右に見える円は第四の周期を示している。長方形は地上世界への脱出口「シパプ」で、そこから伸びる上の線は、多くの人が従う物質的な道を示す。手をつないでいるのは、彼らが物質的な生き方で結束していることを表し、波線の示す「混沌」がその結末である。ホピが従うように命じられている道が、下線に示されている。それは伝統派の歩む狭い道で、トウモロコシ畑に立つ長老で終わっている。彼は、伝統に忠実な者たちに約束されている平和と繁栄の象徴だ。



△左の マル は コード・ネーム”ヤハウェ”の誕生.
△右の マル は コード・ネーム”メノラー”(=金星)の誕生.
△新約聖書 マタイによる福音書{第24章 第29~31節}.
その苦難の日々の のち,たちまち太陽は暗くなり,月は光を放たず,星は空から落ち,天体は揺り動かされ.その時,<人の子>(メシア)の徴・しるしが天に現われる.そして,その時,地上の全ての民族は悲しみ,<人の子>(メシア)が大いなる力と栄光を帯びて天の雲に乗って来るのを見る.<人の子>(メシア)は,大きなラッパの音を合図に その天使達を遣わす.天使達は,天の果てから果てまで,<彼>(メシア)によって選ばれた人達を 四方から呼び集める.
*この「<人の子>(メシア)の徴・しるし」とはNASAの内部では<ヤハウェ>と言うコード・ネームで呼ばれていて,地球の楕円軌道と ほぼ同じ点対称の楕円軌道で太陽の反対側を公転している惑星の事だと思われる.
すでに アメリカ は極秘に探査機 ”アロン”を コード・ネーム<ヤハウェ>の ”地上”に着陸させており,その データ は NASA に送られている.この<ヤハウェ>は太陽の反対側から少しずつ ずれて来ており,いずれ地球に接近して,我々の眼前に すがたを現わすだろう.将来 発表されるだろうが,正式な発表名称は別の名前となる場合も あるだろう.     『ムー』(2002年3月号){<発行所>㈱学習研究社}(別冊マンガ付録 <目次名>ホピ・インディアンが予言する終末を告げる青い星サクアソフー <文>飛鳥 昭雄(あすか・あきお))参照.

              うぅぅんんと、ロードプランの岩絵が、見れなくなってる・・・・えぇぇっと、一番上の、左にある、四角い、小ボタンをクリック、すると、”503 Service Temporarily Unavailable”って、出るけど、その上にあるウィンドウの”Pandora Log”をクリック、で、スクロールして、”ホピの予言”をクリックで、少なくとも、全体図の岩絵がみれるようになりますぜ。   飛鳥昭雄氏の独特の解釈で、絵も違えてるね。ぎざぎざの線が、下につながらないとか・・・・少なくとも、NASAがコードネーム、ヤハウェで、地球の双子星?、既に、見つけてるというのが、たいへん興味そそられます。

       ホピ  ”ロード・プラン”

       「このようなしるしとともにとてつもない破壊の時が訪れる。世界は前に後ろにと激しく揺り動くだろう。白い人たちは他の土地のーー最初の知恵の光を所有するーー人たちを相手に戦うことになる。ここからさほど遠くない沙漠で白人が引き起こしたような、幾本もの煙と炎の柱が立ちのぼる。ホピの場所にとどまり暮らしているものの安全は保たれるだろう。そしてつぎに再建の時がようやく訪れる。そしてじきに、再建の時がやってきたあとすぐに、パハンナが帰ってくる。    Tuesday, November 23, 2004  もうひとつのホピの予言


土壌汚染・健康被害に苦しむ先住民  ヒロシマ・ナガサキの悲劇はここから

ホピ  ”安全地帯”

ホピ ウラニウム

新エルサレム   その5

2013-09-25 19:57:49 | ジョセフ // 語録・予言・示現・夢等


(新エルサレム   その4 2013-09-20 21:20:56 )

""""馬蹄(馬の蹄鉄)予言 (2008.8.25/アップロードした日付)


以下の出来事は、シダー・シティ(ユタ州)の私父の家で起こったことです。当時、シダー・シティで、テイラー管長(1808-87 80年管長に)とジョージ・A・スミス第一副管長(1817-1875 68年第一副 )の管理の下でステーク大会が、開かれてました。

テイラー管長は、ソルトレーク・シティからの途次、他の町々でも大会を開いてきてて、多少疲れがたまったとして、午後から始まる大会まで昼寝するとして、午前の会の管理を、スミス副管長に委任しました。テイラー管長一行は、私の両親の家に滞在していました。(シダー・シティは、セント・ジョージの北隣くらいか、ソルトレークから南へ約250マイル。何日かかかるんでしょ?? 馬車だと、一時間10マイルとして、25マイルで、長い休憩か、馬の交換、必要ということだぁ)










宣誓して署名する。1951年6月28日  エドワード・ハント



     「えり抜きの地、受け継ぎの地  2012-11-12 13:12:32 | 巨人、予言、占星術、オカルト、フリ・エネ    アメリカ・インディアン/先住民のチョクトー族の長老が代々伝える予言。 あなたたちは、チョクトー族の言葉を話すのを止めてはならない。さもないと、中国の軍隊にやられてしまう。彼ら中国人は、ここにやって来るからだ。もし、話さないなら、彼らは殺すであろう。来るべき大いなる戦争で、チョクトウ族は言葉で、助かるであろう。・・・・大いなる戦争で、侵入者たちは、この地の至る所に襲来するであろう。家々の入り口に、チョクトー族を示す(模様の)衣服を下げていないところでは、皆殺しに会うであろう。」

     「ジョージ・アルバート・スミス管長の見た示現 その3  2012-10-19 10:20:43  | ジョセフや他の教会員の予言・示現等  軍隊は東から来てミシシピ川まで掃討する、同じ頃もう一つの軍隊が西海岸の南から北上してくる、これはアメリカインディアンで、羊の中の獅子のように異邦人の中を通って破壊する。」

     「”森の獣の中のライオンのようであり、羊の群れの中の若いライオンのようである。” 2011-08-06 16:23:28  | 教会歴史    その時は、異邦人に神の裁きが下り、地上の国々に、主の怒りが及ぶ時で、また、シオンの贖いの時でもあり、あなたの子孫は、遠からずそれを見るであろう。」


2013-09-24 20:35:46 | 教会の歴史 


       「Smith Family Cemetery - Nauvoo, Illinois - Worldwide Cemeteries on Waymarking.com」



人工地震  その36

2013-09-21 22:04:04 | 人工地震、福島原発、気象兵器、戦争


         「テロに利用するため原発に入り込むような輩を予防するためのカメラやら警報装置などを含む福島原発の安全管理システムを設置したのはイスラエルのMagna BSPであることは、イスラエルのハーレツ紙も伝えたとされています。」
         magnabsp  福島

イスラエルのネタニヤフ首相と、前米大統領候補ロムニー氏は、結託してる仲でしょう。よって、福島原発破壊工作といったことも、アメリカ支配層による国益ということで、支持していたんでしょうかね・・・・そして、教会中央幹部にも、そういった知らせが、事前に入っていたのは当然でしょうか?? 日本の教会指導者たちも、ホランド使徒の、教義と聖約88章を引用した説教の影響で、東日本震災が、天罰であるかのように理解しているということだよなぁぁ。まぁ、ブリガムの時に、戦意高揚させ、フリーメイソン的絶対支配のマインド・コントロール下に教会員をして、殺害実行に至らしめた、マウンテン・メドウ虐殺事件という前例、そういった上からの徹底コントロール、負の伝統の教会指導方針が、今日も生きているということになるのかなぁぁ・・・・

たまWEBは、そういった殺戮、殺害は、主の御心に反するのではと思うんだが、果たして??? 教会幹部は、支持せよという啓示を受けている・いたということだったんだろうか???

         「超高速移動体/列車が走れる地下トンネル網がかなり出来てて、んで、ソルトレークの地下で建設?護衛?に携わった人の暴露話があるらしくて、彼は合衆国政府の要人、何人かの大統領、イスラエルのネタニヤフ首相をソルトレークの地下で見たっちゅう話だっす。(ネタニヤフ氏(1949- )はボストンにあるMIT/マサチューセッツ工科大学のスロアンMBAを、ロムニー氏(1947-  2012年大統領候補)は、ボストンにあるハーバードのMBAを、それぞれ優秀で卒業して、同期にかな、1975年、で、彼らは、同期に、ボストン・コンサルティング・グループに就職、一緒に仕事してた仲って・・・・)」
         「ロムニー候補が、大統領に勝利すれば、彼は・も、イスラエルのイラン攻撃を支持しているので・・・・アメリカが、専制攻撃を受ける可能性は?? はてまた、偽旗作戦の遂行??  共和党の大統領候補、ミット・ロムニーは訪問先のエルサレムでイスラエル人の優越性を主張、パレスチナ人を刺激した。ベンヤミン・ネタニヤフ首相と親しく   ロムニーはイラン攻撃にも積極的な発言をしている。」



         ”戦後史の正体”  検察  警察 CIA

新エルサレム   その4

2013-09-20 21:20:56 | ジョセフ // 語録・予言・示現・夢等

このシリーズ、その3で、ご披露させていただいた、教義と聖約133章の「29 不毛の砂漠に生ける水の池が現れ、焼けた土地はもはや乾いた地ではなくなる。」が、ソルトレーク一帯の水没という解釈、たまWEB、どうやら、誤りであるという気がしてきましたぁぁ・・・・倍返し等と、調子こいてしまいましたが、なかったことに??・・・・疲れてしまったのは、間違いを気づかせられるためだったかも・・・・

(新エルサレム   その3  2013-09-17 20:46:51 |  ジョセフや他の教会員の予言・示現)


マタイ伝に「10:21 兄弟は兄弟を、父は子を殺すために渡し、また子は親に逆らって立ち、彼らを殺させるであろう。」とありますけれど、南北戦争よりも、ひどい、たいへんな流血、国内紛争が起こって、滅んでしまいそうになるとの予言者ジョセフの予言があるわけですが、テイラー管長の示現だと、ソルトレークやその近辺も例外ではないと。市民は互いに争いあって、ついに、教会幹部の指導で、教会本部が、ソルトレークを脱出、比較的安全な、南方を目指し、コロラド川を越える時が来るんだと。


         コロラド川  ホピ


「The Horseshoe Prophecy        Monday, 25 August 2008 09:13 

A Remarkable Prophecy By President John Taylor As Told by Edward Lunt, An Ordinance Worker in the Mesa Temple

The following incident occurred at my father's home in Cedar City, at the time a stake conference was being held in that city, at which President John Taylor and George A. Smith were present.

Apostle Smith was asked to conduct the conference, as President Taylor wished to rest after his having held meetings in the different wards and stakes between Salt Lake City and Cedar City. President Taylor asked Elder George A. Smith to start the conference, as he wished to rest until the afternoon meeting.  President Taylor, with some of the authorities, was staying at the home of my parents during this conference.

President Taylor wished to go to his room and lie down. He asked my mother to awaken him in time for the afternoon conference, as he feared he might oversleep and thus fail to arrive at the conference in time.
My mother was busy preparing dinner for the visitors but was surprised to see President Taylor come into the kitchen so soon after retiring for his much needed rest. He immediately started telling mother of a most remarkable vision that he had just had while in his room.

He stated that he saw that Salt Lake City would become a great city with many beautiful paved roads and streets of cement construction, and that the people had become wealthy. He saw that the city extended almost to the point of the mountain south of the new 1951 State prison.

The people, he saw, had become quite indifferent to the counsel and advice of the authorities of the church, and were more interested in the accumulation of wealth than they were in living their religion. He told mother that he saw that war had been started, and that so great was the destruction of life within the city that blood ran down the gutters as though it were streams of water, and the violence was such that it would cause the destruction of the beautiful city. The people were fighting among themselves until it became necessary to remove the church records across the Colorado river.

President Taylor said to mother, "If you are alive at that time, be sure that you are not behind the Church records, because after the Church records leave and are made secure, the very powers of hell would be turned loose, and there will be such destruction that there will be but little life remain, ---not only in Salt Lake City, but in adjoining cities also. And in Jackson County, Missouri civilization will become entirely extinct, and all means of transportation such as rail roads and highways will be destroyed, and the only means of travel will be on foot.

All means of manufacturing will also be entirely destroyed. Be sure when you see these things come that you have buttons, needles, cloth and things to work with as much as possible, to make yourselves clothing, because all tools and every kind of machinery will be destroyed. It will be such a destructive war that in comparison to the sufferings and the drivings of the people of Nauvoo, it would be only a drop in the bucket.

"One half of the Mormon people will entirely forsake their leaders, and half of the other half, because of their suffering, will leave the church. Many Mormons will die in the struggle, but the Lord will bless those who stick faithfully to the church and will bless them to the extent that they will not be destroyed."

He said that faithful Latter-day Saints would go to the south and would form a circle something like a horseshoe, before they return to Jackson County, Missouri. Said he, "Those only will be privileged to help build Jackson County who will be found willing and glad to obey the counsel and advice of the authorities who will be placed over them, and who will seek counsel that they may be guided and protected from dire want and distress.

President Taylor also said that we will assist the Lamanites in building the New Jerusalem in Jackson county.  He said that the vision to him appeared so terrible that he besought the Lord to close it up, but he saw that those who would keep the commandments and adhere to the authorities of the church would be the ones who would survive and not be destroyed. And that the lord would protect them as he did the children of Israel.

The above experience my mother told to me many, many times; and she held this great experience very sacred. 

Subscribed and sworn to this 28th day of June, 1951.

/s/Edward Lunt


玄米おにぎり   その2

2013-09-19 20:58:26 | 知恵の言葉、健康生活の向上

昨日の記事に(玄米おにぎり  2013-09-18 21:58:54 |  知恵の言葉、健康)、「この夏の疲れがきてるんでしょうか、いまいち、体調が・・・・訪問きてくれた皆様、健康はどないでっか??」と、書いてしまって・・・・



とりあえず、後10分くらいで、満月フリフリ・タイムということで、それ終わったらまた書きます・・・・(2013-09-19 19:59:51)




2013-09-18 21:58:54 | 知恵の言葉、健康生活の向上


権兵衛 おにぎり・・・・http://search.yahoo.co.jp/search?p=%E6%A8%A9%E5%85%B5%E8%A1%9B+%E3%81%8A%E3%81%AB%E3%81%8E%E3%82%8A&aq=-1&oq=&ei=UTF-8&fr=top_ga1_sa&x=wrt


新エルサレム   その3

2013-09-17 20:46:51 | ジョセフ // 語録・予言・示現・夢等


さて、「""新エルサレムを築くための中心となるのは、アメリカ先住民であるとする。""   これって、正しい???」なんですが、彼らが、ふさわしいと思えるのの、第2弾です。モルモン書からですが、

「21 さて、このような理由で、主なる神は、わたしが書き記すこれらのものが保存され、残されて、代々わたしの子孫に伝えられると約束してくださった。それによって、ヨセフの子孫は大地のあるかぎり決して滅びることはないという約束が、ヨセフに対して果たされるのである。


「14 そして父リーハイは、真鍮の版に自分の先祖の系図も見つけ、それで自分がヨセフの子孫であることを知った。このヨセフとは、ヤコブの子のヨセフであって、エジプトへ売られ、父ヤコブとその家のすべての者が飢饉で死ぬことのないように守るため主の手によって守られたあのヨセフである。




「49:22 ヨセフは実を結ぶ若木、泉のほとりの実を結ぶ若木。その枝は、かきねを越えるであろう。
49:26  あなたの父の祝福は永遠の山の祝福にまさり、永久の丘の賜物にまさる。これらの祝福はヨセフのかしらに帰し、その兄弟たちの君たる者の頭の頂に帰する。

この英語なんだけど、「The blessings of thy father have prevailed above the blessings of my progenitors unto the utmost bound of the everlasting hills: ・・・」、たまWEB風に意訳すればですね、「あなたの父が与える祝福は、あなたの父が先祖から受け継いできた祝福にもまさって、それは永久の丘の境(に至る/にもなる)」と言う感じになりましょうか・・・・


「33:13 ヨセフについては言った、「どうぞ主が彼の地を祝福されるように。上なる天の賜物と露、下に横たわる淵の賜物、

33:14 日によって産する尊い賜物、月によって生ずる尊い賜物、

33:15 いにしえの山々の産する賜物、とこしえの丘の尊い賜物、

33:16 地とそれに満ちる尊い賜物、しばの中におられた者の恵みが、ヨセフの頭に臨み、その兄弟たちの君たる者の頭の頂にくだるように。

この”彼の地を祝福されるように”の”彼の地”(’かのち/遠い所’の意ではなく、’かれのち/ヨセフの地’ですね。’ his land’)って、どこ??となれば、それは、”かきねを越え”た(大洋を越えて)、永久の丘/永久の丘の境といった感じでしょうか・・・・んで、英語で検索するとですね、アメリカのことだと、或いは、ロッキー山脈からアンデス山脈といった解釈も。



「31 永久の丘の境は彼らの前で揺れ動くであろう。
32 彼らはそこで、すなわちシオンにおいてひれ伏し、主の僕たち、すなわちエフライムの子らの手により栄光を冠として与えられるであろう。






それはですね、同章「29 不毛の砂漠に生ける水の池が現れ、焼けた土地はもはや乾いた地ではなくなる。」が答えなんずらと。

       イザヤ書28章再訪   2013-07-24 08:20:49 | 聖文から・・・・


マウンテン・メドウの虐殺  その5

2013-09-16 16:04:47 | 教会の歴史 




アンの両親は共に、アイルランド出身で(母は1842年、モルモンに改宗)47年、結婚、同年、オーストラリアに移住。アンはオーストラリアで誕生。53年、父溺死。地元の教会員らは、母にアメリカに移民することを勧め、54年カリフォルニアへ(母は再婚)、57年にユタ州ビーバー町に。63年、アンは、ジョン・D・リーと結婚。(本人は13歳であったと)3人の子供(長男 67年、長女 68年、末子)71年、リーのもとを去る。長男長女を、他の妻たちが養育。


・リーは、母にアンとの結婚許可を強要、脅す。(結婚 於いて、ソルトレーク・シティのエンダウメント・ハウス)



       http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ira_Hatch  (1835 – 1909)


「ブリガム(1801-77)は、1832年バプテスマを受けると、同年、兄や弟たちと共に、ニューヨーク州にある家を発って、ジョセフに会うべくオハイオ州カートランドに向かったんですね、で、予言者ジョセフの家で・・・・で、何かブリガムに祝福を与えましょうということになって、ブリガムの頭の上に手をおいてジョセフの口から出た言葉は、ある期間(ある時期になると)、ブリガムは教会を導く者となるであろう、が、しかし、彼には一つだけ危険な側面があるだろう、彼の富への愛着が、それであろう(危険や誘惑につきまとわれてしまう、何故なら、彼の富を愛する性質の故)ということです。    ブリガムの正体見えたり?! その8     2013-04-24 08:56:36  |」

""Benjamin Franklin Johnson“Of Brigham Young as President of the Church, I will again bear this as a faithful testimony that I do know and bear record that upon the head of Brigham Young as chief, with the Apostleship in full, was by the voice of the Prophet Joseph in my hearing, laid the full responsibility of bearing of[f] the kingdom of God to all the world . . . . [When Brigham Young first met Joseph Smith and spoke in tongues in the Adamic languaue the Prophet] at that time, made the prediction upon the head of Brigham Young that ‘at some period he would become the leader of the Church, and that there would be one danger to beset him, and that would be his love of wealth.’ These things were told to me by [Lyman R.] Sherman [i.e., Johnson’s brother-in-law] at near the time of their occurrence” (E. Dale LeBaron, Benjamin Franklin Johnson: Friend to the Prophets [Provo, Utah: Grandin Book Co., 1997], 232, 233).

""And to show more fully his leading traits and general "personal character," I will go back to relate that soon after embracing the gospel in 1832, Brigham Young started with his brother from their home in the state of New York, to visit the Prophet at Kirtland, and on their way called upon us at Pomfret, N.Y., who had received the gospel just before them, and remaining overnight with my sister's husband, Lyman R. Sherman. And while at evening in animated conversation upon the gifts as promised to accompany the gospel, the spirit came upon Brother Sherman in mighty power, and he opened his mouth in an unknown tongue, to the great surprise and joy of all, and I think that Brother Brigham also at that time received the gift; Brother Lyman R. Sherman being the first known to have spoken in the gift of tongues by the power of God in this dispensation. And on Brother Brigham arriving in Kirtland at the Prophet's home, being called to lead in family prayer, as a surprise even to the Prophet, he opened his mouth in a strange tongue, the first heard by him, which he said at once was in the language of our first parents. And he, at that time, made the Prediction upon the head of Brigham Young that "at some period he would become the leader of the Church, and that there would be but one danger to beset him, and that would be his love of wealth." These things were told me by Brother Sherman at near the time of their occurrence, who remained almost as the right hand of the Prophet until the day of his death. And while I am witness that after the prophet's death that Brigham Young became Israel's great leader, a Prophet, Seer, and Revelator, to the Church in all the world, ,I yet know that he was a great financier and at times did manifest a love for wealth, and did make mistakes, some of which he may not have lived fully to rectify. But with all of his mistakes, private or public, his voice was ever the voice of the true shepherd to Israel. And in looking for mistakes, I feel admonished to look after my own personality, which""

新エルサレム   その2  

2013-09-14 13:49:58 | ジョセフ // 語録・予言・示現・夢等

前回(新エルサレム   2013-09-12 21:43:12  )のに、早速、ボケなのかツッコミなのか紛らわしい、コメントが入りましたが(Unknown (バハマ) 2013-09-13 11:11:38 今さら先住民に大陸を返すってこと?)・・・・

さてさて、「""新エルサレムを築くための中心となるのは、アメリカ先住民であるとする。""   これって、正しい???」なんですが・・・・





「第8章 米国憲法を制定した先住民の父    九月から翌年の六月にかけて、大勢の子供たちが毎日ワシントン特別区の最高位にある米国の国会議事堂の芝生を横切っていく・・・・子供たちは、重々しい彫刻や引用文で飾られた戸口の下を通っていく。その引用文には、マグナ・カルタのようなヨーロッパの文書からのものに混ざって、米国の独立宣言や憲法からの引用もある。議事堂の建物内の壁画や彫刻は、ヨーロッパの進歩と文明の偉大な行進における自らの役割を誇らしげに示している。アテネで孵化した後に飛び立って、2000年にわたる苦しい飛翔を続けてきた、民主主義という祝福された鳩を生き生きと描写している。この鳩は、共和制ローマ、・・・遂にはアメリカ大陸の処女地に至って、永久にまた心安らかに羽を休めることになったのである。



『アメリカ先住民の貢献』p175~(ジャック・M・ウェザーフォード 1996 小池祐二訳 パピルス)




投稿者  コクリコ  トップ1000レビュアー 投稿日 2013/3/30
形式: 単行本







偽りの白い兄弟  VS  本当の白い兄弟

2013-09-14 11:50:09 | 占星、巨人、予知夢/予言、オカルト


「失われた十支族 その3   2012-06-19 08:09:30 |        ホピ族の予言にある、サクアソフー(青い星)、そして、将来やって来ると彼らホピが信じ待ち望んでるパハナ(白い兄弟)ですが、たまWEBは、ジョセフ・スミスから聞いたという、地球から分かれた星とそこに住んでいる失われた十支族と見てたわけです。んが、英文の斜め読みしましたところ、特に、そのパハナ(白い兄弟)なんですが、再臨する主キリストのことなのかもです。

「失われた十支族   2011-07-21 12:51:05  |      そうそう、ホピ族の予言にある、帰還する、良い『白い兄』が、この北の10支族のことなんだろうと・・・・
       ホピ 青い星 白い兄

正確には、白い兄弟と”本当の・真の白い兄弟”(true white brother)とを区別してますね。前者は、白人種アメリカ人ということになりましょう。後者は、失われた十支族ということで。”偽りの”と付けたのは、たまWEB的解釈で、どこが?と言えば、やはり、ホピの意味でもある平和の民とは、かけ離れてるみたいなことになりましょうか・・・・

         ”本当の白い”  兄弟
         「それに従う二人の従者とされる 従者の一人は純粋を表すカギ十字の サインかシンボルを持っており、」云々とあるのは、たまWEB的には、どうなのかなぁ?と。いつわり??


         ホピ  ”平和の民”

ホピの予言・・・・「地球での生き方を学びなおす探求の旅  by Kitayama "Smiling Cloud" Kohei Tuesday, November 23, 2004   もうひとつのホピの予言

最初の、第一の御しるし われわれに伝えられているのはパハンナのごとき白い肌の人たちの到来。この人たちはパハンナのように生きることはなく、自分たちのものでもない大地を取りあげて、敵を稲妻で打ちのめす。
第二の御しるし たくさんの声とともに回転する車輪が訪れるのをわれわれの大地は目撃する。

第三の御しるし 大きくて長い角をつけたバッファローのような奇妙な獣が無数にこの大地にあふれかえる。

第四の御しるし 大地を縦横に走りぬける鉄の蛇たち。

第五の御しるし 巨大な蜘蛛の巣が大地の隅々までを覆い尽くす。

第六の御しるし 描かれた太陽のごとく無数の石の河が縦横に走り巡らされた大地。

第七の御しるし 海の水が黒くかわり、そのことでたくさんの命が失われたとの風の知らせ。

第八の御しるし 一族の者のごとく髪を長く伸ばした多くの若者たちがやってきて部族の国々に加わり、生き方や知恵を学ぶ姿を目撃する。

そして最後の、第九の御しるし 天界の居住施設が大音声とともに落下して地表に激突。青き星が姿を現し、そのあとをおいかけるようにホピの人たちの儀式が止むとき。




「爆発音は4,776km先(インド洋のロドリゲス島)まで届き、人間が遠く離れた場所で発生した音を直接耳で聞いた最長距離記録となる。    クラカタウ 1883年の大噴火」    http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%82%AF%E3%83%A9%E3%82%AB%E3%82%BF%E3%82%A6

「失われた十支族  2011-07-21 12:51:05  |       ある晩エライザ・R・スノー姉妹宅を訪問してその分けられた地球について聞いてみた、ジョセフスミスは以下のように彼女に語ったそうだ。地球は元の大きさと比べると今は九十分の一。エノクの町は地球から分けられた金星に住んでいる。十支族が取り去られた時、主はその時の地球を半分の大きさに割った。ジョセフはその時左手のひらを右手で打つ仕草をした。十支族は天体・星に住んでいて、その地球から分けられた天体と共に彼等が帰還する時に、その星と地球との合体は大きな揺れを生じさせ、地球は酔った者のようにあちらこちらとよろめく'     



Orson Pratt, July 19, 1874, Journal of Discourses, Vol. 17, p. 147.
        Does this prove that they were immortal beings from the time of their translation? No; it does not prove any such thing. How are we to know anything about it? We can not learn anything in relation to it, except by revelation. God has revealed to us that they are held in reserve, in some part or portion of space; their location is not revealed, but they are held in reserve to be revealed in the latter times, to return to their ancient mother earth; all the inhabitants that were then taken away are to return to the earth.

Joseph Young, History of the Organization of the Seventies, Deseret News Steam Printing Establishment, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1878. pp. 10-12.
[Full title of work is: History of the Organization of the Seventies - Names of the First and Second Quorums - Items in Relation to the First Presidency of the Seventies - Also, a brief glance at Enoch and his City - Embellished with a likeness of Joseph Smith, the Prophet, and a view of the Kirtland Temple.]
        Ten years subsequently [1842], at Nauvoo, while naming historical incidents of antiquity, he [Jospeh Smith] alluded to the church, or Zion of Enoch, and discoursed sometime upon the nature of its organization, order and progress. He spoke with a view of correcting the teachings of some of the Elders who had maintained the doctrine that the people of that church had passed through the ordeals necessary to consummate the work of complete immortality, and that they would be prepared to enter into the presence of the Father and Son. This idea the Prophet took up, and revealed it in a different light - in what may be styled a divine philosophy. He declared of the Church of Enoch "that they did not die; that they had not then gone through their last changes and greatest refinement; and that they had, nevertheless, triumphed over death. That the people and the City, and the foundations of the earth on which it stood, had partaken of so much of the immortal elements bestowed upon them by God through the teachings of Enoch, that it became philosophically impossible for them to remain any longer upon the earth; consequently, Enoch and his people, with the City which they occupied, and the foundations on which it stood, with a large piece of the earth immediately connected with the foundations and the City, had assumed an aerial position within the limits of our solar system; and this in consequence of their faith."
        He further said "that inasmuch as they did not pass through all the refinements which was necessary, as the Lord lives, they would return to the earth, when they and the City would pass through the same fiery ordeals that yet await the earth; when it shall be transformed into a sea of glass, mingled with fire and their preparations for a celestial abode of the glorified Saints shall be perfected.* [Here follows an * with the following footnote at the bottom of the page]
        *Joseph Smith said, on another occasion, in the hearing of some of the saints still surviving, that the City of Enoch would again take its place in the identical spot from which it had been detached, now forming that chasm of the earth filled with water, called the Gulf of Mexico.

Orson Pratt, May 18, 1873, Journal of Discourses, Vol. 16, p. 50.
        We come down to the days of the building of the Tower of Babel, soon after the flood. About the time of Abraham the Tower of Babel was built. The people being of one language, gathered together to build a tower to reach, as they supposed, the crystalized heavens. They thought that the City of Enoch was caught up a little ways from the earth, and that the city was within the first sphere above the earth; and that if they could get a tower high enough, they might get to heaven, where the City of Enoch and the inhabitants thereof were located. They went to work and built a tower. They had this tradition, that there had been a translation of people from the earth, and they were anxious to become acquainted with them[.]

Orson F. Whitney, Elias, An Epic of the Ages, Salt Lake City, 1914, p. 136. "Elias" is one of many poems written by Orson F. Whitney. The poem was begun in 1900 and first published in 1904. In 1914 a "revised and annotated edition" was published. The following is stanza 2424 and footnote 10 from the footnotes to the poem, being note 10 to line 2424 at page 81.

        "The while, on fearless wings of purity,
        Cleaving as bird or ransomed soul the air,
        The sainted city entered into rest,
        Envied of Babel, climbing robber-like;10
        Bride of the Highest, midway hovering,
        Till folded in the bosom of the Gods,
        Where Zions from unnumbered worlds have fled.
        Type temporal of spirit antitype,
        A future moral height foreshadowing.

    10-2424. Climbing Robber-like. According to the Bible, the people who built the Tower of Babel did so that its top might "reach unto heaven." (Gen 11:4) Joseph Smith is said to have declared that the "heaven" they had in view was the City of Enoch, then suspended within the sight of the earth. Endeavoring to get to Heaven by "another way," the builders of Babel were comparable to "thieves and robbers." Tradition asserts that the City of Enoch stood where the Gulf of Mexico now is.

Parley P. Pratt, Millennial Star, Volume 1, pp. 257-258, Feburary 1841.
        [In answer to several questions posed by Joseph Fielding, Elder Pratt, as editor of the Millennial Star gave the following:]
    Ques. 7th. - How can the stars fall from heaven to earth, when they (as far as we know) are much larger than the earth?
    Ans. - We are nowhere given to understand that all the stars will fall or even many of them: but only "as a fig tree casteth her UNTIMELY figs when she is shaken with a mighty wind." The stars which will fall to the earth are fragments, which have been broken off from the earth from time to time, in the mighty convulations of nature. Some in the days of Enoch, some perhaps in the days of Peleg, some with the ten tribes, and some at the crucifixion of the Messiah. These all must be restored again at the "times of restitution of ALL THINGS." This will restore the ten tribes of Israel; and also bring again Zion, even Enoch's city. It will bring back the tree of life which is in the midst of the paradise of God; that you and I may partake of it. (See Rev. ii, 7.) When these fragments, (some of which are vastly larger than the present earth) are brought back and joined to this earth, it will cause a convulsion of all nature; the graves of the Saints will be opened, and they rise from the dead; while the mountains will flow down, the vallies rise, the sea retire to its own place, the islands and continents will be removed, and earth be rolled together like a scroll. The earth will be many times larger than it is now. -"If I have told you of earthly things and ye believed not; what would you think if you were to be told of heavenly things?"

Wandle Mace, Journal, 1809-1890, pp. 38-39, original in library of Brigham Young University.
        I have many times been pondering upon a subject and seemed to come to a standstill, not knowing how to gain further information relating to it, when upon going to meeting on the sabbath, the key would be touched by Joseph and the subject would be so plain I wondered why I had not seen it before.
        I was in this situation in relation to the Ten lost tribes of Israel. I had read everything I could find relating to them. I had carefully studied the statistics of the Jews and notwithstanding they had been persecuted for hundreds of years, being murdered and driven, until they were scattered all over the known world, yet they numbered several millions. I reasoned thus, had the "ten tribes" suffered equal disaster and they had increased in numbers, in the same ratio as the Jews, they would number nearly ten times as many or nine times and one-half as it is nine and one-half tribes instead of ten - If they had increased in this proportion where is there habitable earth for this vast amount of people? Who are hidden from the rest of mankind. I could not see.
        I was in this train of thought, unable to obtain fruther information from any source, when as usual on Sunday morning, I took my skiff and crossed the river to Nauvoo, to attend meeting. Joseph addressed the congregation and as if for my special benefit, touched upon this subject which opened a new field for reflection to me.
        His subject was:
        The "restitution of all things spoken of by all the Holy Prophets since the world began," quoting the twentyfirst verse of the third chapter of the Acts of the Apostles.
        In the course of his remarks he spoke of the earth being divided at various times. He said, "When Enoch and his City was taken away, a portion of earth was taken and would again be restored. Also in the days of Peleg, the earth was divided, see Genesis 10th Chapter, 25th verse." He then referred to the 'Ten Tribes' saying, "You know a long time ago in the days of Shalmanezar King of Assyria when the Ten Tribes was taken away, and never been heard of since." He said, The Earth will be restored as at the beginning, and the last taken away will be the first to return; for the last shall be first, and the first will be last in all things.
        He illustrated the return by saying.
        "Some of you brethern have been coming up the river on a steamboat, and while seated at the table, the steamboat run against a snag which upset the table and scatter[ed] the dishes; so it will be when these portions of earth return. It will make the earth reel to and fro like a drunken man," quoting 24th ch. Isiah 20th v. When speaking of the return of the Ten Tribes, he said, "The mountains of ice shall flow down at their presence," and a highway shall be cast up in the midst of the great deep."
        These remarks satisfied me. it was no longer necessary to hunt the place on this earth where the Ten Tribes were so long hidden, for the earth was divided and taken away, and will be the first to return, as it was the last taken away.
        "He shall command the great deep, and it shall be driven back into the North countries, and the island shall become one land."
        "And the land of Jerusalem and the land of Zion shall be turned back into their own place, and the earth shall be like as it was in the days before it was divided. See appendix. Doctrine and Covenants.
        I will introduce a Poem upon this subject, by Sister E. R. Snow, as it was published in the "Millineal Star" 1852 entitled.
             "An Address to the Earth"
         [Text of poem has been omitted, see below]

Eliza R. Snow, Poem "Address to Earth", Millennial Star, Vol XIII, No. 17, Sep 1, 1851.
            Address to Earth.
            By Eliza R. Snow.

        Thou, earth, wast once a glorious sphere
        Of noble maginitude
        That did with majesty appear
        Among the worlds of God.

        But thy dimensionsions [sic] have been torn
        Assunder piece by piece;
        And each dismember'd fragment borne
        Abroad to distant space.

        When Enoch could no longer stay,
        Amid corruption here;
        Part of thyself was borne away,
        To form another sphere.

        That portion, where his city stood,
        He gain'd by right approv'd;
        And nearer to the throne of God
        His planet upward mov'd.

        And when the Lord saw fit to hide
        The "ten lost tribes" away;
        Thou wast divided to provide
        The orb on which they stay.

        The curse of God on man was plac'd-
        That curse thou didst partake;
        And thou hast been by turns disgrac'd,
        And honor'd for his sake.

        The vilest wretches hell will claim
        Now breathe thy atmosphere-
        The noblest spirits heav'n can name
        Have been embodied here.

        Jesus, the Lord, thy surface grac'd
        And fell a sacrifice!
        And now, within thy cold embrace!
        The martyr'd Joseph lies!

        A "restitution" yet will come
        That will to thee restore,
        By the grand law of worlds, thy sum
        Of matter heretofore.

        The hosts of Satan overcome-
        The princely martyr'd race
        Will claim thee their celestial home-
        The royal dwelling place.

        And thou, O earth ! will leave the track
        Thou now art doom'd to trace-
        The gods with shouts will bring thee back
        To fill thy native place.

Samuel Holister Rogers, Journal, p. 8 in original, p. 17 of typescript, original in Brigham Young University library.
     The winter following (1840) I attended a public meeting held in Vincent Knight's house at which the Prophet Joseph Smith gave the following instruction:
        'When the world was first made it was a tremendous big thing. The Lord concluded it was too big. We read in the Scriptures that in the days of Peleg the earth was divided so the Lord divided the earth. When the ten tribes of the children of Israel went into the north country he divided it again, so the earth has been divided and subdivided. We also read in the Scriptures that the earth shall reel to and fro like a drunken man. What shall cause this earth to reel to and fro like a drunken man? We read that the stars shall fall to the earth like a fig falling from a fig tree. When these stars return to the place where they were taken from, it will cause the earth to reel to and fro. Not that the planets will come squarely against each other, in such case both planets would be broken to pieces. But in their rolling motion they will come together where they were taken from which will cause the earth to reel to and fro.'

Bathsheba W. Smith, "Recollections of the Prophet Joseph Smith." The Juvenile Instructor, June 1, 1892, Vol. 27. p. 34.
    Some things she recollects of him are here given:
        "I heard Joseph Smith preach baptism for the dead; saw him baptizing for the dead in the Mississippi River. I heard him say, "Preadventure, the Ten Tribes were not on this globe, but a portion of this earth had cleaved off with them and went flying into space, and when the time comes when the 'earth reels to and fro like a drunken man and the stars from heaven fall,' it would join on again.

Wilford Woodruff, Journal, Sep 25, 1859. Printed in Waiting for World's End, The Diaries of Wilford Woodruff, Susan Staker, ed., Signature Books, Salt Lake City, 1993, p. 238.
        25 Sunday I met with the Twelve in the evening ... The evening was spent in conversing upon the subject of the Ten tribes in the North Country, the Higher law of god in oposition to the law of gravitation in the assention of Christ Elijah & Enoch & the City of Zion to heaven upon the Same principle a portion of the North Country Containing the ten tribes may be separated from the Earth. O Hyde & others believed they would soon return.

Wilford Woodruff, Journal, Sep 8, 1867, Printed in Waiting for World's End, The Diaries of Wilford Woodruff, Susan Staker, ed., Signature Books, Salt Lake City, 1993, p. 291.
        8 Sunday We had social Conversation in the Evening President Young said he herd Joseph Smith say that the Ten Tribes of Israel were on a Portion of Land separated from this Earth. He had also herd Joseph say that Children would not Grow after death & that at another time that they would grow & he hardly knew how to reconcile it. He would like a variety in Eternity. Children might grow in intelligence & not in statute as well as a grown Person. If his Children were grown up after leaving him he would not know them.

Matthias F. Cowley, "Wilford Woodruff, History of His Life and Labors, as Recorded in His Daily Journals. Salt Lake City, 1909, reprinted by Bookcraft, Salt Lake City, 1964, p. 448.
        The leaders on their return from Provo made a visit to Logan. Here, President Young is quoted as saying that the ten tribes of Israel are on a portion of the earth - a portion separated from the main land. This view is also expressed in one of the sacrificial [sacramental?] hymns written by Eliza R. Snow:
            "And when the Lord saw fit to hide
            The ten lost tribes away,
            Thou, earth, was severed to provide
            The orb on which they stay."

Orson Pratt, Letter Box of Orson Pratt, Church Historian's Office, Letter to John C. Hall, December 13, 1875. [Quoted in R. Clayton Brough, "The Lost Tribes", Horizon Publishers, 1979, p. 50.]
        The Prophet Joseph [Smith] once in my hearing advanced his opinion that the Ten Tribes were separated from the Earth; or a portion of the Earth was by a miracle broken off, and that the Ten Tribes were taken away with it, and that in the latter days it would be restored to the Earth or be let down in the Polar regions. Whether the Prophet founded his opinion upon revelation or whether it was a matter of mere speculation with him, I am not able to say.

Oliver B. Huntington, The Young Woman's Journal, Vol. 3, No. 6 March 1892, p. 264.
        One truth after another men are finding out by the wisdom and inspiration given of God to them.
        The inspiration of God caused men to hunt for a new continent until Columbus discovered it. Men have lost millions of dollars, and hundreds of lives to find a country beyond the north pole; and they will yet find that country - a warm, fruitful country, inhabited by the ten tribes of Israel, a country divided by a river, on one side of which lives the half tribe of Manasseh, which is more numerous than all the others. So said the Prophet. At the same time he described the shape of the earth at the poles as being a rounded elongation, and drew a diagram of it in this form:


which any one can readily see will allow the sun's rays to fall so near perpendicular to the center that that part of the earth may be warmed and made fruitful. He quoted scripture in proof of his theory which says that "the earth flieth upon its wings in the midst of the creations of God," and said that there was a semblance in the form of the earth that gave rise to the saying.
    Cedar Fort, Utah,
        Feb. 6, 1892.

Philo Dibble, as quoted in Norman C. Pierce, ``3? Years,'' n.d., n.p., p. 129; which paraphrases Matthew W. Dalton, "A Key to This Earth," 1906, [p.?].
        The Hon. Philo Dibble of Springville, Utah, onetime bodyguard and intimate friend of the Prophet Joseph, is said to have received a diagram from the Prophet in 1842, which indicated the arrangement of this earth as a triple planet at the time when the Ten Tribes were directed to the northern sphere.

        The diagram appears much as would one large and two small balls spaced close together; the larger ball in the center representing the earth. It is pointed out that the Ten Tribes attained this northern planet by means of the axis that joined them together, and the triple arrangement of these planets gives a literal significance to the passage in the Doctrine and Covenants, 88:45, "The earth rolls upon her wings, and the sun giveth his light by day, and the moon giveth her light by night, and the stars giveth their light, as they roll upon their wings in their glory, in the midst of the power of God." Here it is pointed out that many of the stars are in double and triple arrangement, although they may not be touching each other.

        This author also points out that the northern planet also provided the place from which the water came and receded during the great baptismal flood of Noah's day. And it is there that the great surplus of water will go when the continents are made into one land mass again as they were before the days of Peleg. Some believe that the seeming nearness of such a planet is what inspired construction of the Great Tower of Babel in a vain attempt to reach another world of higher order, - to reach heaven as it were.

Charles L. Walker, Journal, original in Brigham Young University library, edited version printed in Diary of Charles Lowell Walker, A. Karl Larson and Katharine Miles Larson, eds., Utah State University Press, Logan, 1980. Page numbers are from the Utah State University version.
     Vol. II, p. 532 [Feb. 1881]
        Friday 11th Still Couldy and cold. At the Lord's House all day. At night went to Prayer Meeting and spoke of my going out in 1857 to Meet Johnstons Army and of a dream that I had in Soda Springs Saying the Prophet Joseph and of him saying "Fear not I go before you." Spoke of the judgments of God that would be poured out in the last days, quoted from the Doc. and Cov. On this subgect. Some remarks were made by Sister Green stating that she heard Elisa Snow speak of the 9 and 1/2 lost tribes being on an orb and would eventually come back to the[i]r former place and we should know when they came by certain signs &c &c.
    Vol. II, p. 539 [Mar. 1881]
        Sunday 6th ... At night went to meeting. Bro Jacob Gates spoke in a very pleasing manner on a variety of subjects Showing the ultimate triumph of Jesus Christ or the Powers of darkness and the Establishment of God's Kingdom upon the earth and the glorious Reign of Imanuel during the great Millenium, the power of God being manifested in the return of the ten lost tribes of Israel and of their coming to Zion to receive their blessings under the Hands of Ephriam. Said he heard Joseph Smith say when he was head bishop at Partridge's House in Far West, Missouri, concerning the ten lost tribes, They are hid from us by land and air. Said Bishop Partridge, I guess they are by land and water, in a doubting manner as if Joseph did not know what he was talking about. Yes, said Joseph, by land and air; they are hid from us in such a manner and at such an angle that the Astronomers cannot get their telescopes to bear on them from this earth. He exorted the saints to live up to their great privilleges and gain power with the heavens.
    Vol. II, p. 540 [Mar. 1881]
        Thurs 10th Cold. At the Temple all day. At night paid Sister Eliza R Snow a short Visit and had some conversations with her on the Dividing of the Earth. She told me that she heard the prophet Joseph say that when the 10 tribes were taken away, the Lord cut the Earth in two, Joseph striking his left hand in the center with the edge of his right to illustrate the idea, and that they (the ten tribes) were on an orb or planet by themself, and when they returned with the portion of this Earth that was taken away with them, the Coming together of these 2 bodies or orbs would cause a shock and make the "Earth reel to and fro like a druken Man." She also state that he said the earth was now ninety times smaller or smaller now than when first created or organized. She spoke of a vision that Br Baker had concerning the beauty and order of the vast systems of universes, each grand systems of worlds revolving around greater and more stupendous, each performing their grand cycles and all moving in sweet Harmony and sublime and awfully majestic grandeour at the will of the great -[missing word] She also expressed her opinion as to the Planets and their destiny. After leaving I had many curious and pleasing reflections.
    Vol II, p. 868 [Apr. 1898]
        Sun 17th Attended S S Theological class. Br Jos Snow gave a very interesting lecture on the Scattering and gathering of Israel. Said that the Papyrus obtained by the prophet Joseph Smith in connection with the Books of Moses and Abraham found in the wrappings of the Mumies gave an account of the Ten lost Tribes of Israel, their journeyings geographically to the land of the North Country, a place where no man had ever set his foot before, also a diagram, showing their present location, also of the City of Enoch.



  1  While it appears from the subject matter of these verses that Christ is the "Lord" that is speaking, notice that in this verse 62 and in verse 59 the "Lord" has an "Only Begotten." For further references on this issue go to my article entitled: "The Only Begotten, and The Only Begotten Son"




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