Hi, man!! How have you been??
I recently realized that I had a massive suntan over my whole body!!I've naturally had a suntanned body since when I was a kid as I was really active to play especially outside. And now I've still been playing and coaching kids mainly outside as a work, so it sounds really wholesome, but where I've lived now is not Japan. This is where is located immediately beneath the ozone hole. The ozone hole is one of issues on the global warming that a massive hole in ozone layer was discovered.
That's why The people in AUS and NZ etc don't make light of the protection of the ultraviolet Shorten UV in Japan. However I don't care anything of it. I don't use sunglasses and suncream when I hang out. I know it's not good...
Perhaps, Skin cancer is most likely cause of death for me, haha. Maybe I shouldn't make any laugh about this. I need to consider of it more seriously.
全身真っ黒。元々地黒やったけど肌が焼けてさらにすごいことに。笑 毎日外でする仕事やから健康的といえばそうやけど、こっちは紫外線量がオゾンホールのおかげで日本と比べ物にならんから(なんと7倍!)、日焼け防止にサングラス・日焼け止めクリームなどは必需品。ですが、オーストラリア・NZともう3年以上も滞在しているにもかかわらず、なんの対策もしていない自分。笑
I recently realized that I had a massive suntan over my whole body!!I've naturally had a suntanned body since when I was a kid as I was really active to play especially outside. And now I've still been playing and coaching kids mainly outside as a work, so it sounds really wholesome, but where I've lived now is not Japan. This is where is located immediately beneath the ozone hole. The ozone hole is one of issues on the global warming that a massive hole in ozone layer was discovered.
That's why The people in AUS and NZ etc don't make light of the protection of the ultraviolet Shorten UV in Japan. However I don't care anything of it. I don't use sunglasses and suncream when I hang out. I know it's not good...
Perhaps, Skin cancer is most likely cause of death for me, haha. Maybe I shouldn't make any laugh about this. I need to consider of it more seriously.
全身真っ黒。元々地黒やったけど肌が焼けてさらにすごいことに。笑 毎日外でする仕事やから健康的といえばそうやけど、こっちは紫外線量がオゾンホールのおかげで日本と比べ物にならんから(なんと7倍!)、日焼け防止にサングラス・日焼け止めクリームなどは必需品。ですが、オーストラリア・NZともう3年以上も滞在しているにもかかわらず、なんの対策もしていない自分。笑