
F1 ブラジルGP バトン 予選コメント

Jenson Button believes there is "something not right" with his McLaren MP4-31 after he slumped to a Q1 exit during qualifying in Brazil.

Button had been inside the top 10 in Friday's pair of practice sessions but cooler conditions on Saturday left the Briton further down the pecking order.

While McLaren team-mate Fernando Alonso qualified in 10th, having also set the seventh best time in Q2, Button was only 17th fastest.

"The car was really well balanced on Friday, and I was 10th quickest in FP2; [on Saturday] it was a completely different car," he explained.

"There's definitely something not right – there's no reason why the car should feel like it does; we're off the pace and it's frustrating.

"When the conditions are cooler, you tend to pick up a little more rear grip and stability, and in high-speed the car is so on the nose.

"Then you destroy the rear tyres for the low-speed corners; you don't have the grip because the tyres are damaged."

Conversely, Alonso was lifted by the continual progress he was able to make.

"We were a little bit worried after FP3 as we weren't completely on the pace, and I was even more worried when I saw Jenson go out in Q1," he said.

"I just thought, 'This isn't going to be our Saturday!' but – happily – my car behaved fantastically on each of the five Option tyre-sets I used in qualifying.

"The car just kept on delivering: I kept finding an extra tenth each time I went out, just finding a little extra at the limit."



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Jenson Button believes

          there is "something not right" with his McLaren MP4-31

                          after he slumped to a Q1 exit during qualifying in Brazil.

                                                                         ブラジルでの予選中  Q1の退場となった後

         マクラーレン MP4-31に 何か おかしな所がある

と ジェンソンバトンは信じている。




           Q1    → Qualify 1   1次予選

           MP4-31  → McLaren Project 4 の31番目の型式ぼマシン




Button had been inside the top 10 in Friday's pair of practice sessions

バトンは 金曜の2回の練習走行セッションで トップ10内に すっといた



cooler conditions on Saturday

土曜の 寒いコンデイションのため

             left the Briton further down the pecking order.


While McLaren team-mate Fernando Alonso qualified in 10th

一方 マクラーレンのチームメートのフェルナンド アロンソは10位で予選を終え

               , having also set the seventh best time in Q2, Button was only 17th fastest.

               そして Q2では7番手にもなった    バトンは17番手でしか なかったっけれども。




               , + 動詞ing    →  そして~する





"The car was really well balanced on Friday,

マシンは 金曜は ホントに いいバランスで



I was 10th quickest in FP2


      ; [on Saturday] it was a completely different car,"

       (土曜は)全く 違ったマシンになってしまったけど

                              he explained.




              FP2   → Free Practice 2  練習走行2回目 

                     金曜にFP1  FP2があり 土曜午前にFP3がある。 



"There's definitely something not right

絶対に 何か おかしいよ

    – there's no reason why the car should feel like it does

     なぜ マシンがそのようになったか 理由はわからないんだけど

                         ; we're off the pace and it's frustrating.

                          僕たちは ペースに乗って行けず それはイライラするね。




"When the conditions are cooler,

コンディションが もっと寒い時は

 you tend to pick up a little more rear grip 



リアのグリップと 安定性が もう少し稼げる傾向にあるし




in high-speed


     the car is so on the nose.

     マシンは トップクラスなんだ。




"Then you destroy the rear tyres for the low-speed corners;

だけど   低速コーナーでは リア タイヤを台無しにしてしまうんだよ

                                                                   ;you don't have the grip


                                                                             because the tyres are damaged."






Alonso was lifted

        by the continual progress

                    he was able to make.

アロンソは 自身が作り出しえた継続的な進展によって 上昇していった。




                 progressの 詳しい説明は he was able to make

                   → アロンソが作り出しえた 進歩



"We were a little bit worried after FP3

僕たちは 練習走行3回目の後 ちょっと心配させれれたんだ

                 as we weren't completely on the pace,




I was even more worried

僕は さらに心配したよ


           when I saw Jenson go out in Q1,"


                             he said.



"I just thought,

ホント 思ったよ

 'This isn't going to be our Saturday!'

これは 僕たちが土曜に いるであろう場所ではないよ!  ってね



 – happily –


my car behaved fantastically on each of the five Option tyre-sets

僕のマシンは 5つのオプション タイヤセットそれぞれが 素晴らしく 機能したんだ

                               I used in qualifying.

                               それは 予選に使った やつなんだけどね。




                  tyre-sets の詳しい説明は I used in qualifying

                    → 僕が予選の時 使ったタイヤセット


                  in  + 動詞ing   → ~するとき



"The car just kept on delivering:

マシンは 本当に 伝え続けたんだ

 I kept finding an extra tenth each time I went out,

アタックするたびに コンマ1秒 新たに見つけ続けたよ

 just finding a little extra at the limit."

ホントに 限界域での ほんのちょっとの 発見なんだぜ。

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