◯ One just man whom All Blacks were afraid of /仏ラグビー代表、セバスチャン・シャバル、長髭長髪.

2016-01-09 04:06:40 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

It's cool by French World Cup player, Sebastian shovel and chief mustache long hair.

Even if I say World Cup, it's slightly minor rugby. France wins the victory in 6 countries of this year. I also win the friendly match with England of a champion and am riding on the waves last time at the end of August, but if I'm watching television, Sebastian shovel of number 8 of the chief mustache long hair (29 years old and 192cm115kg) isn't so big in the French player, but the SU form I twist a chief mustache and make long hair flutter, and that it's done like a bullet stands out certainly. A nickname is "bullet" empty "Jesus Christ" etc.. You can go on UEUE and it's shovel crash, shovel!". It's said that the shovel enthusiast is increasing, too.
Shovel mustache shovel hair may be good for a Japanese college student, too.

Sebastian and the man of 1 person the shovel retirement-All Blacks feared-

Contributor :europeanrugby1 The contribution date and time: May 8, 2014 05:41

Everyone knows the name of Sebastian shovel and a countenance in France the cute shop assistant who hands a baguette at a bakery, the grandmother applying oneself to several Germany at a bench in a park, the children running after a soccer ball on a weekend and man however not interested in rugby. ROZURIN which were preservation of health, a stripling and the sports look then BASHURO was to the extent I laughed, and confessed "I was 1 of "shovel enthusiast" so certainly, too guilt was admitted. But it was an ingredient for sushi good for a teammate of the French representation by which "favorite of a minister" teases him."., In 2007 when World Cup was held in France. The nickname by which it was given to him who was playing by British sale sharks, "Caveman" (But a person of an image of "primitive man" reels "troglodyte" exactly for Japanese by literal translation.) The supporter who did a disguise of a shovel of long hair of as the name suggests (he didn't have that at all by the fashionable meaning. The messy hair he lets growing) and the bearded face with which does he cover in the face flooded a stadium during a meet, and even the word a shovel enthusiast will be was a born grave phenomenon.

The French representative New Zealand expedition by which it's just before the summer in 2007 and the World Cup that it was the opportunity which makes the popularity explosive. Because the 2nd game, a final game and a test match of top 14 was piled, I chip almost all of selected player who participates in a final game and struggle alone against New Zealand local media in

○ 長髭長髪ナンバー8 2007-09-26 22:12:55

ワールドカップといってもちょっとマイナーなラグビーだ。フランスは今年の6ヵ国で優勝。8月末に前回王者のイングランドとの親善試合にも勝ち波に乗っているが、テレビを見ていたら、フランス選手の中で長髭長髪のナンバー8のセバスチャン・シャバル(29才、192cm115kg)そんなに大きくはないが、長髭を振り回し長髪をなびかせて弾丸のようにするす姿は確かに目立つ。あだ名は「弾丸」から"Jesus Christ"など。「ウエーウエー行け、シャバル」「激突だ、シャバル!」とシャバルマニアも増えてるそうだ。 

②セバスチャン・シャバル引退 ―オールブラックスが恐れたただ1人の男―

投稿者:europeanrugby1 投稿日時:2014年05月08日 05:41





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