○ DIAMOND Star Found. ダイヤモンドスターが見つかった。

2012-10-17 08:02:56 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

10/12/2012. 12:55. National Geographic News. NASA.
Andrew Fazekas

It will be about the planet made with the diamond at discovery 12:55 on October 12, 2012.
It seems that only few of the universe increased affluence.
The newest research says that one of the planets which revolve the circumference of a nearby fixed star around the sun is expected to include the diamond abundantly.
In this the "Cancer No. 55 star e", the twice [ only ] of the earth and mass are 8 times as many rock planets, and a size is classified into a "super earth."
As for the detected No. 55 star e, it is very near from a primary star to pass through a primary star front for the first time in 2011 (transit), and the cycle of revolution round the sun is only 18 hours.
Therefore, skin temperature becomes the 2150-degree Centigrade which cannot expect habitation of a living thing.
However, this is also the optimal conditions for a diamond being generated in accordance with existence of carbon.
Spitzer Space Telescope of NASA collected the data about the orbital distance and mass of the No. 55 star e, and the chemical constitution of the No. 55 star e was guessed by the computer model made based on it.
"It is a surprising thing that the planet made with the diamond was found in the universe where the proof which shows the existence only to that of which it has dreamed long in the world of SF is actual at last,", Mr. postdoctoral fellow Nic Madhusudhan of the Geer university which commanded this research talks.
"Such a new planet mainly considered to be made of carbon was not known in the past, but that it was found this time changes our understanding about the kind of planetary chemical constitution from the origin."
A planet like this jewelry is located in constellation Cancer of the north heavens, and is in only 40 light years and a comparatively near distance from the earth.
Also with the naked eye in a dark night sky, the primary star of the No. 55 star e can be seen clearly.
<> Strange composition of a diamond planet
These research findings are in agreement with the result of the existing research that the primary star of the No. 55 star e exceeds a solar carbon content to Haruka including carbon abundantly.
Mr. Madhusudhan says, "If it assumes that all of a primary star and the planet which revolves the circumference around the sun were produced from the primitive disk of the same substance, it is coherent even if carbon is abundant in the whole planetary system."
Mr. astronomer (David Spergel) of Princeton University thinks that it is the first case with the chemical constitution which probably was not known in discovery of this diamond planet until now for a completely new kind of planet to be found.
"Unlike our solar system which mainly consists of oxygen and a silicate, this planetary system is filled with carbon."
Mr. Spergel has not participated in this research.
"Although this discovery of what kind of influence it has on our understanding about evolution of a planetary system is unknown at present, when solving the whole picture of a planetary variation, it is certain that it is an important step."
This result of research is due to be published closely [ "Astrophysical Journal Letters" ].
Andrew Fazekas for National Geographic News

10/12/2012. 12:55. National Geographic News. NASA.

Andrew Fazekas

ナショナルジオグラフィック ニュース





「ダイヤモンドでできた惑星は、SFの世界で長らく夢見られてきたものだけに、その存在を示す証拠がついに実際の宇宙で見つかったというのは驚くべきことだ」と、今回の研究を指揮したイェール大学の博士研究員ニック・マドゥスダン(Nikku Madhusudhan)氏は話す。「主に炭素でできていると思われるこのような珍しい惑星は過去に知られておらず、それが今回見つかったということは、惑星の化学組成の種類に関するわれわれの理解を根本から変えるものだ」。





 プリンストン大学の天文学者デイビッド・スパーゲル(David Spergel)氏は、今回のダイヤモンド惑星の発見を、おそらくこれまで知られていなかった化学組成を持つ、まったく新たな種類の惑星が初めて見つかったケースだと考えている。「主に酸素とケイ酸塩からなるわれわれの太陽系と異なり、この惑星系は炭素で満ちている」。スパーゲル氏は今回の研究には参加していない。


 今回の研究成果は、「Astrophysical Journal Letters」誌に近く掲載予定。

Andrew Fazekas for National Geographic News

