◯ Bullshit of militarism. 軍国主義のたわごと

2014-05-24 22:02:18 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

5/25/2014. Paul Craig Roberts
Bullshit of militarism
Paul Craig Roberts
May 19, 2014

Do you know that 85 to 90 of war casualties% is a noncombatant civilian? This is the conclusion by nine persons' research team published at American Journal of Public Health and the June, 2014 issue.
Death of the soldier who fights in war is few portions of human and economic loss.
Clearly, as for war, defence does not carry out a civilian's life.
The view that soldiers pass away for us is by mistake.
Noncombatants are just the main victims of war.
He does not forget this fact towards July 4 which comes on in six weeks.
July 4 is a public holiday of the most important country in the United States that celebrates independence of U.S. from Britain.
On July 4, 1776, the founders of the U.S. founding of the country declared that the colony of 13 was already an independent state where not a colony but "British people's right" is applied not only to George III's executive officials but to all people.
(The second United States continent Parliament has approved the independent resolution on July 2, and historians are actually arguing [ whether the Declaration of Independence was signed by which on July 4 and August 2, and ].)

Mom n dad
In the opinion of the self-decision of this United States, the British Empire people were not accepted in vote.
Therefore, the U.S. Declaration of Independence is "unorthodoxy-like and it means that it had been illegal", considering the American government's position over the referendum in the Crimea, the east Ukraine, i.e., Donetsk, and a former Russia territory called Ruhansk.
The patriotism speech about the soldiers who offered the life for the country will be performed in the U.S. whole country on July 4.
For people who found the thing well, such a speech is strange.
Although th e soldier of our country thinks of the example which offered the life for the country, I am struggling.
The Marine Corps' Sumedorri butler general also worried about the same problem.
He said that the subordinate's sea soldiers offered the life for the Central America rule by a united fruit company.
It is "war is trickery" and the butler general had pointed out that 21,000 new American millionaires and billionaires were born by U.S. World War I participation in the war.
It carries out.
When a butler general said, "War is trickery", he had said that make millions of dead persons a steppingstone and it becomes rich and that war was the trickery for a small number of person very much.
According to the paper of American Journal of Public Health, 190 million people will tell war directly that indirect relation was carried out and they passed away during the 20th century.
If it is called 190 million people, there are more no less than 60 million people than the U.S. overall population of the year to which I was born.
The only war performed in the territory in the United States was war to separation of southern part 11 state.
In this war, the Irish immigration which just carried out the lower ship from the emigrant ship offered that life for American Empire.
As soon as it conquered the southern part, the United States army was set free to the plain Indian, and also ruined the Indian.
It is an empire from a life.
It is always the American government's indicator.
U.S. war was always the battle by a foreign country Cuba, Haiti, Mexico, the Philippines, Japan, Germany, Korea, Vietnam, Panama, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Somalia, etc.
The American government attacks Pakistan, Yemen, etc. of countries which do not have the United States in a state of war, and is doing the proxy war.
The paper quoted above is reported like this.
"U.S. 合州国 holds military operation in the foreign country of 201 affairs, and is carrying out other war which has included Afghanistan and Iraq since then from the end of World War II before 2001."
Any relation could not be found with the thing of such a war or military operation for which an American citizen is protected from a foreign threat in any respect.
Even neither Japan nor Germany was threats to the United States.
Neither of the countries could not invade the United States and both of the countries did not have such a war plan.
Japan will assume that China, Burma, and Indonesia were conquered.
If so vast a territory is governed, in order that Japan may invade the United States, cleaving with one army division is impossible, and, of course, any assault ship parties will never be able to cross the Pacific Ocean.
An assault ship party will be a target suitable for the U.S. navy like the fate of the Japanese fleet in Midway.
Germany will assume that conquest was extended from Britain, Europe, and Russia to North Africa.
Germany is impossible for occupying so vast a territory well, and even one private soldier for invading the United States will not be able to sever it.
Even the superpower United States was not able to occupy well Iraq and Afghanistan which are countries in which a territory is also narrow and population is small relatively.
Except for the war to the south army, a plain Indian, Haiti, Spain, Panama, Grenada, and Mexico, the United States could never win war.
Southern part Union Army exceeded by the number mostly, and smashed the generals of the United States army in many cases.
Japan was defeated because of lack of military resources.
Germany was smashed by the Soviet Union.
Although the Allied Forces' Normandie invasion did not have a line crack till 19446 years the 6th, the Reds had ground German Defense Force by the time.
When the Allied Forces landed at Normandie, 3/4 of the German army was in the Russia battle line.
The Allied Forces' invasion was greatly helped by the fuel scarcity of the unit whom Germany mobilized.
If Hitler is instead satisfied only by the Europe conquest if it has not resulted in the aggression against the Soviet Union on account of arrogance and, the invasion by the Allied Forces will be impossible.
Probably, Germany was governing all Europe including Britain today.
Probably, the United States was welcomed in neither Russia, China nor the Europe empire that threatens the Middle East.
General Douglas MacArthur who stored a victory in Japan fought with China in the Third World in Korea, and he became a deadlock in the 1950s.
U.S. technological lead nature was beaten by the army of the Third World in Vietnam.
It was torn by the proxy war to Sandinist of Nicaragua although the United States attacked mighty Grenada violently in the 1980s.

5/25/2014. Paul Craig Roberts


Paul Craig Roberts


皆様は、戦争死傷者の85から90パーセントが非戦闘員民間人であることをご存じだろうか? これは、アメリカン・ジャーナル・オブ・パブリック・ヘルス、2014年6月号に掲載された、9人の研究チームによる結論だ。戦争で戦う兵士の死亡は、人的・経済的損失のわずかな部分なのだ。明らかに、戦争は民間人の命を守りはしない。兵士達が我々の為に亡くなるという考え方は間違えだ。非戦闘員こそが、戦争の主な犠牲者だ。

















Grenada and Sandinist were threats over U.S. , Or are there any foolish person etc., so that North Korea and North Vietnam think that it was a threat over U.S. The Korean War and the Vietnam War were treated however by that appearance which has required the fate of U.S.for it.
By the favor of a such war, it had a huge number of extremes, prediction, and a discussion about a strategy.
The communist's threat replaced Hitler's threat.
American Empire is exposed to the danger by people of the Third World.
It was said that a domino might fall everywhere.
Now, the American government is doing work to reverse the achievements of President Reagan of having made the cold war end.
The coup d'etat for which the American government schemed knocked down the Ukraine government selected in the election, and set the puppet government.
The American government's puppet party began to threaten to the people who speak Russian of the Ukraine inside with Russia.
Thanks to such a threat, a part of Ukraine which was a part of Russia from the first came to declare independence.
The American government uses the cause of Russia instead of self, aggravates things, diabolizes Russia, deploys an army to Baltic States or East Europe, and is reproducing the cold war.
The American government gives an army security complex every year, and in order for the part to justify the gold of hundreds of billions of dollars which returns to a politician's bosom as contribution for political movements, the American government needs to make a cold war reproduce.
A frank view [ contrast / with the American government propaganda about the occurrence in the Ukraine ] is seen here.
In U.S. patriotism and militarism are synonymous words.
Straining one's courage on July 4, Independence Day recollects [ be / I / allowed ] celebrating not American Empire but the Declaration of Independence to a militarist.
The Declaration of Independence was also the Declaration of Independence from the unjust government which does not stop at the Declaration of Independence from George III of Britain, and does not take responsibility.
receiving an American placeman and "a foreign country and domestic" enemy by a test oath -- U.S. constitution 守る -- things are promised.
In the 21st century, the enemy of the American worst is neither al-Qaeda nor Iran and Russia nor China.
The worst enemy in the United States is the favor of the "war against the terror" for which the party schemed, and is the President of us themselves who declare ourselves repeatedly that the right for the civil liberties secured by all the people by the U.S. constitution to be disregarded is given.
Depriving an American citizen of civil liberties, the organizations of administrative body stored the ammunition of a quantity huge now, and the Department of Agriculture placed an order for the submachine gun.
Department of Homeland Security obtained the mine-proof armored military carrier of 2,717 .
Parliament and mass media are indifferent to why administrative body is really doing heavy armaments so much to an American citizen.
The Executive Office of the President has actually declared the thing at the end of the 20th century for which rule of the law (both [ municipal law and international law ]) constitution, Parliament, and administration of justice is not received all the time during the 21st century since the Clinton administration.
Not in war which the Executive Office of the President gets help of the federalist society of the Republican Party, and is performed to a country besides a metaphor, or other countries but in opposite Syria, Even if the United States is an ambiguous war to the enemy whom an ambiguous country like al-Qaeda which has formed an alliance now does not have, either which is not defined clearly undefined, As long as the Executive Office of the President has declared war, the Executive Office of the President has been made into the despotic government which does not take the responsibility of that and law by that and international law by municipal law.
Now, al-Qaeda has managed two roles.
While al-Qaeda is the American government's hand for the Assad Administration overthrow of Syria selected in the election, al-Qaeda is also the vicious influence which will not become for the overthrow if U.S. civil liberties are also damp at a sacrifice.
The authority without justification which the Executive Office of the President asserts is a threat also to all the living things not only all Americans but on the earth.
The paper quoted previously is reported like this.
The nuclear weapon of "abbreviation of 17,300 shots is arranged by at least nine nations now, it is discharged within 45 minutes and many things of them may reach a target.
It is enough to exterminate all the lives on the earth in 45 minutes although it is needed for the American government with 1000 stupid if it is also in one person.
It is exceptional and is the belief with which the belief of the neo-con that it is a colander country from required selected [ that the U.S should govern the earth ], by history was filled to arrogance and conceit and which brings about war.
when a military band and a march are seen and bullshit of militarism is heard on July 4, he forgets the fate which may happen to itself -- there is nothing -- as .

グレナダやサンディニスタが、アメリカ合州国に対する脅威だった、あるいは北朝鮮や北ベトナムが、アメリカ合州国に対する脅威だったと考える程、愚かな人などいるだろうか? ところが朝鮮戦争とベトナム戦争は、あたかもアメリカ合州国の命運がそれにかかっているかの様に扱われていた。こうした戦争のおかげで、膨大な数の極端や予測や戦略についての議論が行われた。共産主義者の脅威がヒトラーの脅威に置き換わった。アメリカ帝国は第三世界の人々による危険にさらされている。ドミノが至る所で倒れかねないというのだった。


アメリカ合州国では、愛国心と軍国主義は同義語になっている。7月4日には、勇気を振り絞って、独立記念日は、アメリカ帝国ではなく、独立宣言を祝うのだということを、軍国主義者に思い起こさせて頂きたい。独立宣言は、イギリスのジョージ3世からの独立宣言に留まらず、責任を負わない非道な政府からの独立宣言でもあった。就任宣誓で、アメリカの公職者は、 ”外国と、国内の”敵に対して、アメリカ憲法守ることを誓うのだ。








