◯ crowdfunding!クラウドファンディングに関する法律成立、ネットでの資金調達方法はどう変わる?

2014-05-24 07:47:48 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

05/24/2014 NHK News web, Nihon Keizai Shimbun
The financing method in the enactment of legislation about crowdfunding and a network changes how?
2014.05.23 22:30
Say that it is law-materialized, and it is got blocked and is becoming so general.
It is the method of raising funds from various investors using the Internet.
A term is prepared, funds are raised on a network and various challengers from a venture business to an individual project have started many innovations.
The product hit from famous Kickstarter and Indiegogo is innumerable, and CAMPFIRE, READYFOR?, Makuake, etc. were mentioned and it shows a spread all over the world even in Japan.
It is a project in crowdfunding at Kickstarter.
About such crowdfunding, the domestic law was enacted at the Upper House plenary session on Fri., May 23 today.
From now on, how will it change?
The purpose of this law should make new companies etc. easy to raise the funds for using crowdfunding.
The required capital was lowered so that the broker (company of crowdfunding service) who enters between the company and individual investor who collect funds might enter easily.
10 million yen dropped from 50 million yen to 1/5 as to which fell.
On the other hand, in order to prevent improper use of fraud etc., duty attachment is carried out so that the detailed business plan about the company and project used as an investment may be exactly indicated on a network.
Moreover, as a large amount of hedge, it is 500,000 yen or less per year that one investor can fund for one company.
Moreover, the maximum was established, such as making into less than 100 million yen the frame which the company side can invite in one year.
In addition, enforcement will be from 2015 next year.
It seems that this law was enacted and a much more active financing project can be expected.
What kind of motion will crowdfunding have at home from now on? It is attention.
image by Miriam Doerr /shutterstock source: NHK News web, Nihon Keizai Shimbun
It is enactment-of-legislation 13:32 NHK News web on May 23 of a financing system by a network.
"Revised Financial Instruments and Exchange Law" which defined the system of the "crowdfunding" in which a venture business etc. bring funds together easily through the Internet was approved and enacted at the Upper House plenary session on the 23rd.
Crowdfunding is a means to raise funds from an investor through the Internet, and since it is easily utilizable, needs are growing from the start-up venture business etc.
Revised Financial Instruments and Exchange Law defined crowdfunding as a system, aims at safe employment, and was approved and enacted with a majority in favor in the Upper House plenary session on the 23rd.
Specifically, the conditions of entry are eased about the company which mediates investment on a network compared with ordinary financial product brokers.
In order to prevent the loss of an investor's large sum moreover, while one investor restricts per year the amount of money which can invest in one company in 500,000 yen or less, the company side which raises funds makes the frame of the fund which can be invited in one year less than 100 million yen.
Moreover, the punishment at the time of imposing a duty and breaking so that the detailed business plan

05/24/2014 NHK News web, 日本経済新聞

2014.05.23 22:30









image by Miriam Doerr / shutterstock
source: NHK News web, 日本経済新聞

5月23日 13時32分 NHK News web



