◯ The Fukusima Crisis949Einstein .Sternglassアインシュタインと激論スタングラス.放射能を甘く見るな。

2016-01-25 12:16:00 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS
2016-01-25 12:16:00 k2o.co.jp

An interview of Einstein and Ernest Joachim Sternglass doctor who had a heated discussion is reread. Don't think radioactivity a soft touch.

http://www.e22.com/atom/page08.htm "I and stone" Make, because, reprint.



Ernest and J. Sterneglass doctor (Dr. Ernest J. Sternglass)
1923 and Berlin bearing. I move to the United States with the family at 14 years old. When they're young, a debate is exchanged with Einstein who was a worldwide authority already and the scientific will is made new.

In 1967, I come to oppose the side and the American atmospheric nuclear testing which serve as a head of Apollo surface of the moon scientific station program at a laboratory of Westinghouse from 1960. An outcome of the study he announced by the Diet, President Kennedy,', I contributed to a conclusion of the partial nuclear test treaty gathered in 63 (PTBT) big. (Kennedy will be assassinated the only three months later.)

I come also to ask about danger of the nuclear power plant which believed to be safe up to that this time from 70 's officially.' "Secret Fallout: Low-level Radiation from Hiroshima to Three Mile Island" published in 81 (Japanese title: The radioactivity with which a baby is seized) was a typical book of the low level radiation study. I serve as Pittsburgh medical college and a radiology honorary professor more than 1983 years. I leave for a platform of radiology and physics at Stanford University, Indiana University, a French Henry Poincare university, George Washington University and Cornell University in the past. Than 1995 years, Radiation and Public Health Project (Radioactivity and public health, project) head.
(photo by Leuren Moret, Februray 2006, Japan)

9. Summary of Sterne glass doctor

I'd like to gather the contents of an interview of Sterne glass doctor.

"The natural radiation and the artificial radiation are different in influence to a human body."
The radio isotope which doesn't exist in the earth by now is made for artificial radiation.

Several % is mistaken for the nutriment which is ordinary when it's taken in the fission product of uranium in the interior of the body through a food, water and air, and is saved a limited part of a bone and internal organs with, and so there is something out of which radiation is taken in the long run while being concentrated. Why is a chemical reaction you resemble at the interior of the body done because electronic structure is akin to an element which equals the same lengthwise line in a periodic table when I say whether it's misunderstood?

When an example is given, strontium 90 is mistaken for calcium and sends to the bone, the heart's blood and the brain. Cesium 137 is mistaken for a potassium, and is taken in as electrolyte in the cell. Iodine 131 is saved a thyroid with. It's a problem that these elements are a radioactive isotope respectively than entering a body.

A more important one.

"Influence to a human body by the exposed amount of
the radiation isn't proportional to the external
exposure short and of high level and the internal exposure long and of low level."

We assume that the man who received an impact of 100 together received damage of 100 when he said what kind of meaning this was, and it's said that they're strong in a possibility that damage to the man who shared an impact of 1 with 100 times and received will be more than 100 in total. When saying "the dose rate effect" and sharing damage of 100 with 100 times by conventional education, the body is convalescent in the mean time, so overall damage is less than 100, I was thinking therefore the low level was harmless.

When if it's only a number, it's incomprehensible, so it'll be compared to man.

"You're kicked by a person in Hyakunin together and make it hollowly.".
"One person is haunted for one hundred days, and it's kicked once every day." when.

Which would receive damage? Of course, neither is liked. There would be a lot of people who think once's injury may heal, but the person booted for many days is tired, too. This is to be also able to say to radiation.

When only a negative example is MOARE, so a positive example is given.

"I date a male in Hyakunin and go on an extravagant spree on the same day.".
"I have them warp about an attracted person, and keeps having affection for one hundred days.".

Which would you like? NO is useless for both of them. When thinking calmly, most people would choose the latter. Isn't it also so?

Next the theme handling in the study of a small doctor most importantly.

"More damage a fetus and a baby receive by radiation is also expanded
into hundreds of times and thousands of times more than the damage a healthy adult receives."

Said. This is a proper thing, but when there is a factor which disturbs multiplication of a normal cell because a cell of the important system such as the brains and the cardiopulmonary function is terrible momentum, and the one as a fetus and a baby is growing, a possibility which passes and hinders it life of the child such as growth and an obstacle of intelligence is here.

A baby is the existence which should be defended against the minus impact to which Ms. pregnant woman comes from the environment together most. Since making a healthy adult the subject of the tolerable level, a baby is troubled absolutely. In other words, the one as the baby's health which is being born is also the barometer of the environment of the time. The same thing would also be able to say this to the damage the adult and the aged people from whom the immunity power falls receive.

It's based on these things, and it's said that all radiation is giving 1000 times of damage to a body from 100 times more than I think of the present "safe value" as well.

A doctor also explained history of atomic industry. Something as history tells much really. When it's summarized.

"I have caused an accident and have come many times all over the world up to now because it was spread immature technology private nuclear power generation was begun to support a munitions industry, and before grasping risk perfectly."
I prove results in this 50 to say so sufficiently.

Technology of the nuclear power generation now also has high percentage of completion, and Japan is also severe on risk management in particular, and how many layers is a safety device also designed by? However, now that the goal as generation of electricity is achieved, isn't it the true form of the atomic industry to sanction release of "small amount"?

(I was interested in by the way, release of how much strontium and iodine there was from a nuclear power plant absolutely, so if it was being exchanged by mail in order to ask a person of Tokyo Electric Power conversantly, you said "It was our intellectual properties about the performance on the design and the actual performance of all kinds' equipment in a nuclear power plant such as a filter and holdup equipment, it wasn't possible to tell you, so, would you accept it?" at the end. "Actually" for, what kind of meaning is it.)

It's a human sex to learn while failing. When this is other technology, the former horrible accident would still also be finished by great fire and it isn't necessary to worry big by easy malfunction and blackout. How many % is the probability like a nuclear power plant, when a horrible accident occurs including a natural disaster, it can't be denied that the risk millions of people leave the scale, hundreds of generations and aftereffect is the scale by which on the history and the kind aren't judged. Man as much as tens of thousands of people has to cut off the life only for the work which suppresses damage.

The dimension also stands no comparison with burning by a chemical reaction for the energy division of uranium takes out. I think the place I have to classify as usual pollution clearly derives from here as expected. Nuclear power generation also disappears certainly sometime. But when that case is postponement, the nuclear waste by which I see would be a problem in a treatment plant keeps keeping increasing. The electric power is consumed in a moment, but waste is left eternally. DEBEKI which chooses which does a global citizen shoulder? There are many countries where the choice which throws away a stone was done with a place by the discussion. And Japan chooses the nuclear way.

Continuation is http://www.e22.com/atom/page10.htm.

10. What has happened to Japanese?


Atomic energy
Current topics
August 8, 2013 06:16

2016-01-25 12:16:00 k2o.co.jp


http://www.e22.com/atom/page08.htm  「僕と核」 さんから転載。


   アーネスト・J・スターングラス博士 (Dr. Ernest J. Sternglass)
1923年、ベルリン産まれ。  14才の時に家族とアメリカへ移住。若き頃に、既に世界的権威だったアインシュタインと議論を交わし、科学の志を新たにする。


70年代に入って、今度はそれまで安全だと信じていた原子力発電所の危険も公に問うようになる。'81年に出版した「Secret Fallout: Low-level Radiation from Hiroshima to Three Mile Island」 (邦題:赤ん坊を襲う放射能)は、低レベル放射線研究の代表的な本となった。1983年よりピッツバーグ医大、放射線医学名誉教授を務める。過去にスタンフォード大学、インディアナ大学、フランスのアンリ・ポアンカレ大学、ジョージ・ワシントン大学、コーネル大学で放射線医学と物理学の教壇に立つ。1995年より、Radiation and Public Health Project (放射能と公共健康プロジェクト)局長。
(photo by Leuren Moret, Februray 2006, Japan)

9. スターングラス博士のまとめ


























10. 日本人に何が起きているのか?


2013年8月 8日 06:16

< 今、新井は、フェイスブックを止めております。 | 一覧へ戻る | 9月8日(日)、富山で講演会をします。そこでは、人類と宇宙人の関係も。 >

